How to Change a Data Source
You use the Profiles Schema Manager to change the properties of a data source. You can change the following properties of a data source:
Display name
If you want to change the programmatic name of the data source, you must delete and then re-create the data source with the new programmatic name.
To change the display name properties of a data source
Expand Commerce Server Manager, expand Global Resources, expand Profiles, expand Profile Catalog, expand Data Sources, right-click the data source you want to change, and then click Properties.
In the <data source> Properties dialog box, on the General tab, do the following:
Use this
To do this
Display Name
Change the name for the data source. The display name can contain a maximum of 127 Unicode characters.
Change the description for the data source. The description can contain a maximum of 127 Unicode characters.
To save your changes and return to Commerce Server Manager, click OK.
The data source is saved with your changes. You can change the connection string of an existing partition, or add a new partition that is the same type as the data source (LDAP or OLE DB).
To add a new partition or modify an existing partition for an OLE DB-ANSI Provider, see How to Create a Data Source for SQL Server. To add a new partition or modify an existing partition for an LDAPv3-compliant source, see How to Create a Data Source for Active Directory and Active Directory for Application Mode.
Deleting a Data Source
You cannot recover a data source after you delete it.
To delete a data source
Expand Commerce Server Manager, expand Global Resources, expand Profiles, expand Profile Catalog, expand Data Sources, right-click the data source you want to delete, and then click Delete.
In the Delete Data Source confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
The data source, all its data objects, and all its data members are deleted.