Freigeben über


Stellt eine Basisimplementierung für eine ComponentEditorPage bereit.

Namespace: System.Windows.Forms.Design
Assembly: System.Windows.Forms (in


<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
<ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDispatch)> _
Public MustInherit Class ComponentEditorPage
    Inherits Panel
Dim instance As ComponentEditorPage
public abstract class ComponentEditorPage : Panel
public ref class ComponentEditorPage abstract : public Panel
/** @attribute ComVisibleAttribute(true) */ 
/** @attribute ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDispatch) */ 
public abstract class ComponentEditorPage extends Panel
public abstract class ComponentEditorPage extends Panel


Die ComponentEditorPage-Klasse ist eine vollständige Implementierung für eine Seite des Komponenten-Editors, die aus einem leeren Fenster besteht. Sie können diese Seite mit eigenen Steuerelementen erweitern. ComponentEditorPage wird von einem ComponentEditorForm eines WindowsFormsComponentEditor verwendet.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird eine ComponentEditorPage-Beispielimplementierung veranschaulicht.

' This example component editor page type provides an example 
' ComponentEditorPage implementation.
Friend Class ExampleComponentEditorPage
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Design.ComponentEditorPage
    Private l1 As Label
    Private b1 As Button
    Private pg1 As PropertyGrid

    ' Base64-encoded serialized image data for the required component editor page icon.

    Public Sub New()
        ' Initialize the page, which inherits from Panel, and its controls.
        Me.Size = New Size(400, 250)
        Me.Icon = DeserializeIconFromBase64Text(icondata)
        Me.Text = "Example Page"

        b1 = New Button
        b1.Size = New Size(200, 20)
        b1.Location = New Point(200, 0)
        b1.Text = "Set a random background color"
        AddHandler b1.Click, AddressOf Me.randomBackColor

        l1 = New Label
        l1.Size = New Size(190, 20)
        l1.Location = New Point(4, 2)
        l1.Text = "Example Component Editor Page"

        pg1 = New PropertyGrid
        pg1.Size = New Size(400, 280)
        pg1.Location = New Point(0, 30)
    End Sub

    ' This method indicates that the Help button should be enabled for this 
    ' component editor page.
    Public Overrides Function SupportsHelp() As Boolean
        Return True
    End Function

    ' This method is called when the Help button for this component editor page is pressed.
    ' This implementation uses the IHelpService to show the Help topic for a sample keyword.
    Public Overrides Sub ShowHelp()
        ' The GetSelectedComponent method of a ComponentEditorPage retrieves the
        ' IComponent associated with the WindowsFormsComponentEditor.
        Dim selectedComponent As IComponent = Me.GetSelectedComponent()

        ' Retrieve the Site of the component, and return if null.
        Dim componentSite As ISite = selectedComponent.Site
        If componentSite Is Nothing Then
        End If
        ' Acquire the IHelpService to display a help topic using a indexed keyword lookup.
        Dim helpService As IHelpService = CType(componentSite.GetService(GetType(IHelpService)), IHelpService)
        If Not (helpService Is Nothing) Then
        End If
    End Sub

    ' The LoadComponent method is raised when the ComponentEditorPage is displayed.
    Protected Overrides Sub LoadComponent()
        Me.pg1.SelectedObject = Me.Component
    End Sub

    ' The SaveComponent method is raised when the WindowsFormsComponentEditor is closing 
    ' or the current ComponentEditorPage is closing.
    Protected Overrides Sub SaveComponent()
    End Sub

    ' If the associated component is a Control, this method sets the BackColor to a random color.
    ' This method is invoked by the button on this ComponentEditorPage.
    Private Sub randomBackColor(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        If GetType(System.Windows.Forms.Control).IsAssignableFrom(CType(Me.Component, Object).GetType()) Then
            ' Sets the background color of the Control associated with the
            ' WindowsFormsComponentEditor to a random color.
            Dim rnd As New Random
            CType(Me.Component, System.Windows.Forms.Control).BackColor = Color.FromArgb(rnd.Next(255), rnd.Next(255), rnd.Next(255))
        End If
    End Sub

    ' This method can be used to retrieve an Icon from a block 
    ' of Base64-encoded text.
    Private Function DeserializeIconFromBase64Text(ByVal [text] As String) As icon
        Dim img As Icon = Nothing
        Dim memBytes As Byte() = Convert.FromBase64String([text])
        Dim formatter As New BinaryFormatter
        Dim stream As New MemoryStream(memBytes)
        img = CType(formatter.Deserialize(stream), Icon)
        Return img
    End Function
End Class
// This example component editor page type provides an example 
// ComponentEditorPage implementation.
internal class ExampleComponentEditorPage : System.Windows.Forms.Design.ComponentEditorPage
    Label l1; 
    Button b1; 
    PropertyGrid pg1;

    // Base64-encoded serialized image data for the required component editor page icon.

    public ExampleComponentEditorPage()
        // Initialize the page, which inherits from Panel, and its controls.
        this.Size = new Size( 400, 250 );            
        this.Icon = DeserializeIconFromBase64Text(icon);
        this.Text = "Example Page";
        b1 = new Button();
        b1.Size = new Size(200, 20);
        b1.Location = new Point(200, 0);
        b1.Text = "Set a random background color";
        b1.Click += new EventHandler(this.randomBackColor);
        this.Controls.Add( b1 );

        l1 = new Label();
        l1.Size = new Size(190, 20);
        l1.Location = new Point(4, 2);
        l1.Text = "Example Component Editor Page";
        this.Controls.Add( l1 );

        pg1 = new PropertyGrid();
        pg1.Size = new Size(400, 280);
        pg1.Location = new Point(0,30);
        this.Controls.Add( pg1 );
    // This method indicates that the Help button should be enabled for this 
    // component editor page.
    public override bool SupportsHelp()
        return true; 

    // This method is called when the Help button for this component editor page is pressed.
    // This implementation uses the IHelpService to show the Help topic for a sample keyword.
    public override void ShowHelp()
        // The GetSelectedComponent method of a ComponentEditorPage retrieves the
        // IComponent associated with the WindowsFormsComponentEditor.
        IComponent selectedComponent = this.GetSelectedComponent();

        // Retrieve the Site of the component, and return if null.
        ISite componentSite = selectedComponent.Site;
        if(componentSite == null)
        // Acquire the IHelpService to display a help topic using a indexed keyword lookup.
        IHelpService helpService = (IHelpService)componentSite.GetService(typeof(IHelpService));
        if (helpService != null)

    // The LoadComponent method is raised when the ComponentEditorPage is displayed.
    protected override void LoadComponent()
        this.pg1.SelectedObject = this.Component; 

    // The SaveComponent method is raised when the WindowsFormsComponentEditor is closing 
    // or the current ComponentEditorPage is closing.
    protected override void SaveComponent()

    // If the associated component is a Control, this method sets the BackColor to a random color.
    // This method is invoked by the button on this ComponentEditorPage.
    private void randomBackColor(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if( typeof(System.Windows.Forms.Control).IsAssignableFrom( this.Component.GetType() ) )
            // Sets the background color of the Control associated with the
            // WindowsFormsComponentEditor to a random color.
            Random rnd = new Random();
            ((System.Windows.Forms.Control)this.Component).BackColor = 
                Color.FromArgb(rnd.Next(255), rnd.Next(255), rnd.Next(255));

    // This method can be used to retrieve an Icon from a block 
    // of Base64-encoded text.
    private Icon DeserializeIconFromBase64Text(string text)
        Icon img = null;
        byte[] memBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(text);
        IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
        MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(memBytes);
        img = (Icon)formatter.Deserialize(stream);
        return img;
// This example component editor page type provides an example 
// ComponentEditorPage implementation.
private ref class ExampleComponentEditorPage: public System::Windows::Forms::Design::ComponentEditorPage
   Label^ l1;
   Button^ b1;
   PropertyGrid^ pg1;

   // Base64-encoded serialized image data for the required component editor page icon.
   String^ icon;

      icon = temp;
      // Initialize the page, which inherits from Panel, and its controls.
      this->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 400, 250 );
      this->Icon = DeserializeIconFromBase64Text( icon );
      this->Text = "Example Page";
      b1 = gcnew Button;
      b1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 200, 20 );
      b1->Location = Point(200,0);
      b1->Text = "Set a random background color";
      b1->Click += gcnew EventHandler( this, &ExampleComponentEditorPage::randomBackColor );
      this->Controls->Add( b1 );
      l1 = gcnew Label;
      l1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 190, 20 );
      l1->Location = Point(4,2);
      l1->Text = "Example Component Editor Page";
      this->Controls->Add( l1 );
      pg1 = gcnew PropertyGrid;
      pg1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 400, 280 );
      pg1->Location = Point(0,30);
      this->Controls->Add( pg1 );

   // This method indicates that the Help button should be enabled for this 
   // component editor page.
   virtual bool SupportsHelp() override
      return true;

   // This method is called when the Help button for this component editor page is pressed.
   // This implementation uses the IHelpService to show the Help topic for a sample keyword.
   virtual void ShowHelp() override
      // The GetSelectedComponent method of a ComponentEditorPage retrieves the
      // IComponent associated with the WindowsFormsComponentEditor.
      IComponent^ selectedComponent = this->GetSelectedComponent();

      // Retrieve the Site of the component, and return if null.
      ISite^ componentSite = selectedComponent->Site;
      if ( componentSite == nullptr )

      // Acquire the IHelpService to display a help topic using a indexed keyword lookup.
      IHelpService^ helpService = dynamic_cast<IHelpService^>(componentSite->GetService( IHelpService::typeid ));
      if ( helpService != nullptr )
               helpService->ShowHelpFromKeyword( "System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox" );


   // The LoadComponent method is raised when the ComponentEditorPage is displayed.
   virtual void LoadComponent() override
      this->pg1->SelectedObject = this->Component;

   // The SaveComponent method is raised when the WindowsFormsComponentEditor is closing 
   // or the current ComponentEditorPage is closing.
   virtual void SaveComponent() override {}


   // If the associated component is a Control, this method sets the BackColor to a random color.
   // This method is invoked by the button on this ComponentEditorPage.
   void randomBackColor( Object^ /*sender*/, EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      if ( System::Windows::Forms::Control::typeid->IsAssignableFrom( this->::Component::GetType() ) )
         // Sets the background color of the Control associated with the
         // WindowsFormsComponentEditor to a random color.
         Random^ rnd = gcnew Random;
         (dynamic_cast<System::Windows::Forms::Control^>(this->Component))->BackColor = Color::FromArgb( rnd->Next( 255 ), rnd->Next( 255 ), rnd->Next( 255 ) );

   // This method can be used to retrieve an Icon from a block 
   // of Base64-encoded text.
   System::Drawing::Icon^ DeserializeIconFromBase64Text( String^ text )
      System::Drawing::Icon^ img = nullptr;
      array<Byte>^memBytes = Convert::FromBase64String( text );
      IFormatter^ formatter = gcnew BinaryFormatter;
      MemoryStream^ stream = gcnew MemoryStream( memBytes );
      img = dynamic_cast<System::Drawing::Icon^>(formatter->Deserialize( stream ));
      return img;

.NET Framework-Sicherheit




Alle öffentlichen statischen (Shared in Visual Basic) Member dieses Typs sind threadsicher. Bei Instanzmembern ist die Threadsicherheit nicht gewährleistet.


Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework unterstützt nicht alle Versionen sämtlicher Plattformen. Eine Liste der unterstützten Versionen finden Sie unter Systemanforderungen.


.NET Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

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