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Unregisters a callback function that was registered with XNetworkingRegisterConnectivityHintChanged.


bool XNetworkingUnregisterConnectivityHintChanged(
         XTaskQueueRegistrationToken token,
         bool wait


token   _In_
Type: XTaskQueueRegistrationToken

The token returned from XNetworkingRegisterConnectivityHintChanged.

wait   _In_
Type: bool

Indicates whether to block until any pending callbacks are completed.

Return value

Type: bool

Returns false if wait is false and the unregister call is pending. Returns true otherwise.



This function isn't safe to call on a time-sensitive thread. For more information, see Time-sensitive threads.

This function performs the following actions:

  • The callback associated with the token is removed from the set of registered callbacks.
  • If no callbacks are executing for that callback token, the call returns true.
  • If callbacks are executing and wait is true, the call blocks until the executing callback has finished.
  • If callbacks are executing and wait is false, the call does not block but does return false. When the callback for the token is complete, the token is automatically unregistered.


This function should not be called from within an XNetworkingConnectivityHintChangedCallback if wait is true since this will deadlock.

This mechanism allows for the following coding patterns:

  • You can block on unregistration to ensure your callbacks are never invoked after an unregister call.
  • You can choose not to block. If you need to ensure your callbacks are completed before deleting data, you can periodically call this function with wait set to false. When it finally returns true, all your callbacks are completed and you can delete the state.
  • If your callback doesn't care whether it is being invoked during an unregister call, you can pass false for wait and ignore the return value.


Header: XNetworking.h

Library: xgameruntime.lib

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

Network Initialization & Connectivity