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Help Files (HTML Help)


The new home for Visual Studio documentation is Visual Studio 2017 Documentation on

The latest version of this topic can be found at Help Files (HTML Help).

The following files are created when you add the HTML Help type of Help support to your application by selecting the Context-sensitive help check box and then selecting HTML Help format in the Advanced Features page of the MFC Application Wizard.

File name Directory location Solution Explorer location Description
Projname.hhp Projname\hlp HTML Help files The help project file. It contains the data needed to compile the help files into an .hxs file or a .chm file.
Projname.hhk Projname\hlp HTML Help files Contains an index of the help topics.
Projname.hhc Projname\hlp HTML Help files The contents of the help project.
Makehtmlhelp.bat Projname Source Files Used by the system to build the Help project when the project is compiled.
Afxcore.htm Projname\hlp HTML Help Topics Contains the standard help topics for standard MFC commands and screen objects. Add your own help topics to this file.
Afxprint.htm Projname\hlp HTML Help Topics Contains the help topics for the printing commands.
*.jpg; *.gif Projname\hlp\Images Resource Files Contain images for the different generated help file topics.

See Also

File Types Created for Visual C++ Projects