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COM-Interop-Beispiel: .NET-Client und COM-Server

In diesem Beispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie ein .NET Client, der für den Zugriff auf einen COM-Server erstellt wurde, eine Instanz einer COM-Co-Klasse erstellt und Klassenmember aufruft, um Hypothekenberechnungen durchzuführen.

In diesem Beispiel erstellt der Client eine Instanz der Loan-Co-Klasse und ruft sie auf. Er übergibt vier Argumente (eine dieser vier ist gleich 0 (null)) an die Instanz und zeigt die Berechnungen. In diesem Abschnitt werden Codefragmente aus diesem Beispiel angezeigt.


Imports System  
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic  
Imports LoanLib  
Public Class LoanApp  
    Public Shared Sub Main()  
        Dim Args As String()  
        Args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()  
        Dim ln As New Loan()  
        If Args.Length < 5 Then  
            Console.WriteLine("Usage: ConLoan Balance Rate Term Payment")  
            Console.WriteLine(" Either Balance, Rate, Term, or Payment " _  
                                & "must be 0")  
            Exit Sub  
        End If  
        ln.OpeningBalance = Convert.ToDouble(Args(1))  
        ln.Rate = Convert.ToDouble(Args(2)) / 100.0  
        ln.Term = Convert.ToInt16(Args(3))  
        ln.Payment = Convert.ToDouble(Args(4))  
        If ln.OpeningBalance = 0.0 Then  
        End If  
        If ln.Rate = 0.0 Then  
        End If  
        If ln.Term = 0 Then  
        End If  
        If ln.Payment = 0.0 Then  
        End If
        Console.WriteLine("Balance = {0,10:0.00}", ln.OpeningBalance)  
        Console.WriteLine("Rate    = {0,10:0.0%}", ln.Rate)  
        Console.WriteLine("Term    = {0,10:0.00}", ln.Term)  
        Console.WriteLine("Payment = {0,10:0.00}" & ControlChars.Cr, _  
        Dim MorePmts As Boolean  
        Dim Balance As Double = 0.0  
        Dim Principal As Double = 0.0  
        Dim Interest As Double = 0.0  
        Console.WriteLine("{0,4}{1,10}{2,12}{3,10}{4,12}", _  
           "Nbr", "Payment", "Principal", "Interest", "Balance")  
        Console.WriteLine("{0,4}{1,10}{2,12}{3,10}{4,12}", _  
           "---", "-------", "---------", "--------", "-------")  
        MorePmts = ln.GetFirstPmtDistribution(ln.Payment, Balance, _  
           Principal, Interest)  
        Dim PmtNbr As Short  
        While MorePmts  
            Console.WriteLine("{0,4}{1,10:0.00}{2,12:0.00}{3,10:0.00}" _  
              & "{4,12:0.00}", PmtNbr, ln.Payment, Principal, Interest,  
            MorePmts = ln.GetNextPmtDistribution(ln.Payment, Balance, _  
              Principal, Interest)  
            PmtNbr += CShort(1)  
        End While  
    End Sub  
End Class  
using System;  
using LoanLib;  
public class LoanApp {  
   public static void Main(String[] Args) {  
      Loan ln = new Loan();  
      if (Args.Length < 4)
         Console.WriteLine("Usage: ConLoan Balance Rate Term Payment");  
         Console.WriteLine("    Either Balance, Rate, Term, or Payment
            must be 0");  
      ln.OpeningBalance = Convert.ToDouble(Args[0]);  
      ln.Rate = Convert.ToDouble(Args[1])/100.0;  
      ln.Term = Convert.ToInt16(Args[2]);  
      ln.Payment = Convert.ToDouble(Args[3]);  
      if (ln.OpeningBalance == 0.00) ln.ComputeOpeningBalance();  
      if (ln.Rate == 0.00) ln.ComputeRate();  
      if (ln.Term == 0) ln.ComputeTerm();  
      if (ln.Payment == 0.00) ln.ComputePayment();  
      Console.WriteLine("Balance = {0,10:0.00}", ln.OpeningBalance);  
      Console.WriteLine("Rate    = {0,10:0.0%}", ln.Rate);  
      Console.WriteLine("Term    = {0,10:0.00}", ln.Term);  
      Console.WriteLine("Payment = {0,10:0.00}\n", ln.Payment);  
      bool MorePmts;  
      double Balance = 0.0;  
      double Principal = 0.0;  
      double Interest = 0.0;  
      Console.WriteLine("{0,4}{1,10}{2,12}{3,10}{4,12}", "Nbr", "Payment",  
        "Principal", "Interest", "Balance");  
      Console.WriteLine("{0,4}{1,10}{2,12}{3,10}{4,12}", "---", "-------",  
        "---------", "--------", "-------");  
      MorePmts = ln.GetFirstPmtDistribution(ln.Payment, out Balance,
        out Principal, out Interest);  
      for (short PmtNbr = 1; MorePmts; PmtNbr++) {  
           {4,12:0.00}", PmtNbr, ln.Payment, Principal, Interest,  
         MorePmts = ln.GetNextPmtDistribution(ln.Payment, ref Balance,
           out Principal, out Interest);


// Loan.cpp : Implementation of CLoan  
#include "stdafx.h"  
#include "math.h"  
#include "LoanLib.h"  
#include "Loan.h"  
static double Round(double value, short digits);
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::get_OpeningBalance(double *pVal)  
    *pVal = OpeningBalance;  
    return S_OK;  
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::put_OpeningBalance(double newVal)  
    OpeningBalance = newVal;  
    return S_OK;  
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::get_Rate(double *pVal)  
    *pVal = Rate;  
    return S_OK;  
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::put_Rate(double newVal)  
    Rate = newVal;  
    return S_OK;  
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::get_Payment(double *pVal)  
    *pVal = Payment;  
    return S_OK;  
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::put_Payment(double newVal)  
    Payment = newVal;  
    return S_OK;  
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::get_Term(short *pVal)  
    *pVal = Term;  
    return S_OK;  
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::put_Term(short newVal)  
    Term = newVal;  
    return S_OK;  
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::ComputePayment(double *pVal)  
    Payment = Round(OpeningBalance * (Rate /
        (1 - pow((1 + Rate), -Term))),2);  
    *pVal = Payment;  
    return S_OK;  
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::ComputeOpeningBalance(double *pVal)  
    OpeningBalance = Round(Payment / (Rate /
        (1 - pow((1 + Rate), -Term))),2);  
    *pVal = OpeningBalance ;  
    return S_OK;  
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::ComputeRate(double *pVal)  
    double DesiredPayment = Payment;  
    for (Rate = 0.001; Rate < 28.0; Rate += 0.001)  
        Payment = Round(OpeningBalance * (Rate /
         (1 - pow((1 + Rate), -Term))),2);  
        if (Payment >= DesiredPayment)  
    *pVal = Rate;
    return S_OK;  
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::ComputeTerm(short *pVal)  
    double DesiredPayment = Payment;  
    for (Term = 1; Term < 480 ; Term ++)  
        Payment = Round(OpeningBalance * (Rate /
         (1 - pow((1 + Rate), -Term))),2);  
        if (Payment <= DesiredPayment)  
    *pVal = Term;
    return S_OK;  
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::GetFirstPmtDistribution(double PmtAmt, double *Balance, double *PrinPortion, double *IntPortion, VARIANT_BOOL *pVal)  
    *Balance = OpeningBalance;  
    GetNextPmtDistribution(PmtAmt, Balance, PrinPortion, IntPortion,
    return S_OK;  
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::GetNextPmtDistribution(double PmtAmt, double *Balance, double *PrinPortion, double *IntPortion, VARIANT_BOOL *pVal)  
    *IntPortion = Round(*Balance * Rate, 2);  
    *PrinPortion = Round(PmtAmt - *IntPortion, 2);  
    *Balance = Round(*Balance - *PrinPortion, 2);  
    if (*Balance <= 0.0)  
        *pVal = FALSE;  
        *pVal = TRUE;  
    return S_OK;  
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::get_RiskRating(BSTR *pVal)  
    *pVal = (BSTR)RiskRating;  
    return S_OK;  
STDMETHODIMP CLoan::put_RiskRating(BSTR newVal)  
    RiskRating = newVal;  
    return S_OK;  
static double Round(double value, short digits)
    double factor = pow(10, digits);  
    return floor(value * factor + 0.5)/factor;  

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