Excel.ContentType enum
// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/12-comment/comment-mentions.yaml
await Excel.run(async (context) => {
const sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("Comments");
const mention = {
email: "kakri@contoso.com",
id: 0,
name: "Kate Kristensen"
// This will tag the mention's name using the '@' syntax.
// They will be notified via email.
const commentBody = {
mentions: [mention],
richContent: '<at id="0">' + mention.name + "</at> - Can you take a look?"
// Note that an InvalidArgument error will be thrown if multiple cells passed to `comment.add`.
sheet.comments.add("A1", commentBody, Excel.ContentType.mention);
await context.sync();
mention = "Mention" | Kommentarinhalt, der Erwähnungen enthält. |
plain = "Plain" | Gibt einen einfachen Formattyp für den Kommentarinhalt an. |
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