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Definition of the mapping of touch controls to the physical analog control equivalent.


input- string. The type of touch input that this control accepts.
output - string. The gamepad axes, axis, or polar joystick action this control maps to.
deadzone - object, optional. The size and shape, of the area where no input will be read or mapped.
sensitivity - number, optional. Multiplier applied after response curve calculation.
responseCurve - object, optional. Shape of the response curve.

Input values

Constant Description
axisXY Full 2D input, reads both X-axis and Y-axis values.
axisX 1D input, only reads X-axis values.
axisY 1D input, only reads Y-axis values.
axisUp Polar input.
axisDown Polar input.
axisLeft Polar input.
axisRight Polar input.

Output values

Constant Description
leftJoystick 2D output to the left joystick.
rightJoystick 2D output to the right joystick.
leftJoystickX 1D ouptut to the left joystick X-axis.
leftJoystickY 1D ouptut to the left joystick Y-axis.
rightJoystickX 1D ouptut to the right joystick X-axis.
rightJoystickY 1D ouptut to the left joystick Y-axis.
leftJoystickLeft Polar output to the left joystick, left direction.
leftJoystickRight Polar output to the left joystick, right direction.
leftJoystickUp Polar output to the left joystick, up direction.
leftJoystickDown Polar output to the left joystick, down direction.
rightJoystickLeft Polar output to the right joystick, left direction.
rightJoystickRight Polar output to the right joystick, right direction.
rightJoystickUp Polar output to the right joystick, up direction.
rightJoystickDown Polar output to the right joystick, down direction.
relativeMouse 2D output to the mouse.
relativeMouseX 1D output to the mouse X-axis.
relativeMouseY 2D output to the mouse Y-axis.
relativeMouseLeft Polar output to the mouse, left direction.
relativeMouseRight Polar output to the mouse right direction.
relativeMouseUp Polar output to the mouse, up direction.
relativeMouseDown Polar output to the mouse, down direction.


A 2D input must map to a 2D output, similarly a 1D input must map to a 1D output, and a single direction must map to a polar output.

Throttle Touchpad

See Also

Touch Adaptation Kit Reference
Response Curve