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Enumeration Description
XblAchievementsManagerEventType Defines values used to indicate event types for an achievement.
XblAchievementsManagerSortOrder Enumeration values that specify the order we display the results in.


Handle Description
XblAchievementsManagerResultHandle A handle to an achievement manager result.


Function Description
XblAchievementsManagerAddLocalUser Generate a local cache of achievements for a user.
XblAchievementsManagerDoWork Called whenever the title wants to update the state of achievements and get list of change events.
XblAchievementsManagerGetAchievement Gets the current local state of an achievement for a local player with a specific achievement ID.
XblAchievementsManagerGetAchievements Gets a list of all achievements for a player.
XblAchievementsManagerGetAchievementsByState Gets a list of achievements in a specific progress state for a player.
XblAchievementsManagerIsUserInitialized Checks whether a specific user has had its initial state synced.
XblAchievementsManagerRemoveLocalUser Immediately remove the local cache of achievements for a user.
XblAchievementsManagerResultCloseHandle Closes the XblAchievementsManagerResultHandle.
XblAchievementsManagerResultDuplicateHandle Duplicates a XblAchievementsManagerResultHandle.
XblAchievementsManagerResultGetAchievements Get a list of XblAchievement objects.
XblAchievementsManagerUpdateAchievement Allow achievement progress to be updated and achievements to be unlocked.


Structure Description
XblAchievementsManagerEvent An achievement event that will be returned from XblAchievementsManagerDoWork.