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CBasePropertyPage Class

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

CBasePropertyPage Class

CBasePropertyPage Class Hierarchy

The CBasePropertyPage class is an abstract class for implementing a property page. Use this class if you are writing a filter (or other object) that supports property pages.

A property page is a COM object, so you must generate a GUID for the class identifier (CLSID) and provide an entry in the CFactoryTemplate array. For more information, see DirectShow and COM. The following example shows a typical class factory entry:

CFactoryTemplate g_Templates[] =
        L"My Property Page",
    /* Also include the template for your filter (not shown). */

Your filter must expose the ISpecifyPropertyPages interface. This interface contains a single method, GetPages, which returns the CLSID of the property page. The following example shows how to implement this method:

STDMETHODIMP CMyFilter::GetPages(CAUUID *pPages)
    if (!pPages) return E_POINTER;

    pPages->cElems = 1;
    pPages->pElems = reinterpret_cast<GUID*>(CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(GUID)));
    if (pPages->pElems == NULL) 
        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    *(pPages->pElems) = CLSID_MyPropPage;
    return S_OK;

Remember to override the filter's NonDelegatingQueryInterface method as well. For more information, see DirectShow and COM and INonDelegatingUnknown.

Next, create the dialog as a resource in your project, and create a string resource that holds the dialog title. Both of these resource IDs are parameters to the CBasePropertyPage constructor. Keeping the title string in a resource makes it easier to localize your property page.

The CBasePropertyPage class provides a framework for the IPropertyPage interface. This framework calls a number of virtual methods, including CBasePropertyPage::OnActivate, CBasePropertyPage::OnApplyChanges, and so on. In the base class, these methods simply return S_OK. Your derived class will need to override some or all of these virtual methods. For details, see the remarks for the individual methods.

For an extended example of how to use this class to create a property page, see Creating a Filter Property Page.


**  Header:** Declared in Cprop.h; include Streams.h.

**  Library:** Use Strmbase.lib (retail builds) or Strmbasd.lib (debug builds).

Protected Member Variables  
m_bDirty Indicates whether any of the properties have changed.
m_DialogId Resource identifier for the dialog.
m_Dlg Handle to the dialog window.
m_hwnd Handle to the dialog window.
m_pPageSite Pointer to the IPropertyPageSite interface of the property page site.
m_TitleId Resource identifier for a string that contains the dialog title.
Public Methods  
CBasePropertyPage Constructor method.
~CBasePropertyPage Destructor method. Virtual.
OnActivate Called when the property page is activated. Virtual.
OnApplyChanges Called when the user applies changes to the property page. Virtual.
OnConnect Provides an IUnknown pointer to the object associated with the property page. Virtual.
OnDeactivate Called when the dialog box window is destroyed. Virtual.
OnDisconnect Called when the property page should release the associated object. Virtual.
OnReceiveMessage Called when the dialog box receives a message. Virtual.
IPropertyPage Methods  
Activate Creates the dialog box window.
Apply Applies the current property page values to the object associated with the property page
Deactivate Destroys the dialog window.
GetPageInfo Retrieves information about the property page.
Help Invokes the property page help.
IsPageDirty Indicates whether the property page has changed since it was activated or since the most recent call to IPropertyPage::Apply.
Move Positions and resizes the dialog box.
SetObjects Provides IUnknown pointers for the objects associated with the property page.
SetPageSite Initializes the property page.
Show Shows or hides the dialog box.
TranslateAccelerator Instructs the property page to process a keystroke.