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Job Posting - Announcements & Release Notes

June 2024

  • Inline upgrade and downgrade for API Jobs

    • Inline upgrades from Basic API Jobs to Premium Jobs and downgrades from Premium API Jobs to Basic Jobs are now available.
    • The updated guidelines are available here.
  • XML Feed

  • Job Posting API

    • A new legal requirement has been added to indicate new limits for third-party jobs that are ingested as Basic Jobs
    • Added new FAQ questions to Developer FAQs

November 2023

  • SimpleJobPostingTask Schema
    • Add location field to response for jobs that use alternateLocations or have customer defined multiple location job rules.
    • Starting June 30, 2024, we will no longer support countryCode, postalCode, workRemoteAllowed, and state schema field. Please use location instead of countryCode and postalCode. workplaceTypes instead of workRemoteAllowed. Do not send the state field as it will be automatically determined by LinkedIn, based on the jobPostingOperationType.

September 2023

  • Premium job postings will now honor schema with expireAt field along with the basic job postings. The expiration date must be within the range of 1 to 90 days. For invalid date, API returns an "Invalid ExpirationDate" error.
  • Updated Job Posting Status API and Job Posting Status Notifications schema with expireAt field.
  • Updates to alternateLocations and workplaceTypes schema fields in XML Feed and Job Posting API schema

July 2023

June 2023

  • Added new FAQ questions to Product FAQs

May 2023

April 2023

March 2023

December 2022

  • Job Posting API Schema
    • Added new field companyPageUrl to support better job to company mappings.
    • Updated requirements of fields: employmentStatus, experienceLevel, categories, workplaceTypes, description, location. companyJobCode, companyName, companyPageUrl, posterEmail.
  • Updated Limited Listings naming convenion to Basic Jobs

The following updates are made to Check Job Operation Task Status

  • Lifespan for task IDs is increased to 30 days
  • New status values PROCESSED added

July 2022 XML

June 2022 API

  • Added new customer onboarding widget for premium jobs. You can embed this widget in your platform to allow customers to log in and choose the premium job posting contract and enable premium job posting from the partner platform
  • Updated field definitions for industries and categories field

April 2022 API

March 2022 API

February 2022 XML Feed

  • XML feed indexation for ATSs is increased from 12 hrs to every 6 hrs

January 2022 API

November 2021 XML Feed

  • XML feed indexation for ATSs has been increased from 24 hrs to every 12 hrs
  • Introduced workplaceTypes field in job posting schema to mark workplace nature of jobs. This field will be available for use by January 4, 2022
  • IsRemote field to be sunset from November 1, 2022
  • Added customer facing FAQ section to Developer FAQs

November 2021 API

  • Introduced workplaceTypes field in job posting schema to mark workplace nature of jobs. This field will be available for use by January 4, 2022

  • Revised description to include recommended value formats for location field

  • All partners need to adopt the latest Job Posting API's Schema by November 1, 2022. This means all partners should stop using fields mentioned in table below and marked with '*' in the schema

A consolidated summary of the changes that the API partner needs to take care of is given below:

Job Posting API Changes

Endpoint Field Change(s) Required
/simpleJobPostings postalCode postalCode field will be deprecated. We recommend using the location field instead
/simpleJobPostings countryCode countryCode field will be deprecated. We recommend using the location field instead
/simpleJobPostings workRemoteAllowed workRemoteAllowed field will be deprecated. We recommend using the workplaceTypes field instead. This field will be available for use by November 15, 2022
/simpleJobPostings state state field will be deprecated. We recommend using the jobPostingOperationType field instead. Thus, the state.listed field should be replaced by jobPostingOperationType.create and state.closed field should be replaced by jobPostingOperationType.close field
/simpleJobPostings expireAt A value greater than 180 will not be allowed for the expireAt field. ATS should display to customers that the life of the job posting on LinkedIn will be 180 days and reflect the status as CLOSED on LinkedIn after 180 days. Once the job posting is closed on LinkedIn, it will be good to provide customers the support to RENEW the job posting or configure Auto-Renew in which case, ATS/Partner can renew the jobs proactively after 180 days if the job posting is still in LIVE/OPEN state on partner platform

October 2021

March 2021

  • Basic Jobs Release of Basic Jobs XML feed format and FAQ.