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ConnectorFormat.BeginConnectedShape-Eigenschaft (Publisher)

Gibt ein Shape -Objekt, das die Form darstellt, an der der Anfang der angegebenen Verbindung ansetzt.


Ausdruck. BeginConnectedShape

Ausdruck Eine Variable, die ein ConnectorFormat-Objekt darstellt.




Wenn der Anfang der angegebenen Verbindung nicht an einer Form ansetzt, wird ein Fehler gemeldet.

Verwenden Sie die EndConnectedShape -Eigenschaft, um die Form zurückzugeben, an der das Ende einer Verbindung ansetzt.


This example assumes that the first page in the active publication already contains two shapes attached by a connector named Conn1To2. The code adds a rectangle and a connector to the first page. The beginning of the new connector will be attached to the same connection site as the beginning of the connector named Conn1To2, and the end of the new connector will be attached to connection site one on the new rectangle.

Dim shpNew As Shape 
Dim intSite As Integer 
Dim shpOld As Shape 
With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes 
 ' Add new rectangle. 
 Set shpNew = .AddShape(Type:=msoShapeRectangle, _ 
 Left:=450, Top:=190, Width:=200, Height:=100) 
 ' Add new connector. 
 .AddConnector(Type:=msoConnectorCurve, _ 
 BeginX:=0, BeginY:=0, EndX:=10, EndY:=10) _ 
 .Name = "Conn1To3" 
 ' Get connection site number of old shape, and set 
 ' reference to old shape. 
 With .Item("Conn1To2").ConnectorFormat 
 intSite = .BeginConnectionSite 
 Set shpOld = .BeginConnectedShape 
 End With 
 ' Connect new connector to old shape and new rectangle. 
 With .Item("Conn1To3").ConnectorFormat 
 .BeginConnect ConnectedShape:=shpOld, _ 
 .EndConnect ConnectedShape:=shpNew, _ 
 End With 
End With 

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