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Job Resync Notifications

The Job Resync Notifications API allows your application to be notified by LinkedIn to request a job or multiple jobs to be re-synced via the SimpleJobPostings API. This allows us to resolve any inconsistencies between customer's job data between the ATS and LinkedIn for API posted jobs.


Ensure to register and enable only one webhook for each event type per parent application in the developer portal's webhooks tab.


  • Configure a webhook url which is publicly acccesible.
  • Register and validate the webhook url in the LinkedIn Developer Portal

Webhook Registration and Validation

To receive notifications at your webhook, your webhook must be registered and validated. Please review and complete the steps in the documentation for Webhooks.

Receive Resync Request

Registered webhook URLs will receive notifications from LinkedIn for job resync events. This request will contain the developerApplicationUrn associated to the customer and requested jobs. Process the requested job(s) for the specified developerApplicationUrn and using the jobPostingOperationType with UPDATE request for those job within 30 minutes. More details can be found here.

Sample Request

POST https://{webhookUrl}

ResyncJobs Schema

Field Description Type Required
developerApplicationUrn Developer Application urn for a child app. String Yes
type Type of the callback request, current supported type include RESYNC_JOBS. Enum Yes
syncAllOpenJobs Represents whether all open jobs belong to the Developer Application ID need to be re-sync. Boolean Yes
externalJobPostingIds List of unique job ids within the partner system. String Optional

Sample Payload (Sync Individual Jobs)

  "developerApplicationUrn": "urn:li:developerApplication:12345",
  "externalJobPostingIds": [
  "syncAllOpenJobs": false,
  "type": "RESYNC_JOBS"

Sample Payload (Sync All Jobs)

  "developerApplicationUrn": "urn:li:developerApplication:12345",
  "syncAllOpenJobs": true,
  "type": "RESYNC_JOBS"

Push Event Responses

Upon receiving notifications from LinkedIn, your webhook must respond with an HTTP response. For each notification delivered to your webhook, it must return an HTTP status code to indicate delivery of the notification to your webhook. Valid HTTP response codes listed below.

HTTP Code Result HTTP Payload Response
200 Callback was successfully received None
400 Callback was received, but payload was not understood by the ATS Respond with the field errorMessage. This string field should be the reason the request payload was not understood. Example: {"errorMessage": "Failed to get id from request payload."}
500 System encountered an error while processing the request None

Error Handling

If a push notification request sent to the registered webhook URL receives an unsuccessful response (not 200 OK), then LinkedIn will retry sending the request.