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Gets the HTTP retry delay in seconds.


HRESULT XblContextSettingsGetHttpRetryDelay(  
         XblContextHandle context,  
         uint32_t* delayInSeconds  


context   _In_
Type: XblContextHandle

Xbox live context that the settings are associated with.

delayInSeconds   _Out_
Type: uint32_t*

Passes back the retry delay in seconds. Retries are delayed using an exponential back off. By default, it will delay 2 seconds then the next retry will delay 4 seconds, then 8 seconds, and so on up to a max of 1 min until either the call succeeds or the http_timeout_window is reached, at which point the call will fail. The delay is also jittered between the current and next delay to spread out service load. The default for http_timeout_window is 20 seconds and can be changed using XblContextSettingsSetHttpTimeoutWindow.

Return value


HRESULT return code for this API operation.


If the service returns an HTTP error with a "Retry-After" header, then all future calls to that API will immediately fail with the original error without contacting the service until the "Retry-After" time has been reached.
Idempotent service calls are retried when a network error occurs or the server responds with one of these HTTP status codes:
408 (Request Timeout)
429 (Too Many Requests)
500 (Internal Server Error)
502 (Bad Gateway)
503 (Service Unavailable)
504 (Gateway Timeout)


Header: xbox_live_context_settings_c.h

Library: Microsoft.Xbox.Services.141.GSDK.C.lib

See also
