
Using MSAL.NET with UWP applications

Developers of applications that use Universal Windows Platform (UWP) with MSAL.NET should consider the concepts this article presents.


Please see Using MSAL.NET with Web Account Manager (WAM) for how to configure your UWP app to handle authentication through the Windows Broker.

Legacy scenarios that do not use the broker / WAM


In the context of UWP applications, PublicClientApplication has WithUseCorporateNetwork. This is a function that accepts a boolean value determining whether the application should use Integrated Windows Authentication (and therefore SSO with the user signed-in with the operating system) if this user is signed-in with an account in a federated Microsoft Entra tenant.

Important: Setting this property to true assumes that the application developer has enabled Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) in the application. For this:

  • In the Package.appxmanifest for your UWP application, in the Capabilities tab, enable the following capabilities:
    • Enterprise Authentication
    • Private Networks (Client & Server)
    • Shared User Certificate

IWA is not enabled by default because applications requesting the Enterprise Authentication or Shared User Certificates capabilities require a higher level of verification to be accepted into the Windows Store, and not all developers may wish to perform the higher level of verification.


The underlying implementation on the UWP platform (WAB) does not work correctly in Enterprise scenarios where Conditional Access was enabled. The symptom is that the user tries to sign-in with Windows hello, and is proposed to choose a certificate, but the certificate for the pin is not found, or the user chooses it, but never get prompted for the Pin. A workaround is to use an alternative method (username/password + phone authentication), but the experience is not good. In the future MSAL will leverage WAM, which will solve the problem.


Some customers have reported that in specific enterprise environments there was the following sign-in error:

We can't connect to the service you need right now. Check your network connection or try this again later

Whereas they know they have an internet connection and the code works with a public network.

A workaround is to make sure that WAB (the underlying Windows component) allows private network access. You can do that by setting a registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\authhost.exe\EnablePrivateNetwork = 00000001

For details see Web authentication broker debugging with Fiddler.

Sample illustrating UWP specific properties

More details are provided in the following samples:

Sample Platform Description
active-directory-dotnet-native-uwp-v2 UWP A Windows Universal Platform client application using MSAL.NET, accessing the Microsoft Graph for a user authenticating with Azure AD v2.0 endpoint. UWP app topology Xamarin iOS, Android, UWP A simple Xamarin Forms app showcasing how to use MSAL to authenticate Microsoft accounts and Microsoft Entra ID via the Microsoft identity platform endpoint, and access the Microsoft Graph with the resulting token. Xamarin Forms topology