
Retrieves the users that generate the audio retrieved from this source.


void get_users(  
    uint32_t* chatUserCount,  
    chat_user_array* chatUsers  


chatUserCount   _Out_
Type: uint32_t*

The total number of users that generate the audio retrieved from this source.

chatUsers   _Outptr_result_buffer_(*chatUserCount)
Type: chat_user_array*

An array of chat_user pointers that represents the users that generate the audio retrieved from this source.

Return value

Type: void



This method retrieves the collection of users that generate the audio retrieved from this source stream, returning the total number of users in chatUserCount and an array of chat_user pointers in chatUsers. The array pointer returned in chatUsers remains valid until this stream is destroyed.

The individual chat_user objects remain valid until a user has been removed by a call to chat_manager::remove_user. If this stream is destroyed as the result of calling chat_manager::remove_user, the chat_user pointer for that removed user also becomes invalid.

For more information about initializing and cleaning up a chat instance, see Using the Game Chat 2 C++ API.


Header: GameChat2.h

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

Intro to Game Chat 2