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Definiert eine Methode (oder einen Konstruktor) in einer dynamischen Klasse und stellt diese bzw. diesen dar.

Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)


<ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.None)> _
<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
Public NotInheritable Class MethodBuilder
    Inherits MethodInfo
    Implements _MethodBuilder
Dim instance As MethodBuilder
public sealed class MethodBuilder : MethodInfo, _MethodBuilder
public ref class MethodBuilder sealed : public MethodInfo, _MethodBuilder
/** @attribute ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.None) */ 
/** @attribute ComVisibleAttribute(true) */ 
public final class MethodBuilder extends MethodInfo implements _MethodBuilder
public final class MethodBuilder extends MethodInfo implements _MethodBuilder



Das auf diese Klasse angewendete HostProtectionAttribute-Attribut besitzt den Resources-Eigenschaftenwert MayLeakOnAbort. Das HostProtectionAttribute hat keine Auswirkungen auf Desktopanwendungen (die normalerweise durch Doppelklicken auf ein Symbol, Eingeben eines Befehls oder eines URL in einem Browser gestartet werden). Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter der HostProtectionAttribute-Klasse oder unter SQL Server-Programmierung und Hostschutzattribute.

MethodBuilder wird verwendet, um eine Methode vollständig in Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) zu beschreiben (einschließlich Name, Attribute, Signatur und Methodenkörper). Er wird zusammen mit der TypeBuilder-Klasse verwendet, um Klassen zur Laufzeit zu erstellen.


Ein Beispiel, in dem die MethodBuilder-Klasse zum Erstellen einer Methode innerhalb eines dynamischen Typs verwendet wird, finden Sie weiter unten.

Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit


Class DemoMethodBuilder
   Public Shared Sub AddMethodDynamically(ByRef myTypeBld As TypeBuilder, _
                        mthdName As String, _
                            mthdParams() As Type, _
                            returnType As Type, _
                            mthdAction As String)
      Dim myMthdBld As MethodBuilder = myTypeBld.DefineMethod(mthdName, _
                       MethodAttributes.Public Or MethodAttributes.Static, _
                       returnType, _
      Dim ILout As ILGenerator = myMthdBld.GetILGenerator()
      Dim numParams As Integer = mthdParams.Length
      Dim x As Byte
      For x = 0 To numParams - 1
         ILout.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_S, x)
      Next x
      If numParams > 1 Then
         Dim y As Integer
         For y = 0 To (numParams - 1) - 1
            Select Case mthdAction
               Case "A"
               Case "M"
               Case Else
            End Select
         Next y
      End If
   End Sub 'AddMethodDynamically
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim myDomain As AppDomain = Thread.GetDomain()
      Dim asmName As New AssemblyName()
      asmName.Name = "DynamicAssembly1"
      Dim myAsmBuilder As AssemblyBuilder = myDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(asmName, _
      Dim myModule As ModuleBuilder = myAsmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("DynamicModule1", _
      Dim myTypeBld As TypeBuilder = myModule.DefineType("MyDynamicType", TypeAttributes.Public)
      ' Get info from the user to build the method dynamically.
      Console.WriteLine("Let's build a simple method dynamically!")
      Console.WriteLine("Please enter a few numbers, separated by spaces.")
      Dim inputNums As String = Console.ReadLine()
      Console.Write("Do you want to [A]dd or [M]ultiply these numbers? ")
      Dim myMthdAction As String = Console.ReadLine()
      Console.Write("Lastly, what do you want to name your new dynamic method? ")
      Dim myMthdName As String = Console.ReadLine()
      ' Process inputNums into an array and create a corresponding Type array 
      Dim index As Integer = 0
      Dim inputNumsList As String() = inputNums.Split()
      Dim myMthdParams(inputNumsList.Length - 1) As Type
      Dim inputValsList(inputNumsList.Length - 1) As Object
      Dim inputNum As String
      For Each inputNum In  inputNumsList
         inputValsList(index) = CType(Convert.ToInt32(inputNum), Object)
         myMthdParams(index) = GetType(Integer)
         index += 1
      Next inputNum
      ' Now, call the method building method with the parameters, passing the 
      ' TypeBuilder by reference.
      AddMethodDynamically(myTypeBld, myMthdName, myMthdParams, GetType(Integer), myMthdAction)
      Dim myType As Type = myTypeBld.CreateType()
      Dim description as String 
      If myMthdAction = "A" Then
     description = "adding"
     description = "multiplying"
      End If

      Console.WriteLine("The result of {0} the inputted values is: {1}", _
             description, _
                 myType.InvokeMember(myMthdName, _
                         BindingFlags.InvokeMethod Or _
                                 BindingFlags.Public Or _
                         BindingFlags.Static, _
                         Nothing, _
                         Nothing, _

      ' If you are interested in seeing the MSIL generated dynamically for the method
      ' your program generated, change to the directory where you ran the compiled
      ' code sample and type "ildasm MyDynamicAsm.dll" at the prompt. When the list
      ' of manifest contents appears, click on "MyDynamicType" and then on the name of
      ' of the method you provided during execution.

      Dim myMthdInfo As MethodInfo = myType.GetMethod(myMthdName)
      Console.WriteLine("Your Dynamic Method: {0};", myMthdInfo.ToString())
   End Sub 'Main 
End Class 'DemoMethodBuilder
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;

class DemoMethodBuilder {

    public static void AddMethodDynamically (ref TypeBuilder myTypeBld,
                         string mthdName,
                         Type[] mthdParams, 
                         Type returnType,
                         string mthdAction) 
       MethodBuilder myMthdBld = myTypeBld.DefineMethod(
                         MethodAttributes.Public |

       ILGenerator ILout = myMthdBld.GetILGenerator();
       int numParams = mthdParams.Length;

       for (byte x=0; x<numParams; x++) {
         ILout.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_S, x);

           if (numParams > 1) {
            for (int y=0; y<(numParams-1); y++) {
          switch (mthdAction) {
            case "A": ILout.Emit(OpCodes.Add);
            case "M": ILout.Emit(OpCodes.Mul);
            default: ILout.Emit(OpCodes.Add);



    public static void Main()

       AppDomain myDomain = Thread.GetDomain();
       AssemblyName asmName = new AssemblyName();
       asmName.Name = "DynamicAssembly1";
       AssemblyBuilder myAsmBuilder = myDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(

       ModuleBuilder myModule = myAsmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("DynamicModule1",

       TypeBuilder myTypeBld = myModule.DefineType("MyDynamicType",

       // Get info from the user to build the method dynamically.

       Console.WriteLine("Let's build a simple method dynamically!");
       Console.WriteLine("Please enter a few numbers, separated by spaces.");
       string inputNums = Console.ReadLine();
       Console.Write("Do you want to [A]dd or [M]ultiply these numbers? ");
       string myMthdAction = Console.ReadLine();
       Console.Write("Lastly, what do you want to name your new dynamic method? ");
       string myMthdName = Console.ReadLine();
       // Process inputNums into an array and create a corresponding Type array 

       int index = 0;
       string[] inputNumsList = inputNums.Split();

           Type[] myMthdParams = new Type[inputNumsList.Length];
       object[] inputValsList = new object[inputNumsList.Length];
       foreach (string inputNum in inputNumsList) {
        inputValsList[index] = (object)Convert.ToInt32(inputNum);
        myMthdParams[index] = typeof(int);

       // Now, call the method building method with the parameters, passing the 
       // TypeBuilder by reference.

       AddMethodDynamically(ref myTypeBld,

       Type myType = myTypeBld.CreateType();

       Console.WriteLine("The result of {0} the inputted values is: {1}",
                 ((myMthdAction == "A") ? "adding" : "multiplying"),
                 BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Public |

       // Let's take a look at the method we created.

       // If you are interested in seeing the MSIL generated dynamically for the method
           // your program generated, change to the directory where you ran the compiled
           // code sample and type "ildasm MyDynamicAsm.dll" at the prompt. When the list
           // of manifest contents appears, click on "MyDynamicType" and then on the name of
           // of the method you provided during execution.


       MethodInfo myMthdInfo = myType.GetMethod(myMthdName);
           Console.WriteLine("Your Dynamic Method: {0};", myMthdInfo.ToString()); 

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Reflection::Emit;
void AddMethodDynamically( TypeBuilder^ myTypeBld, String^ mthdName, array<Type^>^mthdParams, Type^ returnType, String^ mthdAction )
   MethodBuilder^ myMthdBld = myTypeBld->DefineMethod( mthdName, static_cast<MethodAttributes>(MethodAttributes::Public | MethodAttributes::Static), returnType, mthdParams );
   ILGenerator^ ILOut = myMthdBld->GetILGenerator();
   int numParams = mthdParams->Length;
   for ( Byte x = 0; x < numParams; x++ )
      ILOut->Emit( OpCodes::Ldarg_S, x );

   if ( numParams > 1 )
      for ( int y = 0; y < (numParams - 1); y++ )
         if ( mthdAction->Equals( "A" ) )
                  ILOut->Emit( OpCodes::Add );
         if ( mthdAction->Equals( "M" ) )
                  ILOut->Emit( OpCodes::Mul );
                  ILOut->Emit( OpCodes::Mul );


   ILOut->Emit( OpCodes::Ret );

int main()
   AppDomain^ myDomain = Thread::GetDomain();
   AssemblyName^ asmName = gcnew AssemblyName;
   asmName->Name = "DynamicAssembly1";
   AssemblyBuilder^ myAsmBuilder = myDomain->DefineDynamicAssembly( asmName, AssemblyBuilderAccess::RunAndSave );
   ModuleBuilder^ myModule = myAsmBuilder->DefineDynamicModule( "DynamicModule1", "MyDynamicAsm.dll" );
   TypeBuilder^ myTypeBld = myModule->DefineType( "MyDynamicType", TypeAttributes::Public );
   // Get info from the user to build the method dynamically.
   Console::WriteLine( "Let's build a simple method dynamically!" );
   Console::WriteLine( "Please enter a few numbers, separated by spaces." );
   String^ inputNums = Console::ReadLine();
   Console::Write( "Do you want to [A]dd or [M]ultiply these numbers? " );
   String^ myMthdAction = Console::ReadLine();
   Console::Write( "Lastly, what do you want to name your new dynamic method? " );
   String^ myMthdName = Console::ReadLine();
   // Process inputNums into an array and create a corresponding Type array
   int index = 0;
   array<String^>^inputNumsList = inputNums->Split( 0 );
   array<Type^>^myMthdParams = gcnew array<Type^>(inputNumsList->Length);
   array<Object^>^inputValsList = gcnew array<Object^>(inputNumsList->Length);
   System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = inputNumsList->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
      String^ inputNum = safe_cast<String^>(myEnum->Current);
      inputValsList[ index ] = Convert::ToInt32( inputNum );
      myMthdParams[ index ] = int::typeid;

   // Now, call the method building method with the parameters, passing the
   // TypeBuilder by reference.
   AddMethodDynamically( myTypeBld, myMthdName, myMthdParams, int::typeid, myMthdAction );
   Type^ myType = myTypeBld->CreateType();
   Console::WriteLine( "---" );
   Console::WriteLine( "The result of {0} the inputted values is: {1}", ((myMthdAction->Equals( "A" )) ? (String^)"adding" : "multiplying"), myType->InvokeMember( myMthdName, static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::InvokeMethod | BindingFlags::Public | BindingFlags::Static), nullptr, nullptr, inputValsList ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "---" );
   // Let's take a look at the method we created.
   // If you are interested in seeing the MSIL generated dynamically for the method
   // your program generated, change to the directory where you ran the compiled
   // code sample and type "ildasm MyDynamicAsm.dll" at the prompt. When the list
   // of manifest contents appears, click on "MyDynamicType" and then on the name of
   // of the method you provided during execution.
   myAsmBuilder->Save( "MyDynamicAsm.dll" );
   MethodInfo^ myMthdInfo = myType->GetMethod( myMthdName );
   Console::WriteLine( "Your Dynamic Method: {0};", myMthdInfo );
import System.*;
import System.Threading.*;
import System.Reflection.*;
import System.Reflection.Emit.*;

class DemoMethodBuilder
    public static void AddMethodDynamically(TypeBuilder myTypeBld,
        String mthdName, Type mthdParams[], Type returnType, String mthdAction)
        MethodBuilder myMthdBld = myTypeBld.DefineMethod(mthdName,
            MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static,
            returnType, mthdParams);
        ILGenerator iLout = myMthdBld.GetILGenerator();
        int numParams = mthdParams.length;
        for (ubyte x = 0; x < numParams; x++) {
            iLout.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_S, x);
        if (numParams > 1) {
            for (int y = 0; y < numParams - 1; y++) {
                if (mthdAction.Equals("A") == true) {
                else if (mthdAction.Equals("M") == true) {
                else {
    } //AddMethodDynamically
    public static void main(String[] args)
        AppDomain myDomain = System.Threading.Thread.GetDomain();
        AssemblyName asmName = new AssemblyName();
        AssemblyBuilder myAsmBuilder = myDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(asmName,
        ModuleBuilder myModule = myAsmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule
            ("DynamicModule1", "MyDynamicAsm.dll");
        TypeBuilder myTypeBld = myModule.DefineType("MyDynamicType",

        // Get info from the user to build the method dynamically.
        Console.WriteLine("Let's build a simple method dynamically!");
        Console.WriteLine("Please enter a few numbers, separated by spaces.");
        String inputNums = Console.ReadLine();
        Console.Write("Do you want to [A]dd or [M]ultiply these numbers? ");
        String myMthdAction = Console.ReadLine();
        Console.Write("Lastly, what do you want to name your new "
            + "dynamic method? ");
        String myMthdName = Console.ReadLine();

        // Process inputNums into an array and create a corresponding
        // Type array 
        int index = 0;
        String inputNumsList[] = inputNums.Split(null);
        Type myMthdParams[] = new Type[inputNumsList.length];
        Object inputValsList[] = new Object[inputNumsList.length];
        for (int iCtr = 0; iCtr < inputNumsList.length; iCtr++) {
            String inputNum = inputNumsList[iCtr];
            inputValsList[index] = (Object)(Int32)Integer.parseInt(inputNum);
            myMthdParams.set_Item(index, int.class.ToType());

        // Now, call the method building method with the parameters,
        // passing the TypeBuilder by reference.
        AddMethodDynamically(myTypeBld, myMthdName, myMthdParams,
            int.class.ToType(), myMthdAction);
        Type myType = myTypeBld.CreateType();
        Console.WriteLine("The result of {0} the inputted values is: {1}",
            (myMthdAction.equals("A")) ? "adding" : "multiplying",
            BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Public |
            BindingFlags.Static, null, null, inputValsList));

        // Let's take a look at the method we created.
        // If you are interested in seeing the MSIL generated dynamically for
        // the method your program generated, change to the directory where 
        // you ran the compiled code sample and type "ildasm MyDynamicAsm.dll"
        //  at the prompt. When the list of manifest contents appears, click on
        // "MyDynamicType" and then on the name of the method you provided 
        // during execution.
        MethodInfo myMthdInfo = myType.GetMethod(myMthdName);
        Console.WriteLine("Your Dynamic Method: {0};", myMthdInfo.ToString());
    } //main 
} //DemoMethodBuilder




Alle öffentlichen statischen (Shared in Visual Basic) Member dieses Typs sind threadsicher. Bei Instanzmembern ist die Threadsicherheit nicht gewährleistet.


Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework unterstützt nicht alle Versionen sämtlicher Plattformen. Eine Liste der unterstützten Versionen finden Sie unter Systemanforderungen.


.NET Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

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