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Defines the communication relationship between two users.


enum class game_chat_communication_relationship_flags  
    none = 0x0,  
    send_microphone_audio = 0x1,  
    send_text_to_speech_audio = 0x2,  
    send_text = 0x4,  
    receive_audio = 0x8,  
    receive_text = 0x10,  


Constant Description
none No communication between the local user and the target user is allowed.
send_microphone_audio Microphone communication from the local user to the target user is allowed.
send_text_to_speech_audio Text-to-speech communication from the local user to the target user is allowed.
send_text Text communication from the local user to the target user is allowed.
receive_audio Audio communication from the target user to the local user is allowed.
receive_text Text communication from the target user to the local user is allowed.


This enumeration describes the communication relationship between two users that your app can request from Game Chat 2. You can retrieve the current communication relationship between a local user and a specified target user by calling the chat_user_local::get_effective_communication_relationship method, or set it by calling the chat_user_local::set_communication_relationship method. You can also set the default communication relationship between users when you initialize the chat instance, by calling the chat_manager::initialize method.

For more information about initializing and working with a chat instance, see Using the Game Chat 2 C++ API.


Header: GameChat2.h

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

Intro to Game Chat 2
GameChat2 members