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COM-Interopbeispiel: COM-Client und .NET-Server

Dieses Beispiel veranschaulicht die Interoperation zwischen einem COM-Client und einem .NET-Server, die Hypothekenberechnungen ausführt. In diesem Beispiel erstellt der Client eine Instanz der verwalteten Loan-Klasse und ruft sie auf. Er übergibt vier Argumente (eine dieser vier ist gleich 0 (null)) an die Instanz und zeigt die Berechnungen. In diesem Abschnitt werden Codebeispiele aus diesem Beispiel angezeigt.


// ConLoan.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.  
#include "stdafx.h"  
#import "..\LoanLib\LoanLib.tlb" raw_interfaces_only  
using namespace LoanLib;  
int main(int argc, char* argv[])  
    HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL);  
    ILoanPtr pILoan(__uuidof(Loan));  
    if (argc < 5)
        printf("Usage: ConLoan Balance Rate Term Payment\n");  
        printf("    Either Balance, Rate, Term, or Payment must be 0\n");  
        return -1;  
    double openingBalance = atof(argv[1]);  
    double rate = atof(argv[2])/100.0;  
    short  term = atoi(argv[3]);  
    double payment = atof(argv[4]);  
    if (openingBalance == 0.00)
    if (rate == 0.00) pILoan->ComputeRate(&rate);  
    if (term == 0) pILoan->ComputeTerm(&term);  
    if (payment == 0.00) pILoan->ComputePayment(&payment);  
    printf("Balance = %.2f\n", openingBalance);  
    printf("Rate    = %.1f%%\n", rate*100);  
    printf("Term    = %.2i\n", term);  
    printf("Payment = %.2f\n", payment);  
    VARIANT_BOOL MorePmts;  
    double Balance = 0.0;  
    double Principal = 0.0;  
    double Interest = 0.0;  
    printf("%4s%10s%12s%10s%12s\n", "Nbr", "Payment", "Principal", "Interest", "Balance");  
    printf("%4s%10s%12s%10s%12s\n", "---", "-------", "---------",
"--------", "-------");  
    pILoan->GetFirstPmtDistribution(payment, &Balance, &Principal, &Interest, &MorePmts);  
    for (short PmtNbr = 1; MorePmts; PmtNbr++)
        PmtNbr, payment, Principal, Interest, Balance);  
        pILoan->GetNextPmtDistribution(payment, &Balance, &Principal, &Interest, &MorePmts);
    return 0;  


using System;  
using System.Reflection;  
namespace LoanLib {  
    public interface ILoan {  
        double OpeningBalance{get; set;}  
        double Rate{get; set;}  
        double Payment{get; set;}
        short  Term{get; set;}  
        String RiskRating{get; set;}  
        double ComputePayment();  
        double ComputeOpeningBalance();  
        double ComputeRate();  
        short ComputeTerm();  
        bool GetFirstPmtDistribution(double PmtAmt, ref double Balance,  
            out double PrinPortion, out double IntPortion);  
        bool GetNextPmtDistribution(double PmtAmt, ref double Balance,  
            out double PrinPortion, out double IntPortion);  
    public class Loan : ILoan {  
        private double openingBalance;  
        private double rate;  
        private double payment;  
        private short  term;  
        private String riskRating;
        public double OpeningBalance {  
            get { return openingBalance; }  
            set { openingBalance = value; }  
        public double Rate {  
            get { return rate; }  
            set { rate = value; }  
        public double Payment {  
            get { return payment; }  
            set { payment = value; }  
        public short Term {  
            get { return term; }  
            set { term = value; }  
        public String RiskRating {  
            get { return riskRating; }  
            set { riskRating = value; }  
        public double ComputePayment() {  
             Payment = Util.Round(OpeningBalance * (Rate / (1 –
                        Math.Pow((1 + Rate), -Term))), 2);  
             return Payment;  
        public double ComputeOpeningBalance() {  
            OpeningBalance = Util.Round(Payment / (Rate / (1 - Math.Pow((1
                              + Rate), -Term))), 2);  
             return OpeningBalance;  
        public double ComputeRate() {  
            double DesiredPayment = Payment;  
            for (Rate = 0.001; Rate < 28.0; Rate += 0.001) {  
                Payment = Util.Round(OpeningBalance * (Rate / (1 –
                           Math.Pow((1 + Rate), -Term))), 2);  
                if (Payment >= DesiredPayment)  
            return Rate;
        public short ComputeTerm() {  
            double DesiredPayment = Payment;  
            for (Term = 1; Term < 480 ; Term ++) {  
                Payment = Util.Round(OpeningBalance * (Rate / (1 –
                           Math.Pow((1 + Rate), -Term))),2);  
                if (Payment <= DesiredPayment)  
            return Term;
        public bool GetFirstPmtDistribution(double PmtAmt, ref double
            Balance, out double PrinPortion, out double IntPortion) {  
             Balance = OpeningBalance;  
             return GetNextPmtDistribution(PmtAmt, ref Balance, out
             PrinPortion, out IntPortion);
        public bool GetNextPmtDistribution(double PmtAmt, ref double
           Balance, out double PrinPortion, out double IntPortion) {  
            IntPortion = Util.Round(Balance * Rate, 2);  
            PrinPortion = Util.Round(PmtAmt - IntPortion,2);  
            Balance = Util.Round(Balance - PrinPortion,2);  
            if (Balance <= 0.0)
                return false;  
            return true;  
    internal class Util {  
        public static double Round(double value, short digits) {  
            double factor = Math.Pow(10, digits);  
            return Math.Round(value * factor) / factor;  

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