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salesCreditMemo resource type

Represents a sales credit memo in Business Central.


For information about enabling APIs for Business Central see Enabling the APIs for Dynamics 365 Business Central.


Method Return Type Description
GET salesCreditMemo salesCreditMemo Gets a sales credit memo object.
DELETE salesCreditMemo none Deletes a sales credit memo object.
POST salesCreditMemo salesCreditMemo Creates a sales credit memo object.
PATCH salesCreditMemo salesCreditMemo Updates a sales credit memo object.

Bound Actions

The salesCreditMemo resource type offers a bound action called cancelAndSend which cancel and sends the corresponding salesCreditMemo batch. This is illustrated in the following example: CANCELANDSEND https://<server address>:<server API port>/<server instance name>/api/v2.0/companies({id})/salesCreditMemos({id})/Microsoft.NAV.cancelAndSend

The response has no content; the response code is 204.

The salesCreditMemo resource type offers a bound action called cancel which cancels the corresponding salesCreditMemo batch. This is illustrated in the following example: CANCEL https://<server address>:<server API port>/<server instance name>/api/v2.0/companies({id})/salesCreditMemos({id})/Microsoft.NAV.cancel

The response has no content; the response code is 204.

The salesCreditMemo resource type offers a bound action called postAndSend which post and sends the corresponding salesCreditMemo batch. This is illustrated in the following example: POSTANDSEND https://<server address>:<server API port>/<server instance name>/api/v2.0/companies({id})/salesCreditMemos({id})/Microsoft.NAV.postAndSend

The response has no content; the response code is 204.

The salesCreditMemo resource type offers a bound action called post which posts the corresponding salesCreditMemo batch. This is illustrated in the following example: POST https://<server address>:<server API port>/<server instance name>/api/v2.0/companies({id})/salesCreditMemos({id})/

The response has no content; the response code is 204.

The salesCreditMemo resource type offers a bound action called send which sends the corresponding salesCreditMemo batch. This is illustrated in the following example: SEND https://<server address>:<server API port>/<server instance name>/api/v2.0/companies({id})/salesCreditMemos({id})/Microsoft.NAV.send

The response has no content; the response code is 204.

Navigation Return Type Description
customer customer Gets the customer of the salesCreditMemo.
dimensionValue dimensionValue Gets the dimensionvalue of the salesCreditMemo.
currency currency Gets the currency of the salesCreditMemo.
paymentTerm paymentTerm Gets the paymentterm of the salesCreditMemo.
shipmentMethod shipmentMethod Gets the shipmentmethod of the salesCreditMemo.
customerReturnReason customerReturnReason Gets the customerreturnreason of the salesCreditMemo.
dimensionSetLines dimensionSetLines Gets the dimensionsetlines of the salesCreditMemo.
salesCreditMemoLines salesCreditMemoLines Gets the salescreditmemolines of the salesCreditMemo.
pdfDocument pdfDocument Gets the pdfdocument of the salesCreditMemo.
attachments attachments Gets the attachments of the salesCreditMemo.
documentAttachments documentAttachments Gets the documentattachments of the salesCreditMemo.


Property Type Description
id GUID The unique ID of the sales credit memo. Non-editable.
number string Specifies the number of the sales credit memo.
externalDocumentNumber string Specifies an external document number for the sales credit memo.
creditMemoDate date The credit memo date.
postingDate date The date that the sales credit memo is posted.
dueDate date T he date the sales credit memo is due.
customerId GUID The unique ID of customer.
customerNumber string The customer's number.
customerName string The customer's name.
billToName string Bill to name.
billToCustomerId GUID Bill to customer id.
billToCustomerNumber string Bill to customer number.
sellToAddressLine1 string Sell to address line 1.
sellToAddressLine2 string Sell to address line 2.
sellToCity string Sell to city.
sellToCountry string Sell to country.
sellToState string Sell to state.
sellToPostCode string Sell to post code.
billToAddressLine1 string Bill to address line 1.
billToAddressLine2 string Bill to address line 2.
billToCity string Bill to city.
billToCountry string Bill to country.
billToState string Bill to state.
billToPostCode string Bill to post code.
shortcutDimension1Code string
shortcutDimension2Code string
currencyId GUID Specifies which currency the sales credit memo uses.
currencyCode string The default currency code for the sales credit memo.
paymentTermsId GUID Specifies which payment term the sales credit memo uses.
shipmentMethodId GUID Specifies which shipment method the sales credit memo uses.
salesperson string The salesperson code for the sales credit memo.
pricesIncludeTax boolean Specifies whether the prices include Tax or not. Read-Only.
discountAmount decimal The sales credit memo discount amount.
discountAppliedBeforeTax boolean Specifies whether the discount is applied before tax.
totalAmountExcludingTax decimal The total amount excluding tax. Read-Only.
totalTaxAmount decimal The total tax amount for the sales credit memo. Read-Only.
totalAmountIncludingTax decimal The total amount including tax. Read-Only.
status NAV.salesCrMemoEntityBufferStatus Specifies the status of the sales credit memo. It can be "Draft" , "In Review", "Open", "Canceled", "Corrective", or "Paid".
lastModifiedDateTime datetime The last datetime the sales credit memo was modified. Read-Only.
invoiceId GUID The unique ID of invoice.
invoiceNumber string The sales invoice number that the sales credit memo is linked to.
phoneNumber string Specifies the sales credit memo's telephone number.
email string Specifies the sales credit memo's email address.
customerReturnReasonId GUID

JSON representation

Here is a JSON representation of the salesCreditMemo resource.

    "id": "GUID",
    "number": "string",
    "externalDocumentNumber": "string",
    "creditMemoDate": "date",
    "postingDate": "date",
    "dueDate": "date",
    "customerId": "GUID",
    "customerNumber": "string",
    "customerName": "string",
    "billToName": "string",
    "billToCustomerId": "GUID",
    "billToCustomerNumber": "string",
    "sellToAddressLine1": "string",
    "sellToAddressLine2": "string",
    "sellToCity": "string",
    "sellToCountry": "string",
    "sellToState": "string",
    "sellToPostCode": "string",
    "billToAddressLine1": "string",
    "billToAddressLine2": "string",
    "billToCity": "string",
    "billToCountry": "string",
    "billToState": "string",
    "billToPostCode": "string",
    "shortcutDimension1Code": "string",
    "shortcutDimension2Code": "string",
    "currencyId": "GUID",
    "currencyCode": "string",
    "paymentTermsId": "GUID",
    "shipmentMethodId": "GUID",
    "salesperson": "string",
    "pricesIncludeTax": "boolean",
    "discountAmount": "decimal",
    "discountAppliedBeforeTax": "boolean",
    "totalAmountExcludingTax": "decimal",
    "totalTaxAmount": "decimal",
    "totalAmountIncludingTax": "decimal",
    "status": "NAV.salesCrMemoEntityBufferStatus",
    "lastModifiedDateTime": "datetime",
    "invoiceId": "GUID",
    "invoiceNumber": "string",
    "phoneNumber": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "customerReturnReasonId": "GUID"

See Also

GET salesCreditMemo
DELETE salesCreditMemo
POST salesCreditMemo
PATCH salesCreditMemo