
Listet die Metrikwerte für mehrere Ressourcen auf.


   -Endpoint <String>
   [-SubscriptionId <String[]>]
   -Name <System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]>
   -Namespace <String>
   [-Aggregation <String>]
   [-EndTime <String>]
   [-Filter <String>]
   [-Interval <String>]
   [-Orderby <String>]
   [-Rollupby <String>]
   [-StartTime <String>]
   [-Top <Int32>]
   [-ResourceId <String[]>]
   [-DefaultProfile <PSObject>]
   -Endpoint <String>
   -InputObject <IMetricIdentity>
   -Name <System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]>
   -Namespace <String>
   [-Aggregation <String>]
   [-EndTime <String>]
   [-Filter <String>]
   [-Interval <String>]
   [-Orderby <String>]
   [-Rollupby <String>]
   [-StartTime <String>]
   [-Top <Int32>]
   [-ResourceId <String[]>]
   [-DefaultProfile <PSObject>]


Listet die Metrikwerte für mehrere Ressourcen auf.


Beispiel 1: Abrufen von Eingangs- und Ausgang des Speicherkontos

$endpoint = ''
$start = "2023-12-06T07:00:00.000Z"
$end = "2023-12-06T08:00:00.000Z"
Get-AzMetricsBatch -Endpoint $endpoint -Name 'ingress','egress' -Namespace "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts" -EndTime $end -StartTime $start -ResourceId /subscriptions/9e223dbe-3399-4e19-88eb-0975f02ac87f/resourcegroups/joyer-monitor/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/psmetric01
Endtime        : 2023-12-06T08:00:00Z
Interval       : 00:01:00a
Namespace      : Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts
Resourceid     : /subscriptions/9e223dbe-3399-4e19-88eb-0975f02ac87f/resourcegroups/joyer-monitor/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/psmetric01
Resourceregion : eastus
Starttime      : 2023-12-06T07:00:00Z
Value          : {{
                   "name": {
                     "value": "Ingress",
                     "localizedValue": "Ingress"
                   "id": "/subscriptions/9e223dbe-3399-4e19-88eb-0975f02ac87f/resourcegroups/joyer-monitor/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/psmetric01/providers/Microsoft.Insigh 
                   "type": "Microsoft.Insights/metrics",
                   "displayDescription": "The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.",   
                   "errorCode": "Success",
                   "unit": "Bytes",
                   "timeseries": [
                       "metadatavalues": [ ],
                       "data": [
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:00:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:01:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:02:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:03:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:04:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:05:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:06:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:07:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:08:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:09:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:10:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:11:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:12:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:13:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:14:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:15:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:16:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:17:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:18:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:19:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:20:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:21:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:22:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:23:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:24:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:25:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:26:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:27:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:28:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:29:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:30:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:31:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:32:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:33:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:34:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:35:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:36:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:37:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:38:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:39:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:40:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:41:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:42:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:43:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:44:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:45:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:46:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:47:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:48:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:49:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:50:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:51:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:52:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:53:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:54:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:55:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:56:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:57:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:58:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:59:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                 }, {
                   "name": {
                     "value": "Egress",
                     "localizedValue": "Egress"
                   "id": "/subscriptions/9e223dbe-3399-4e19-88eb-0975f02ac87f/resourcegroups/joyer-monitor/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/psmetric01/providers/Microsoft.Insigh 
                   "type": "Microsoft.Insights/metrics",
                   "displayDescription": "The amount of egress data. This number includes egress to external client from Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this     
                 number does not reflect billable egress.",
                   "errorCode": "Success",
                   "unit": "Bytes",
                   "timeseries": [
                       "metadatavalues": [ ],
                       "data": [
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:00:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:01:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:02:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:03:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:04:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:05:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:06:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:07:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:08:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:09:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:10:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:11:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:12:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:13:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:14:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:15:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:16:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:17:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:18:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:19:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:20:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:21:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:22:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:23:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:24:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:25:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:26:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:27:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:28:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:29:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:30:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:31:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:32:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:33:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:34:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:35:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:36:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:37:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:38:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:39:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:40:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:41:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:42:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:43:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:44:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:45:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:46:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:47:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:48:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:49:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:50:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:51:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:52:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:53:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:54:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:55:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:56:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:57:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:58:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0
                           "timeStamp": "2023-12-06T07:59:00.0000000Z",
                           "total": 0

Dieser Befehl listet die Metrikwerte für angegebene Ressourcen auf.



Die Liste der aggregationstypen (kommagetrennt), die abgerufen werden sollen. Beispiele: Mittelwert, Minimum, Maximalwert

Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Der Parameter DefaultProfile ist nicht funktionsfähig. Verwenden Sie den Parameter "SubscriptionId", wenn sie verfügbar ist, wenn Sie das Cmdlet für ein anderes Abonnement ausführen.

Type: PSObject
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: AzureRMContext, AzureCredential

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Der zu verwendende regionale Endpunkt, z. B . Die Region sollte mit der Region der angeforderten Ressourcen übereinstimmen. Für globale Ressourcen sollte die Region "global" sein.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Die Endzeit der Abfrage. Es handelt sich um eine Zeichenfolge im Format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ".

Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Der Filter wird verwendet, um den Satz zurückgegebener Metrikdaten zu reduzieren. Beispiel: Die Metrik enthält die Metadaten A, B und C.

  • Gibt alle Zeitreihen von C zurück, wobei A = a1 und B = b1 oder b2 filter=A eq 'a1' und B eq 'b1' oder B eq 'b2' und C eq '*'
  • Ungültige Variante: filter=A eq 'a1' and B eq 'b1' and C eq '*' or B = 'b2' This is invalid because the logical or operator cannot separate two different metadata names.
  • Gibt alle Zeitreihen zurück, wobei A = a1, B = b1 und C = c1: filter=A eq 'a1' und B eq 'b1' und C eq 'c1'
  • Gibt alle Zeitreihen zurück, wobei A = a1 filter=A eq 'a1' und B eq '' und C eq '' zurück.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Identity Parameter To construct, see NOTES section for INPUTOBJECT properties and create a hash table.

Type: IMetricIdentity
Parameter Sets: BatchViaIdentityExpanded

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False


Das Intervall (d. h. Zeitgran) der Abfrage im ISO 8601-Dauerformat. Standardwert ist PT1M. Sonderfall für den Wert "FULL", der einen einzelnen Datenpunkt für die gesamte angeforderte Zeitspanne zurückgibt. Beispiele: PT15M, PT1H, P1D, FULL

Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Die Namen der abzurufenden Metriken (kommagetrennt).

Type: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: MetricName

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Metrischer Namespace, der die angeforderten Metriknamen enthält.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: MetricNamespace

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Die Aggregation, die zum Sortieren von Ergebnissen und zur Richtung der Sortierung verwendet werden soll. Es kann nur eine Bestellung angegeben werden. Beispiele: Summe asc

Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Die Liste der Ressourcen-IDs zum Abfragen von Metriken.

Type: String[]
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Bemaßungsname(n) zum Rollup der Ergebnisse nach. Wenn Sie beispielsweise nur Metrikwerte mit einem Filter wie "City eq Seattle oder City eq Tacoma" anzeigen möchten, aber keine separaten Werte für jede Stadt sehen möchten, können Sie "RollUpBy=City" angeben, um die Ergebnisse für Seattle und Tacoma in einer Zeitserie anzuzeigen.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Die Startzeit der Abfrage. Es handelt sich um eine Zeichenfolge im Format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ". Wenn Sie den Endtime-Parameter angegeben haben, ist dieser Parameter erforderlich. Wenn nur Startzeit angegeben ist, wird endtime standardmäßig auf die aktuelle Uhrzeit festgelegt. Wenn kein Zeitintervall angegeben ist, ist der Standardwert 1 Stunde.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Der Abonnementbezeichner für die Ressourcen in diesem Batch.

Type: String[]
Parameter Sets: BatchExpanded

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Die maximale Anzahl von Datensätzen, die pro Ressourcen-ID in der Anforderung abgerufen werden sollen. Nur gültig, wenn filter angegeben ist. Der Standardwert ist 10.

Type: Int32
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: 0
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Hiermit werden Sie vor der Ausführung des Cmdlets zur Bestätigung aufgefordert.

Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: cf

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Zeigt, was geschieht, wenn das Cmdlet ausgeführt wird. Das Cmdlet wird nicht ausgeführt.

Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: wi

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Dieses Cmdlet unterstützt diese gängigen Parameter: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction und -WarningVariable. Weitere Informationen findest du unter about_CommonParameters.







Um die unten beschriebenen Parameter zu erstellen, erstellen Sie eine Hashtabelle mit den entsprechenden Eigenschaften. Informationen zu Hashtabellen finden Sie unter "Get-Help about_Hash_Tables".

INPUTOBJECT <IMetricIdentity>: Identity Parameter [Id <String>]: Ressourcenidentitätspfad [SubscriptionId <String>]: Der Abonnementbezeichner für die Ressourcen in diesem Batch.