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CSS QueryProj Command

Lists the specified properties that are defined for a Commerce Server Staging (CSS) project. If no properties are specified, all properties are listed that are defined for the project.


When you query a business data project, the contents of the business data XML configuration file are listed before all other project properties.

QueryProj <ProjectName> [Property] [...] [GlobalFlags]





Specifies the name of the project.




Specifies whether the project is defined to stage business data (1) or not (0). The value is 1 when the /BusinessData flag is set for the project.


Specifies whether the project is to stage to a virtual root directory (YES) or not (NO).

This option is only applicable to Web content staging projects.


Specifies the destinations defined for the project.


Lists the flags that are defined for the project. The following flags, except for the /Route flag, are only valid for staging Web content projects:

NoDeleteSpecifies to preserve deleted content on the endpoint servers.
Specifies to replicate the directory structure only.
This flag has no user interface counterpart. This flag cannot be used with the /Incremental option.
ForceSpecifies to force deployment of all content.
IncrementalSpecifies to stage only that content that has changed.
AutomaticSpecifies to stage content automatically as it changes.
Indicates whether the check for routes flag is enabled. This flag instructs CSS to compare the destination names that are provided against the route names that are defined on the server. CSS will treat the destination string that resembles existing routes defined on the server as a route name. The default assignment is /Route.
Routes can only be used to stage Web content and business data.
ExcludeAllSpecifies that all subdirectories should be excluded from staging.


Specifies the path of the local directory that is defined for the project. This directory is used to temporarily store data that is staged.


Specifies the URL to which the destination maps.

This option is only applicable to Web content staging projects. You define this option only on endpoint servers.


Specifies whether the project is defined to stage the IIS metabase (YES) or not (NO).


Specifies the type of replication.

The only type supported is SENDINET.


Specifies whether CSS will skip the deployment of a file from the source (YES) or overwrite a file on the target if it is locked or currently being used (NO).

This option is only applicable to Web content staging projects.


Specifies whether transactional staging is enabled for the project (YES) or not (NO).

This option is only applicable to Web content staging projects.


Specifies the user rights that are set on the virtual directory:

  • r=Allow read access

  • w=Allow write access

  • e=Allow execute access

  • s=Allow script access

  • b=Allow directory browsing

This option corresponds to the VDirAttribs option set with the EditProj command.


Specifies the name of the Web site defined for the project.

This option is only applicable to Web content staging projects.


Specifies whether timed release is enabled (YES) or not (NO).

This option is only applicable to Web content staging projects.

Global Flags



/Server <ServerName>

Specifies the server for which the command should execute. Leave blank to execute the command on the server where you enter the command.

/User <user> [pass | *]

Specifies the credentials to use to run the command. You must specify a user name that has the required CSS administrator or operator rights on the server where the command will be executed. If you omit the user name, the user name of the person who enters the command is used.

If you omit the password or enter an asterisk, CSS prompts you for the password. The password you enter is not displayed on the screen.

Return Value

This command returns the property assignments made to the specified project.


You must have CSS administrator or operator rights to execute this command.


You can only query those projects for which the specified user has rights to administer or operate.


The following command returns all property assignments defined for the project named Test1. The credentials of the user who is logged into the local server are used to execute the command. This user must have CSS administrator rights on the server in order to execute the command.

C:%COMMERCE_SERVER_ROOT%\Staging\Bin> css queryproj Test1
Staging Command Line Interface, BUILD 6.0.3724.0

Project              : Test1
ReplicationMethod    : SENDINET
BusinessProject      : 0
Flags                : AUTOMATIC
VRootWebSiteName     : Default Web Site
CreateVirtualRoot    : YES
VRootAttributes      :
MapUrl               : /samplevdirTest1
Destination          : CS001;CS002;CSS003;
WaitApply            : YES
SkipLockedFiles      : YES
LocalDirectory       : C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\StarterSite
Command QueryProj completed successfully.

See Also

Other Resources

CSS AddProj Command

CSS EditProj Command

Staging Commands