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General ledger reports

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

The following reports are available in the General ledger module of Microsoft Dynamics AX:

Account statement by currency report (LedgerAccountStatementPerCurrency)

Accountant investment analysis report (AccountantInvestmentAnalysis)

Accountant long-term solvency report (AccountantLongTermSolvency)

Accountant operational efficiency report (AccountantOperationalEfficiency)

Accountant profitability analysis report (AccountantProfitabilityAnalysis)

Accountant short-term solvency report (AccountantShortTermSolvency)

Accounting manager investment analysis report (AccountingManagerInvestmentAnalysis)

Accounting manager long-term solvency report (AccountingManagerLongTermSolvency)

Accounting manager operational efficiency report (AccountingManagerOperationalEfficiency)

Accounting manager profitability analysis report (AccountingManagerProfitabilityAnalysis)

Accounting manager short-term solvency report (AccountingManagerShortTermSolvency)

Actual vs. budget report (BudgetBalancesActualsChart)

Allocation rules definition report (LedgerAllocationRules)

Audit trail report (LedgerAuditTrailReport)

Balance control accounts report (LedgerBalanceControl)

Balance list report (LedgerTotalAndBalanceList)

Bericht "Salden" (LedgerJournalAccountMovement)

Bank statement import validation report (BankStatementImportValidation)

Cash inflow vs. cash outflow chart report (LedgerCashInflowvsCashOutflow)

Cash report (LedgerJournalCashReport)

CFO short-term solvency report (CFOShortTermSolvency)

Chart of accounts report (LedgerAccountSched)

Check ledger transactions report (LedgerCheckTrans)

Check voucher series report (LedgerCheckVoucher)

Chief financial officer investment analysis report (CFOInvestmentAnalysis)

Chief financial officer long-term solvency report (CFOLongTermSolvency)

Chief financial officer operational efficiency report (CFOOperationalEfficiency)

Chief financial officer profitability analysis report (CFOProfitabilityAnalysis)

Close-of-year transactions report (LedgerTransferOpening)

Closing sheet report (LedgerClosing)

Controller investment analysis report (ControllerInvestmentAnalysis)

Controller long-term solvency report (ControllerLongTermSolvency)

Controller operational efficiency report (ControllerOperationalEfficiency)

Controller profitability analysis report (ControllerProfitabilityAnalysis)

Controller short-term solvency report (ControllerShortTermSolvency)

Elimination rules definition report (LedgerEliminationRules)

Encumbrance and ledger reconciliation report (LedgerEncumbranceReconciliation)

Gross profit in past periods chart report (LedgerGrossProfitinthePastXPeriods)

Items including packing duty report (TaxPackagingTaxItem)

Bericht "Erfassungsliste" (LedgerJournal)

Bericht "Sachkontobuchungsliste" (LedgerTransListAccount)

Nonposted journal lines report (LedgerOpenTransactions)

Open ledger transactions report (LedgerTransOpen)

Posted transaction by journal report (LedgerTransPerJournal)

Posting restrictions by journal type report (LedgerJournalPostControlByJournalType)

Posting restrictions by user report (LedgerJournalPostControlByUser)

Reconciliation sales tax/ledger report (TaxLedgerReconciliation)

Row definition structure report (LedgerRowDefinitionPrint)

Row structure where-used report (LedgerRowStructureWhereUsed)

Sales tax by customer report (SalesTaxByCustomer)

Sales tax by vendor report (TaxAmountByVendor)

Sales tax codes report (TaxTable)

Sales tax deviations report (TaxDeviation)

Sales tax list report (TaxList)

Sales tax payment by code report (TaxReportById)

Sales tax report incl. corrections report (TaxReportInclAdjustment)

Sales tax reporting codes report (TaxCodeReportSetup)

Sales tax reporting report (TaxReporting)

Sales tax specification report (SalesTaxByCustomer)

Sales tax specification by ledger transaction report (TaxSpecPerLedgerTrans)

Sales tax transactions report (TaxTrans)

Sales tax transactions - Details report (TaxTransDetail)

Specification report (TaxTransCode)

Bericht "Aufstellung nach Dimensionen" (LedgerTransStatement)

Total accounts payable in the past periods chart report (LedgerTotalAcctsPayablePastXPeriod)

Total accounts receivable in the past periods chart report (LedgerTotalAcctReceivablesPastXPeriods)

Total expenses by period chart report (LedgerTotalExpensesByPeriod)

Total outstanding debt by period chart report (OustandingDebtByPeriod)

Transaction origin report (LedgerTransBase)

Transaction list by date report (LedgerTransListDate)

Treasurer asset analysis report (TreasurerAssetAnalysis)

Treasurer liabilities analysis report (TreasurerLiabilitiesAnalysis)

Trial balance report (LedgerTrialBalance)

Withholding tax transactions report (TaxWithholdTrans)

(AUS) Print Australian BAS report (TaxReport_AU)

(AUT) Austrian annual sales tax report (TaxReportYearly_AT)

(AUT) Cross-border services report (LedgerXBorderActivityAT)

(AUT) Purchase duty report (TaxPurchaseTaxReport)

(BEL) Belgian sales tax by customer report (TaxAmountByCustomer_BE)

(BEL) Belgian sales tax by vendor report (TaxAmountByVendor_BE)

(BEL) Belgian sales tax reporting report (TaxReport_BE)

(BEL) Financial journals report (LedgerFinancialJournalReportBE)

(BEL) Intervat summary tax declarations report (TaxReportIntervat)

(BEL) Invoice turnover report (CustInvoiceVolume_BE)

(BEL) Other journals report (LedgerOtherJournalBE)

(BEL) Overview journals report (LedgerCentralisationJournalReportBE)

(BEL) Purchase sales tax transactions report (TaxPurchLedger)

(BEL) Posting journal list report (LedgerPostingJournalList)

(BEL) Posting journal list - totaled report (LedgerPostingJournalTotal)

(BEL) Purchase journals report (LedgerPurchaseJournalReportBE)

(BEL) Sales journals report (LedgerSalesJournalReportBE)

(BEL) Sales tax corrections report (TaxReportCorrectionBE)

(BEL) Sales tax list report (TaxList_BE)

(BEL) Sales tax transactions report (TaxTrans_BE)

(BEL) Sales tax transactions - details report (TaxTransDetail_BE)

(BEL) Sales tax transactions re sales report (TaxSalesLedger)

(DEU) German journal list report (LedgerJournalizeReport_DE)

(DEU) German sales tax report (TaxReport_DE)

(DEU) Import account statement (transactions) report (LedgerInAccountStatementDE_DTAUS)

(ESP) Declaration 347 report (TaxReport347)

(ESP) Print report (LedgerOpeningReport_ES)

(ESP) Spanish journal list report (LedgerJournalizeReport_ES)

(ESP) Spanish VAT register book report (TaxBookReport_ES)

(ESP) Spanish VAT register book summary report (TaxBookReportSum_ES)

(ESP) Summarized Spanish journal list report (LedgerJournalSummary_ES)

(FIN) Finnish sales tax report (TaxReport_FI)

(FIN) Tax declaration of import report (TaxReportAlandImport_FI)

(FRA) Balance list with group total accounts report (LedgerAccountSum_FR)

(FRA) Ledger totals by periods report (LedgerPeriodSum_FR)

(FRA) Transaction list by account report (LedgerTransAccountVoucher_FR)

(FRA) Transaction list by date or voucher report (LedgerTransDateVoucher_FR)

(GBR) Print report report (TaxReport_UK)

(GBR) Print - UK report (RCSalesList_UK)

(ITA) Fiscal journal report (LedgerFiscalJournal_IT)

(ITA) Italian black list report (BlackList)

(ITA) Print report (TaxYearlyComReport_IT)

(ITA) Sales tax (Italy) report (TaxReport_IT)

(ITA) Withholding tax - yearly report (TaxWithholdYearlyReport_IT)

(ITA) Withholding tax - monthly report (TaxWithholdMonthlyReport_IT)

(ITA) Withholding tax - certification report (TaxWithholdCertification_IT)

(MEX) Generate the DIOT declaration report (DIOTDeclaration_MX)

(MEX) Inflation adjustment report (InfAdjCapital_MX)

(MEX) Inflation adjustment report (InfAdjInventory_MX)

(MEX) Inflation adjustment report (InfAdjRepomoPL_MX)

(MEX) Provisional ISR payment report (ISRDetailedDeclaration_MX)

(MEX) Provisional ISR payment report (ISRProvisionalDeclaration_MX)

(MEX) Purchase tax report (TaxVATDetailedReport_MX)

(MEX) Simulation report (Simulation_MX)

(MEX) Summary tax report (TaxVatSummaryReport_MX)

(NLD) Dutch sales tax report (TaxReport_NL)

(NOR) Norwegian sales tax report (TaxReport_NO)

(NOR) Norwegian tax reconciliation report (TaxReconciliationReport)

(RUS) Deferrals listing report (RDeferralsListing)

(RUS) Deferrals transaction listing report (RDeferralsTransactionListing)

(RUS) Print journal report (LedgerTransPreview_RU)

(SAU) Assets and depreciations report (AssetsDepreciation_SA)

(SAU) Consultation fees report (VendConsultationFees_SA)

(SAU) Main Zakat report (LedgerMainReportZakat_SA)

(SAU) Saudi Arabia annual withholding tax report (TaxWithholdYearlyReport_SA)

(SAU) Saudi Arabia monthly withholding tax report (TaxWithholdMonthlyReport_SA)

(SAU) Subcontractor report (VendSubContractor_SA)

(SAU) Revenue for main activity report (LedgerRevenueActivity_SA)

(SAU) Provisions and reservations report (LedgerProvisions_SA)

(SAU) Zakat activity report (LedgerActivityZakat_SA)

(SGP) Singaporean sales tax report (TaxReport_SG)

(SWE) Swedish sales tax report (TaxReport_SE)

(THA) Withholding tax (Por Ngor Dor) report (TaxWithholdReportPND_TH)

(THA) Withholding tax report (TaxWithholdReport_TH)

(THA) Sales tax report (TaxReportUnrealizedInputOutput)

(USA) U S sales tax report (TaxReport_US)

(HU) Sales tax declaration report (SalesTaxDeclarationInformation)

(HU) Sales tax transaction details report (TaxTransDetail_HU)

(POL) Sales VAT register (report)

(POL) Purchase VAT register (report)

(POL) EU summary VAT register (report)

(CZE) Sales tax (report)

(CHN) Ledger voucher (report)

(CHN) Summarized general ledger (report)

(CHN) Ledger inquiry (report)

(CHN) Daily summary report (China) (report)

(CHN) Ledger transaction list (report)

(CHN) Bank reconciliation (report)

(CHN) Account analysis by dimensions (report)

(CHN) Account balance sheet by dimensions (report)

(CHN) Cash status (report)

(CHN) Cash daily (report)

(CHN) Matrix report with dimensions (report)

(CHN) Matrix dimension (report)

(CHN) Matrix account report (China) (report)

(ITA) Domestic tax transactions (report)

(CHN) Ledger transactions including dimension details (report)

(CHN) Ledger transactions by dimensions (report)

(CHN) Chart of accounts by dimensions (report)

(IND) TCS certificate (report)

(IND) TDS statement (report)

(IND) TCS statement (report)

(RUS) Factors for deferrals writing off report (RDeferralsWritingOffFactor)

(RUS) Deferrals balances report (RDeferralsBalances)

(RUS) Reconciliation cash ledger report (RCashLedgerReconciliationController)

(EEUR) Sales tax list report (TaxList)

(ESP) Spanish payment due date compliance report (DueDateCompliance_ES)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).