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Compliance - Sales Navigator FAQ

How can I get access to the Compliance APIs?

The Compliance - Sales Navigator Partner Program is a private and paid partnership. Acceptance to this partnership is subject to discretion of LinkedIn. Please complete the LinkedIn Compliance Partner Request Form

Who is considered a regulated member?

A regulated member is a LinkedIn user who has consented to share information with the developer and the developer has registered the member for compliance monitoring via our POST /memberComplianceAuthorizations API. Only these members are considered as regulated members and their interaction on LinkedIn is archived for Compliance Events API. Note that there must be legal record-keeping compliance obligations, to justify achieving member posts for the Compliance API.

What is the timeframe for which I can query Compliance Events from a regulated member?

The Compliance Events API allows you to query all LinkedIn activities from the past 28 days of a regulated, authenticated member. Compliance events older 28 days are purged from LinkedIn. Note that LinkedIn starts monitoring and archiving the compliance events for a member only once they have been opted in for compliance events. Events before opting in for Compliance Events would not be present.

How long is the access token valid once a member has consented to be regulated?

The access token is valid for 1 year from the time the member consents to be regulated. Post which the developer would have to initiate the oAuth flow again to request the member’s consent and get a new token. We do not provide any refresh tokens.

Can a regulated member Opt Out from compliance regulation themselves?

Yes, members can remove access to any third-party application from their Settings and Privacy page on For more information on how to remove access, refer to this article. Note that if a regulated member removes access from their Setting and Privacy page, their access_token is invalidated immediately and they are automatically removed from (Opted out) from Compliance Monitoring and LinkedIn stops monitoring the member for compliance events.

What data is captured in the Compliance Events API?

  • Communications from the regulated member's Sales Navigator
  • INMAILS sent by a regulated member from their Sales Navigator
  • Messages received by the regulated member in their sales Navigator mailbox