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Ruft das BuildManager-Objekt von VSProject ab.

Namespace:  VSLangProj80
Assembly:  VSLangProj80 (in VSLangProj80.dll)


ReadOnly Property BuildManager As BuildManager
BuildManager BuildManager { get; }
property BuildManager^ BuildManager {
    BuildManager^ get ();
abstract BuildManager : BuildManager with get
function get BuildManager () : BuildManager


Typ: BuildManager
Ein BuildManager-Objekt.


Die BuildManager-Eigenschaft wird von Drittanbieterentwicklern verwendet, um die PE-Dateien (Portable Executables, übertragbare ausführbare Dateien) zu verwalten, die durch benutzerdefinierte Tools erstellt werden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter BuildManagerEvents.


Um dieses Beispiel als Add-In auszuführen, informieren Sie sich unter Gewusst wie: Kompilieren und Ausführen der Codebeispiele für das Automatisierungsobjektmodell. Öffnen Sie ein Visual Basic- oder Visual C#-Projekt, bevor Sie dieses Add-In ausführen.

[Visual Basic]

Imports VSLangProj
Imports VSLangProj2
Imports VSLangProj80

Public Sub OnConnection(ByVal application As Object, _
 ByVal connectMode As ext_ConnectMode, ByVal addInInst As Object, _
 ByRef custom As Array) Implements IDTExtensibility2.OnConnection
    applicationObject = CType(application, DTE2)
    addInInstance = CType(addInInst, AddIn)
End Sub
Sub BuildManagerTest(ByVal dte As DTE2)
    Dim aProject As Project
    Dim aVSProject As VSProject2
    aProject = applicationObject.Solution.Projects.Item(1)
    MsgBox("Project kind is: " & aProject.Kind & vbCr _
    & "Project name is: " & aProject.Name)
    aVSProject = CType(applicationObject.Solution.Projects.Item(1) _
    .Object, VSProject2)
    MsgBox("The full name of the project is:" & vbCr _
    & aVSProject.Project.FullName)
    MsgBox("The BuildManager's containing project is: "_
    & aVSProject.BuildManager.ContainingProject.Name)
    MsgBox("The Buildmanager's design time output monikers type is:" _
    & vbCr &_
End Sub


using System.Windows.Forms;
using VSLangProj;
using VSLangProj2;
using VSLangProj80;

public void OnConnection(object application,
 ext_ConnectMode connectMode, object addInInst, ref Array custom)
    applicationObject = (DTE2)application;
    addInInstance = (AddIn)addInInst;
public void BuildManagerTest(DTE2 dte)
    Project aProject = null;
    VSProject2 aVSProject = null;
    aProject = applicationObject.Solution.Projects.Item(1);
    MessageBox.Show("Project kind is: " + aProject.Kind + "\n"
 + "Project name is: " + aProject.Name);
    aVSProject = ((VSProject2)( applicationObject.Solution.Projects.Item(1).Object));
    MessageBox.Show("The full name of the project is:" + "\n" 
+ aVSProject.Project.FullName);
    MessageBox.Show("The BuildManager's containing project is: "
 + aVSProject.BuildManager.ContainingProject.Name);
    MessageBox.Show("The Buildmanager's design time output monikers
 type is:" + "\n" + 

.NET Framework-Sicherheit

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VSProject2 Schnittstelle

