Request the Creation of a New Controlled GPO
Unless you are an Approver or an AGPM-Administrator ("Vollzugriff"), you must request the creation of a new Gruppenrichtlinienobjekt (Group Policy Object, GPO).
A user account with the Editor or Reviewer role or necessary permissions in Erweiterte Gruppenrichtlinienverwaltung (Advanced Group Policy Management, APGM) is required to complete this procedure. Ausführliche Informationen finden Sie unter „Weitere Überlegungen“ in diesem Thema.
To create a new GPO with change control managed through AGPM
Klicken Sie in der Struktur Gruppenrichtlinien-Verwaltungskonsole auf Steuerung ändern in der Gesamtstruktur und der Domäne, in der Sie GPOs verwalten möchten.
Right-click Change Control, and then click New Controlled GPO.
Unless you have special permission to create GPOs, you must submit a request for creation. In the New Controlled GPO dialog box:
To receive a copy of the request, enter your e-mail address in the Cc field.
Type a name for the new GPO.
Optional: Type a comment for the new GPO.
To deploy the new GPO to the production environment immediately upon approval, click Create live. To create the new GPO offline without immediately deploying it upon approval, click Create offline.
Select the GPO template to use as a starting point for the new GPO.
Click Submit.
Wenn das Fenster Fortschritt anzeigt, dass der Gesamtfortschritt abgeschlossen ist, klicken Sie auf Schließen. The new GPO is displayed in the list of GPOs on the Pending tab. When an Approver has approved your request, the GPO will be moved to the Controlled tab.
Additional considerations
By default, you must be an Editor or a Reviewer to perform this procedure. Specifically, you must have List Contents permission for the domain.
To withdraw your request before it has been approved, click the Pending tab. Right-click the GPO, then click Withdraw. The GPO will be destroyed.
Additional references
Weitere Informationen zu MDOP finden Sie in der TechNet-Bibliothek. Sie können auch im TechNet Wiki nach Problembehandlungen suchen und uns auf Facebook oder Twitter folgen.