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Registers a handler function to receive a notification that is sent when there is a resync message from the real time activity service.


XblFunctionContext XblRealTimeActivityAddResyncHandler(  
         XblContextHandle xboxLiveContext,  
         XblRealTimeActivityResyncHandler* handler,  
         void* context  


xboxLiveContext   _In_
Type: XblContextHandle

Xbox Live context handle.

handler   _In_
Type: XblRealTimeActivityResyncHandler*

The callback function that receives notifications.

context   _In_opt_
Type: void*

Caller context that will be passed back to the handler function.

Return value

Type: XblFunctionContext

A XblFunctionContext object that can be used to unregister the event handler.


This message indicates that data may have been lost and to resync all data by calling corresponding REST API's. Wherever possible, XSAPI will automatically resync the subscription and invoke the corresponding handler. For multiplayer session changed subscriptions, titles must resync their own sessions.


Header: real_time_activity_c.h

Library: Microsoft.Xbox.Services.141.GSDK.C.lib

See also
