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API reference - Bot Connector



The REST API is not equivalent to the SDK. The REST API is provided to allow standard REST communication, however the preferred method of interacting with the Bot Framework is the SDK.

Within the Bot Framework, the Bot Connector service enables your bot to exchange messages with users on channels that are configured in the Bot Framework Portal. The service uses industry-standard REST and JSON over HTTPS.

Base URI

When a user sends a message to your bot, the incoming request contains an Activity object with a serviceUrl property that specifies the endpoint to which your bot should send its response. To access the Bot Connector service, use the serviceUrl value as the base URI for API requests.

For example, assume that your bot receives the following activity when the user sends a message to the bot.

    "type": "message",
    "id": "bf3cc9a2f5de...",
    "timestamp": "2016-10-19T20:17:52.2891902Z",
    "serviceUrl": "",
    "channelId": "channel's name/id",
    "from": {
        "id": "1234abcd",
        "name": "user's name"
    "conversation": {
        "id": "abcd1234",
        "name": "conversation's name"
    "recipient": {
        "id": "12345678",
        "name": "bot's name"
    "text": "Haircut on Saturday"

The serviceUrl property within the user's message indicates that the bot should send its response to the endpoint; this will be the base URI for any subsequent requests that the bot issues in the context of this conversation. If your bot will need to send a proactive message to the user, be sure to save the value of serviceUrl.

The following example shows the request that the bot issues to respond to the user's message.

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1Ni...
Content-Type: application/json
    "type": "message",
    "from": {
        "id": "12345678",
        "name": "bot's name"
    "conversation": {
        "id": "abcd1234",
        "name": "conversation's name"
   "recipient": {
        "id": "1234abcd",
        "name": "user's name"
    "text": "I have several times available on Saturday!",
    "replyToId": "bf3cc9a2f5de..."


Request headers

In addition to the standard HTTP request headers, every API request that you issue must include an Authorization header that specifies an access token to authenticate your bot. Specify the Authorization header using this format:

Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN

For details about how to obtain an access token for your bot, see Authenticate requests from your bot to the Bot Connector service.

Response headers

In addition to the standard HTTP response headers, every response will contain an X-Correlating-OperationId header. The value of this header is an ID that corresponds to the Bot Framework log entry which contains details about the request. Any time that you receive an error response, you should capture the value of this header. If you are not able to independently resolve the issue, include this value in the information that you provide to the Support team when you report the issue.

HTTP status codes

The HTTP status code that is returned with each response indicates the outcome of the corresponding request.

HTTP status code Meaning
200 The request succeeded.
201 The request succeeded.
202 The request has been accepted for processing.
204 The request succeeded but no content was returned.
400 The request was malformed or otherwise incorrect.
401 The bot is not authorized to make the request.
403 The bot is not allowed to perform the requested operation.
404 The requested resource was not found.
405 The channel does not support the requested operation.
500 An internal server error occurred.
503 The service is unavailable.


Any response that specifies an HTTP status code in the 4xx range or 5xx range will include an ErrorResponse object in the body of the response that provides information about the error. If you receive an error response in the 4xx range, inspect the ErrorResponse object to identify the cause of the error and resolve your issue prior to resubmitting the request.

Conversation operations

Use these operations to create conversations, send messages (activities), and manage the contents of conversations.

Operation Description
Create Conversation Creates a new conversation.
Delete Activity Deletes an existing activity.
Delete Conversation Member Removes a member from a conversation.
Get Activity Members Gets the members of the specified activity within the specified conversation.
Get Conversation Member Gets details about a member of a conversation.
Get Conversation Members Gets the members of the specified conversation.
Get Conversation Paged Members Gets the members of the specified conversation one page at a time.
Get Conversations Gets a list of conversations the bot has participated in.
Reply to Activity Sends an activity (message) to the specified conversation, as a reply to the specified activity.
Send Conversation History Uploads a transcript of past activities to the conversation.
Send to Conversation Sends an activity (message) to the end of the specified conversation.
Update Activity Updates an existing activity.
Upload Attachment to Channel Uploads an attachment directly into a channel's blob storage.

Create Conversation

Creates a new conversation.

POST /v3/conversations
Request body A ConversationParameters object
Returns A ConversationResourceResponse object

Delete Activity

Some channels allow you to delete an existing activity. If successful, this operation removes the specified activity from the specified conversation.

DELETE /v3/conversations/{conversationId}/activities/{activityId}
Request body n/a
Returns An HTTP Status code that indicates the outcome of the operation. Nothing is specified in the body of the response.

Delete Conversation Member

Removes a member from a conversation. If that member was the last member of the conversation, the conversation will also be deleted.

DELETE /v3/conversations/{conversationId}/members/{memberId}
Request body n/a
Returns An HTTP Status code that indicates the outcome of the operation. Nothing is specified in the body of the response.

Get Activity Members

Gets the members of the specified activity within the specified conversation.

GET /v3/conversations/{conversationId}/activities/{activityId}/members
Request body n/a
Returns An array of ChannelAccount objects

Get Conversations

Gets a list of conversations the bot has participated in.

GET /v3/conversations?continuationToken={continuationToken}
Request body n/a
Returns A ConversationsResult object

Get Conversation Member

Gets details about a specific member of a specific conversation.

GET /v3/conversations/{conversationId}/members/{memberId}
Request body n/a
Returns A ChannelAccount object for the member.

Get Conversation Members

Gets the members of the specified conversation.

GET /v3/conversations/{conversationId}/members
Request body n/a
Returns An array of ChannelAccount objects for the members of the conversation.

Get Conversation Paged Members

Gets the members of the specified conversation one page at a time.

GET /v3/conversations/{conversationId}/pagedmembers?pageSize={pageSize}&continuationToken={continuationToken}
Request body n/a
Returns A PagedMembersResult object

Reply to Activity

Sends an activity (message) to the specified conversation, as a reply to the specified activity. The activity will be added as a reply to another activity, if the channel supports it. If the channel does not support nested replies, then this operation behaves like Send to Conversation.

POST /v3/conversations/{conversationId}/activities/{activityId}
Request body An Activity object
Returns A ResourceResponse object

Send Conversation History

Uploads a transcript of past activities to the conversation so that the client can render them.

POST /v3/conversations/{conversationId}/activities/history
Request body A Transcript object.
Returns A ResourceResponse object.

Send to Conversation

Sends an activity (message) to the specified conversation. The activity will be appended to the end of the conversation according to the timestamp or semantics of the channel. To reply to a specific message within the conversation, use Reply to Activity instead.

POST /v3/conversations/{conversationId}/activities
Request body An Activity object
Returns A ResourceResponse object

Update Activity

Some channels allow you to edit an existing activity to reflect the new state of a bot conversation. For example, you might remove buttons from a message in the conversation after the user has clicked one of the buttons. If successful, this operation updates the specified activity within the specified conversation.

PUT /v3/conversations/{conversationId}/activities/{activityId}
Request body An Activity object
Returns A ResourceResponse object

Upload Attachment to Channel

Uploads an attachment for the specified conversation directly into a channel's blob storage. This enables you to store data in a compliant store.

POST /v3/conversations/{conversationId}/attachments
Request body An AttachmentData object.
Returns A ResourceResponse object. The id property specifies the attachment ID that can be used with the Get Attachment Info operation and the Get Attachment operation.

Attachment operations

Use these operations to retrieve information about an attachment as well the binary data for the file itself.

Operation Description
Get Attachment Info Gets information about the specified attachment, including file name, file type, and the available views (e.g. original or thumbnail).
Get Attachment Gets the specified view of the specified attachment as binary content.

Get Attachment Info

Gets information about the specified attachment, including file name, type, and the available views (e.g. original or thumbnail).

GET /v3/attachments/{attachmentId}
Request body n/a
Returns An AttachmentInfo object

Get Attachment

Gets the specified view of the specified attachment as binary content.

GET /v3/attachments/{attachmentId}/views/{viewId}
Request body n/a
Returns Binary content that represents the specified view of the specified attachment

State operations (deprecated)

The Microsoft Bot Framework State service is retired as of March 30, 2018. Previously, bots built on the Azure Bot Service or the Bot Builder SDK had a default connection to this service hosted by Microsoft to store bot state data. Bots will need to be updated to use their own state storage.

Operation Description
Set User Data Stores state data for a specific user on a channel.
Set Conversation Data Stores state data for a specific conversation on a channel.
Set Private Conversation Data Stores state data for a specific user within the context of a specific conversation on a channel.
Get User Data Retrieves state data that has previously been stored for a specific user across all conversations on a channel.
Get Conversation Data Retrieves state data that has previously been stored for a specific conversation on a channel.
Get Private Conversation Data Retrieves state data that has previously been stored for a specific user within the context of a specific conversation on a channel.
Delete State For User Deletes state data that has previously been stored for a user.


The Bot Framework schema defines the objects and their properties that your bot can use to communicate with a user.

Object Description
Activity object Defines a message that is exchanged between bot and user.
AnimationCard object Defines a card that can play animated GIFs or short videos.
Attachment object Defines additional information to include in the message. An attachment may be a media file (e.g. audio, video, image, file) or a rich card.
AttachmentData object Describes an attachment data.
AttachmentInfo object Describes an attachment.
AttachmentView object Defines a attachment view.
AudioCard object Defines a card that can play an audio file.
CardAction object Defines an action to perform.
CardImage object Defines an image to display on a card.
ChannelAccount object Defines a bot or user account on the channel.
ConversationAccount object Defines a conversation in a channel.
ConversationMembers object Defines the members of a conversation.
ConversationParameters object Define parameters for creating a new conversation
ConversationReference object Defines a particular point in a conversation.
ConversationResourceResponse object Defines a response to Create Conversation.
ConversationsResult object Defines the result of a call to Get Conversations.
Entity object Defines an entity object.
Error object Defines an error.
ErrorResponse object Defines an HTTP API response.
Fact object Defines a key-value pair that contains a fact.
GeoCoordinates object Defines a geographical location using World Geodetic System (WSG84) coordinates.
HeroCard object Defines a card with a large image, title, text, and action buttons.
InnerHttpError object Object representing an inner HTTP error.
MediaEventValue object Supplementary parameter for media events.
MediaUrl object Defines the URL to a media file's source.
Mention object Defines a user or bot that was mentioned in the conversation.
MessageReaction object Defines a reaction to a message.
PagedMembersResult object Page of members returned by Get Conversation Paged Members.
Place object Defines a place that was mentioned in the conversation.
ReceiptCard object Defines a card that contains a receipt for a purchase.
ReceiptItem object Defines a line item within a receipt.
ResourceResponse object Defines a resource.
SemanticAction object Defines a reference to a programmatic action.
SignInCard object Defines a card that lets a user sign in to a service.
SuggestedActions object Defines the options from which a user can choose.
TextHighlight object Refers to a substring of content within another field.
ThumbnailCard object Defines a card with a thumbnail image, title, text, and action buttons.
ThumbnailUrl object Defines the URL to an image's source.
Transcript object A collection of activities to be uploaded using Send Conversation History.
VideoCard object Defines a card that can play videos.

Activity object

Defines a message that is exchanged between bot and user.

Property Type Description
action string The action to apply or that was applied. Use the type property to determine context for the action. For example, if type is contactRelationUpdate, the value of the action property would be add if the user added your bot to their contacts list, or remove if they removed your bot from their contacts list.
attachmentLayout string Layout of the rich card attachments that the message includes. One of these values: carousel, list. For more information about rich card attachments, see Add rich card attachments to messages.
attachments Attachment[] Array of Attachment objects that defines additional information to include in the message. Each attachment may be either a file (e.g. audio, video, image) or a rich card.
callerId string A string containing an IRI identifying the caller of a bot. This field is not intended to be transmitted over the wire, but is instead populated by bots and clients based on cryptographically verifiable data that asserts the identity of the callers (e.g. tokens).
channelData object An object that contains channel-specific content. Some channels provide features that require additional information that cannot be represented using the attachment schema. For those cases, set this property to the channel-specific content as defined in the channel's documentation. For more information, see Implement channel-specific functionality.
channelId string An ID that uniquely identifies the channel. Set by the channel.
code string Code indicating why the conversation has ended.
conversation ConversationAccount A ConversationAccount object that defines the conversation to which the activity belongs.
deliveryMode string A delivery hint to signal to the recipient alternate delivery paths for the activity. One of these values: normal, notification.
entities object[] Array of objects that represents the entities that were mentioned in the message. Objects in this array may be any object. For example, the array may include Mention objects that identify someone who was mentioned in the conversation and Place objects that identify a place that was mentioned in the conversation.
expiration string The time at which the activity should be considered to be "expired" and should not be presented to the recipient.
from ChannelAccount A ChannelAccount object that specifies the sender of the message.
historyDisclosed boolean Flag that indicates whether or not history is disclosed. Default value is false.
id string ID that uniquely identifies the activity on the channel.
importance string Defines the importance of an Activity. One of these values: low, normal, high.
inputHint string Value that indicates whether your bot is accepting, expecting, or ignoring user input after the message is delivered to the client. One of these values: acceptingInput, expectingInput, ignoringInput.
label string A descriptive label for the activity.
listenFor string[] List of phrases and references that speech and language priming systems should listen for.
locale string Locale of the language that should be used to display text within the message, in the format <language>-<country>. The channel uses this property to indicate the user's language, so that your bot may specify display strings in that language. Default value is en-US.
localTimestamp string Date and time that the message was sent in the local time zone, expressed in ISO-8601 format.
localTimezone string Contains the name of the local timezone of the message, expressed in IANA Time Zone database format. For example, America/Los_Angeles.
membersAdded ChannelAccount[] Array of ChannelAccount objects that represents the list of users that joined the conversation. Present only if activity type is "conversationUpdate" and users joined the conversation.
membersRemoved ChannelAccount[] Array of ChannelAccount objects that represents the list of users that left the conversation. Present only if activity type is "conversationUpdate" and users left the conversation.
name string Name of the operation to invoke or the name of the event.
reactionsAdded MessageReaction[] The collection of reactions added to the conversation.
reactionsRemoved MessageReaction[] The collection of reactions removed from the conversation.
recipient ChannelAccount A ChannelAccount object that specifies the recipient of the message.
relatesTo ConversationReference A ConversationReference object that defines a particular point in a conversation.
replyToId string The ID of the message to which this message replies. To reply to a message that the user sent, set this property to the ID of the user's message. Not all channels support threaded replies. In these cases, the channel will ignore this property and use time ordered semantics (timestamp) to append the message to the conversation.
semanticAction SemanticAction A SemanticAction object that represents a reference to a programmatic action.
serviceUrl string URL that specifies the channel's service endpoint. Set by the channel.
speak string Text to be spoken by your bot on a speech-enabled channel. To control various characteristics of your bot's speech such as voice, rate, volume, pronunciation, and pitch, specify this property in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) format.
suggestedActions SuggestedActions A SuggestedActions object that defines the options from which the user can choose.
summary string Summary of the information that the message contains. For example, for a message that is sent on an email channel, this property may specify the first 50 characters of the email message.
text string Text of the message that is sent from user to bot or bot to user. See the channel's documentation for limits imposed upon the contents of this property.
textFormat string Format of the message's text. One of these values: markdown, plain, xml. For details about text format, see Create messages.
textHighlights TextHighlight[] The collection of text fragments to highlight when the activity contains a replyToId value.
timestamp string Date and time that the message was sent in the UTC time zone, expressed in ISO-8601 format.
topicName string Topic of the conversation to which the activity belongs.
type string Type of activity. One of these values: message, contactRelationUpdate, conversationUpdate, typing, endOfConversation, event, invoke, deleteUserData, messageUpdate, messageDelete, installationUpdate, messageReaction, suggestion, trace, handoff. For details about activity types, see Activities overview.
value object Open-ended value.
valueType string The type of the activity's value object.

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AnimationCard object

Defines a card that can play animated GIFs or short videos.

Property Type Description
aspect boolean Aspect ratio of thumbnail/media placeholder. Allowed values are "16:9" and "4:3".
autoloop boolean Flag that indicates whether to replay the list of animated GIFs when the last one ends. Set this property to true to automatically replay the animation; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
autostart boolean Flag that indicates whether to automatically play the animation when the card is displayed. Set this property to true to automatically play the animation; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
buttons CardAction[] Array of CardAction objects that enable the user to perform one or more actions. The channel determines the number of buttons that you may specify.
duration string The length of the media content, in ISO 8601 duration format.
image ThumbnailUrl A ThumbnailUrl object that specifies the image to display on the card.
media MediaUrl[] Array of MediaUrl objects. When this field contains more than one URL, each URL is an alternative format of the same content.
shareable boolean Flag that indicates whether the animation may be shared with others. Set this property to true if the animation may be shared; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
subtitle string Subtitle to display under the card's title.
text string Description or prompt to display under the card's title or subtitle.
title string Title of the card.
value object Supplementary parameter for this card.

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Attachment object

Defines additional information to include in the message. An attachment may be a file (such as an image, audio, or video) or a rich card.

Property Type Description
content object The content of the attachment. If the attachment is a rich card, set this property to the rich card object. This property and the contentUrl property are mutually exclusive.
contentType string The media type of the content in the attachment. For media files, set this property to known media types such as image/png, audio/wav, and video/mp4. For rich cards, set this property to one of these vendor-specific types:
  • application/ A rich card that can contain any combination of text, speech, images, buttons, and input fields. Set the content property to an AdaptiveCard object.
  • application/ A rich card that plays animation. Set the content property to an AnimationCard object.
  • application/ A rich card that plays audio files. Set the content property to an AudioCard object.
  • application/ A Hero card. Set the content property to a HeroCard object.
  • application/ A Receipt card. Set the content property to a ReceiptCard object.
  • application/ A user Sign In card. Set the content property to a SignInCard object.
  • application/ A Thumbnail card. Set the content property to a ThumbnailCard object.
  • application/ A rich card that plays videos. Set the content property to a VideoCard object.
contentUrl string URL for the content of the attachment. For example, if the attachment is an image, you can set contentUrl to the URL that represents the location of the image. Supported protocols are: HTTP, HTTPS, File, and Data.
name string Name of the attachment.
thumbnailUrl string URL to a thumbnail image that the channel can use if it supports using an alternative, smaller form of content or contentUrl. For example, if you set contentType to application/word and set contentUrl to the location of the Word document, you might include a thumbnail image that represents the document. The channel could display the thumbnail image instead of the document. When the user clicks the image, the channel would open the document.

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AttachmentData object

Describes an attachment's data.

Property Type Description
name string Name of the attachment.
originalBase64 string Attachment content.
thumbnailBase64 string Attachment thumbnail content.
type string Content type of the attachment.

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AttachmentInfo object

Metadata for an attachment.

Property Type Description
name string Name of the attachment.
type string Content type of the attachment.
views AttachmentView[] Array of AttachmentView objects that represent the available views for the attachment.

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AttachmentView object

Defines a attachment view.

Property Type Description
size number Size of the file.
viewId string View ID.

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AudioCard object

Defines a card that can play an audio file.

Property Type Description
aspect string Aspect ratio of the thumbnail that is specified in the image property. Valid values are 16:9 and 4:3.
autoloop boolean Flag that indicates whether to replay the list of audio files when the last one ends. Set this property to true to automatically replay the audio files; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
autostart boolean Flag that indicates whether to automatically play the audio when the card is displayed. Set this property to true to automatically play the audio; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
buttons CardAction[] Array of CardAction objects that enable the user to perform one or more actions. The channel determines the number of buttons that you may specify.
duration string The length of the media content, in ISO 8601 duration format.
image ThumbnailUrl A ThumbnailUrl object that specifies the image to display on the card.
media MediaUrl[] Array of MediaUrl objects. When this field contains more than one URL, each URL is an alternative format of the same content.
shareable boolean Flag that indicates whether the audio files may be shared with others. Set this property to true if the audio may be shared; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
subtitle string Subtitle to display under the card's title.
text string Description or prompt to display under the card's title or subtitle.
title string Title of the card.
value object Supplementary parameter for this card.

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CardAction object

Defines a clickable action with a button.

Property Type Description
channelData string Channel-specific data associated with this action.
displayText string Text to display in the chat feed if the button is clicked.
image string Image URL which will appear on the button, next to the text label.
text string Text for the action.
title string Text description which appears on the button.
type string Type of action to perform. For a list of valid values, see Add rich card attachments to messages.
value object Supplementary parameter for the action. The behavior of this property will vary according to the action type. For more information, see Add rich card attachments to messages.

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CardImage object

Defines an image to display on a card.

Property Type Description
alt string Description of the image. You should include the description to support accessibility.
tap CardAction A CardAction object that specifies the action to perform if the user taps or clicks the image.
url string URL to the source of the image or the base64 binary of the image (for example, ...).

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ChannelAccount object

Defines a bot or user account on the channel.

Property Type Description
aadObjectId string This account's object ID within Azure Active Directory.
id string Unique ID for the user or bot on this channel.
name string Display-friendly name of the bot or user.
role string Role of the entity behind the account. Either user or bot.

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ConversationAccount object

Defines a conversation in a channel.

Property Type Description
aadObjectId string This account's object ID within Azure Active Directory (AAD).
conversationType string Indicates the type of the conversation in channels that distinguish between conversation types (e.g. group, personal).
id string The ID that identifies the conversation. The ID is unique per channel. If the channel starts the conversation, it sets this ID; otherwise, the bot sets this property to the ID that it gets back in the response when it starts the conversation (see Create Conversation).
isGroup boolean Flag to indicate whether the conversation contains more than two participants at the time the activity was generated. Set to true if this is a group conversation; otherwise, false. The default is false.
name string A display name that can be used to identify the conversation.
role string Role of the entity behind the account. Either user or bot.
tenantId string This conversation's tenant ID.

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ConversationMembers object

Defines the members of a conversation.

Property Type Description
id string The conversation ID.
members ChannelAccount[] List of members in this conversation.

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ConversationParameters object

Defines parameters for creating a new conversation.

Property Type Description
activity Activity The initial message to send to the conversation when it is created.
bot ChannelAccount Channel account information needed to route a message to the bot.
channelData object Channel-specific payload for creating the conversation.
isGroup boolean Indicates whether this is a group conversation.
members ChannelAccount[] Channel account information needed to route a message to each user.
tenantId string The tenant ID in which the conversation should be created.
topicName string Topic of the conversation. This property is only used if a channel supports it.

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ConversationReference object

Defines a particular point in a conversation.

Property Type Description
activityId string ID that uniquely identifies the activity that this object references.
bot ChannelAccount A ChannelAccount object that identifies the bot in the conversation that this object references.
channelId string An ID that uniquely identifies the channel in the conversation that this object references.
conversation ConversationAccount A ConversationAccount object that defines the conversation that this object references.
serviceUrl string URL that specifies the channel's service endpoint in the conversation that this object references.
user ChannelAccount A ChannelAccount object that identifies the user in the conversation that this object references.

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ConversationResourceResponse object

Defines a response to Create Conversation.

Property Type Description
activityId string ID of the activity, if sent.
id string ID of the resource.
serviceUrl string Service endpoint where operations concerning the conversation may be performed.

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ConversationsResult object

Defines the result of Get Conversations.

Property Type Description
conversations ConversationMembers[] The members in each of the conversations.
continuationToken string The continuation token that can be used in subsequent calls to Get Conversations.

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Entity object

Metadata object pertaining to an activity.

Property Type Description
type string Type of this entity (RFC 3987 IRI).

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Error object

Object representing error information.

Property Type Description
code string Error code.
innerHttpError InnerHttpError Object representing the inner HTTP error.
message string A description of the error.

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ErrorResponse object

Defines an HTTP API response.

Property Type Description
error Error An Error object that contains information about the error.

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Fact object

Defines a key-value pair that contains a fact.

Property Type Description
key string Name of the fact. For example, Check-in. The key is used as a label when displaying the fact's value.
value string Value of the fact. For example, 10 October 2016.

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GeoCoordinates object

Defines a geographical location using World Geodetic System (WSG84) coordinates.

Property Type Description
elevation number Elevation of the location.
latitude number Latitude of the location.
longitude number Longitude of the location.
name string Name of the location.
type string The type of this object. Always set to GeoCoordinates.

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HeroCard object

Defines a card with a large image, title, text, and action buttons.

Property Type Description
buttons CardAction[] Array of CardAction objects that enable the user to perform one or more actions. The channel determines the number of buttons that you may specify.
images CardImage[] Array of CardImage objects that specifies the image to display on the card. A Hero card contains only one image.
subtitle string Subtitle to display under the card's title.
tap CardAction A CardAction object that specifies the action to perform if the user taps or clicks the card. This can be the same action as one of the buttons or a different action.
text string Description or prompt to display under the card's title or subtitle.
title string Title of the card.

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InnerHttpError object

Object representing an inner HTTP error.

Property Type Description
statusCode number HTTP status code from the failed request.
body object Body from the failed request.

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MediaEventValue object

Supplementary parameter for media events.

Property Type Description
cardValue object Callback parameter specified in the value field of the media card that originated this event.

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MediaUrl object

Defines the URL to a media file's source.

Property Type Description
profile string Hint that describes the media's content.
url string URL to the source of the media file.

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Mention object

Defines a user or bot that was mentioned in the conversation.

Property Type Description
mentioned ChannelAccount A ChannelAccount object that specifies the user or the bot that was mentioned. Note that some channels such as Slack assign names per conversation, so it is possible that your bot's mentioned name (in the message's recipient property) may be different from the handle that you specified when you registered your bot. However, the account IDs for both would be the same.
text string The user or bot as mentioned in the conversation. For example, if the message is "@ColorBot pick me a new color," this property would be set to @ColorBot. Not all channels set this property.
type string This object's type. Always set to Mention.

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MessageReaction object

Defines a reaction to a message.

Property Type Description
type string Type of reaction. Either like or plusOne.

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PagedMembersResult object

Page of members returned by Get Conversation Paged Members.

Property Type Description
continuationToken string The continuation token that can be used in subsequent calls to Get Conversation Paged Members.
members ChannelAccount[] An array of conversation members.

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Place object

Defines a place that was mentioned in the conversation.

Property Type Description
address object Address of a place. This property can be a string or a complex object of type PostalAddress.
geo GeoCoordinates A GeoCoordinates object that specifies the geographical coordinates of the place.
hasMap object Map to the place. This property can be a string (URL) or a complex object of type Map.
name string Name of the place.
type string This object's type. Always set to Place.

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ReceiptCard object

Defines a card that contains a receipt for a purchase.

Property Type Description
buttons CardAction[] Array of CardAction objects that enable the user to perform one or more actions. The channel determines the number of buttons that you may specify.
facts Fact[] Array of Fact objects that specify information about the purchase. For example, the list of facts for a hotel stay receipt might include the check-in date and check-out date. The channel determines the number of facts that you may specify.
items ReceiptItem[] Array of ReceiptItem objects that specify the purchased items
tap CardAction A CardAction object that specifies the action to perform if the user taps or clicks the card. This can be the same action as one of the buttons or a different action.
tax string A currency-formatted string that specifies the amount of tax applied to the purchase.
title string Title displayed at the top of the receipt.
total string A currency-formatted string that specifies the total purchase price, including all applicable taxes.
vat string A currency-formatted string that specifies the amount of value-added tax (VAT) applied to the purchase price.

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ReceiptItem object

Defines a line item within a receipt.

Property Type Description
image CardImage A CardImage object that specifies thumbnail image to display next to the line item.
price string A currency-formatted string that specifies the total price of all units purchased.
quantity string A numeric string that specifies the number of units purchased.
subtitle string Subtitle to be displayed under the line item's title.
tap CardAction A CardAction object that specifies the action to perform if the user taps or clicks the line item.
text string Description of the line item.
title string Title of the line item.

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ResourceResponse object

Defines a response that contains a resource ID.

Property Type Description
id string ID that uniquely identifies the resource.

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SemanticAction object

Defines a reference to a programmatic action.

Property Type Description
entities object An object where the value of each property is an Entity object.
id string ID of this action.
state string State of this action. Allowed values: start, continue, done.

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SignInCard object

Defines a card that lets a user sign in to a service.

Property Type Description
buttons CardAction[] Array of CardAction objects that enable the user to sign in to a service. The channel determines the number of buttons that you may specify.
text string Description or prompt to include on the sign in card.

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SuggestedActions object

Defines the options from which a user can choose.

Property Type Description
actions CardAction[] Array of CardAction objects that define the suggested actions.
to string[] Array of strings that contains the IDs of the recipients to whom the suggested actions should be displayed.

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TextHighlight object

Refers to a substring of content within another field.

Property Type Description
occurrence number Occurrence of the text field within the referenced text, if multiple exist.
text string Defines the snippet of text to highlight.

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ThumbnailCard object

Defines a card with a thumbnail image, title, text, and action buttons.

Property Type Description
buttons CardAction[] Array of CardAction objects that enable the user to perform one or more actions. The channel determines the number of buttons that you may specify.
images CardImage[] Array of CardImage objects that specify thumbnail images to display on the card. The channel determines the number of thumbnail images that you may specify.
subtitle string Subtitle to display under the card's title.
tap CardAction A CardAction object that specifies the action to perform if the user taps or clicks the card. This can be the same action as one of the buttons or a different action.
text string Description or prompt to display under the card's title or subtitle.
title string Title of the card.

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ThumbnailUrl object

Defines the URL to an image's source.

Property Type Description
alt string Description of the image. You should include the description to support accessibility.
url string URL to the source of the image or the base64 binary of the image (for example, ...).

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Transcript object

A collection of activities to be uploaded using Send Conversation History.

Property Type Description
activities array An array of Activity objects. They should each have a unique ID and timestamp.

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VideoCard object

Defines a card that can play videos.

Property Type Description
aspect string Aspect ratio of the video. Either 16:9 or 4:3.
autoloop boolean Flag that indicates whether to replay the list of videos when the last one ends. Set this property to true to automatically replay the videos; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
autostart boolean Flag that indicates whether to automatically play the videos when the card is displayed. Set this property to true to automatically play the videos; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
buttons CardAction[] Array of CardAction objects that enable the user to perform one or more actions. The channel determines the number of buttons that you may specify.
duration string The length of the media content, in ISO 8601 duration format.
image ThumbnailUrl A ThumbnailUrl object that specifies the image to display on the card.
media MediaUrl[] Array of MediaUrl. When this field contains more than one URL, each URL is an alternative format of the same content.
shareable boolean Flag that indicates whether the videos may be shared with others. Set this property to true if the videos may be shared; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
subtitle string Subtitle to display under the card's title.
text string Description or prompt to display under the card's title or subtitle.
title string Title of the card.
value object Supplementary parameter for this card

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