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Order Details Web Part

The Order Details Web Part displays the current order.


The Order Details Web Part contains these components:

  • OrderDetailWebPart/SPOrderDetailWebPart: loads the specified user control dynamically (derived from the BaseUserControlWebpart class).

  • OrderDetail.ascx User Control: defines the possible actions that the shopper can take and handles these events. This user control includes an XsltBasketControl server control.

  • XsltBasketControl Web Control: builds an XML stream from the Basket commerce entity and then applies the specified template.

  • OrderController: encapsulates all multi-channel commerce foundation calls relating to querying orders.


The following table lists the mapping of the properties for the Order Details Web Part.


Maps to

"Order Id" URL parameter


Xsl template Url



You can customize the Order Details Web Part by modifying the XSLT template.

Error Handling

There is no design-time error handing required for this Web Part.

API Dependencies

The dependencies on the API are:

  • Basic operations relating to the Basket commerce entity and related items:

    • Retrieve line items

    • Retrieve addresses

    • Retrieve payments

    • Retrieve promotion codes

    • Retrieve shipments

    • Retrieve discounts

  • Retrieve available payment methods

  • Retrieve available shipping methods

See Also

Other Resources

Developing with SharePoint Commerce Services

Orders System Web Parts

Working With the Order Details Web Part