Gets an XblSocialManagerUserPtrArray of the users tracked by the user group.
HRESULT XblSocialManagerUserGroupGetUsers(
XblSocialManagerUserGroupHandle group,
XblSocialManagerUserPtrArray* users,
size_t* usersCount
group _In_
Type: XblSocialManagerUserGroupHandle
The group handle from which to get users.
users _Outptr_result_maybenull_
Type: XblSocialManagerUserPtrArray*
Passes back a pointer to an array of XblSocialManagerUser objects. The memory for the returned pointer remains valid until the next time XblSocialManagerDoWork is called.
usersCount _Out_
Type: size_t*
Passes back the size of the users array.
Return value
HRESULT return code for this API operation.
The XblSocialManagerUserPtrArray is only guaranteed to be valid until the next call to XblSocialManagerDoWork. If the user objects are needed beyond the scope of the next XblSocialManagerDoWork call, they are statically sized and trivially copyable. Call this API after calling either XblSocialManagerCreateSocialUserGroupFromFilters or XblSocialManagerCreateSocialUserGroupFromList to create an XblSocialManagerUserGroup. Have the XblSocialManagerUserGroupHandle returned by the XblSocialManagerEventType::SocialUserGroupLoaded event in XblSocialManagerDoWork.
Header: social_manager_c.h
Library: Microsoft.Xbox.Services.14x.GDK.C.lib