Freigeben über


Fordert den Benutzer auf, einen Ordner auszuwählen. Diese Klasse kann nicht geerbt werden.

Namespace: System.Windows.Forms
Assembly: System.Windows.Forms (in


Public NotInheritable Class FolderBrowserDialog
    Inherits CommonDialog
Dim instance As FolderBrowserDialog
public sealed class FolderBrowserDialog : CommonDialog
public ref class FolderBrowserDialog sealed : public CommonDialog
public final class FolderBrowserDialog extends CommonDialog
public final class FolderBrowserDialog extends CommonDialog


Diese Klasse stellt eine Möglichkeit dar, den Benutzer in einer Meldung zum Durchsuchen, Erstellen und anschließenden Auswählen eines Ordners aufzufordern. Verwenden Sie diese Klasse, wenn Sie dem Benutzer nur das Auswählen von Ordnern und nicht von Dateien ermöglichen möchten. Das Durchsuchen der Ordner wird über ein Strukturansichts-Steuerelement ausgeführt. Nur Ordner aus dem Dateisystem können ausgewählt werden, virtuelle Ordner nicht.

Normalerweise wird nach dem Erstellen eines neuen FolderBrowserDialog die Position, an der die Suche begonnen werden soll, für den RootFolder festgelegt. Optional können Sie für den SelectedPath einen absoluten Pfad eines Unterordners von RootFolder festlegen, der anfangs ausgewählt wird. Sie können die Description-Eigenschaft außerdem wahlweise so festlegen, dass dem Benutzer eine zusätzliche Anweisung bereitgestellt wird. Rufen Sie schließlich die ShowDialog-Methode auf, um dem Benutzer das Dialogfeld anzuzeigen. Wenn das Dialogfeld geschlossen wird und DialogResult.OK das Dialogfeldergebnis aus ShowDialog ist, stellt SelectedPath eine Zeichenfolge dar, die den Pfad zum ausgewählten Ordner enthält.

Sie können mithilfe der ShowNewFolderButton-Eigenschaft steuern, ob der Benutzer neue Ordner mit der Schaltfläche Neuer Ordner erstellen kann.

FolderBrowserDialog ist ein modales Dialogfeld. Bei dessen Anzeige werden daher alle anderen Bereiche der Anwendung blockiert, bis der Benutzer einen Ordner ausgewählt hat. Wenn ein Dialogfeld modal angezeigt wird, können Eingaben (über die Tastatur oder per Mausklick) ausschließlich für die im Dialogfeld enthaltenen Objekte erfolgen. Ein modales Dialogfeld muss durch das Programm ausgeblendet oder geschlossen werden (üblicherweise als Reaktion auf eine Benutzeraktion), bevor eine Eingabe im aufrufenden Programm vorgenommen werden kann.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird eine Anwendung erstellt, mit der Benutzer RTF-Dateien im RichTextBox-Steuerelement öffnen können.

' The following example displays an application that provides the ability to 
' open rich text files (rtf) into the RichTextBox. The example demonstrates 
' using the FolderBrowserDialog to set the default directory for opening files.
' The OpenFileDialog class is used to open the file.
Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.IO

Public Class FolderBrowserDialogExampleForm 
    Inherits Form
    Private folderBrowserDialog1 As FolderBrowserDialog
    Private openFileDialog1 As OpenFileDialog 
    Private richTextBox1 As RichTextBox

    Private mainMenu1 As MainMenu
    Private fileMenuItem As MenuItem
    Private WithEvents folderMenuItem As MenuItem, _
                       closeMenuItem As MenuItem, _
                       openMenuItem As MenuItem
    Private openFileName As String, folderName As String

    Private fileOpened As Boolean = False

    Public Sub New()
        Me.mainMenu1 = New System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu() 
        Me.fileMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem() 
        Me.openMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem() 
        Me.folderMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem() 
        Me.closeMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem() 

        Me.openFileDialog1 = New System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog() 
        Me.folderBrowserDialog1 = New System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog() 
        Me.richTextBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox() 

        Me.fileMenuItem.MenuItems.AddRange( _
                    New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem() {Me.openMenuItem, _
                                                         Me.closeMenuItem, _
        Me.fileMenuItem.Text = "File" 

        Me.openMenuItem.Text = "Open..." 

        Me.folderMenuItem.Text = "Select Directory..." 

        Me.closeMenuItem.Text = "Close" 
        Me.closeMenuItem.Enabled = False 

        Me.openFileDialog1.DefaultExt = "rtf" 
        Me.openFileDialog1.Filter = "rtf files (*.rtf)|*.rtf" 

        ' Set the Help text description for the FolderBrowserDialog.
        Me.folderBrowserDialog1.Description = _
            "Select the directory that you want to use As the default." 

        ' Do not allow the user to create New files via the FolderBrowserDialog.
        Me.folderBrowserDialog1.ShowNewFolderButton = False 

        ' Default to the My Documents folder.
        Me.folderBrowserDialog1.RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal 

        Me.richTextBox1.AcceptsTab = True 
        Me.richTextBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(8, 8) 
        Me.richTextBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(280, 344) 
        Me.richTextBox1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Left Or _
                                 AnchorStyles.Bottom Or AnchorStyles.Right 

        Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(296, 360) 
        Me.Menu = Me.mainMenu1 
        Me.Text = "RTF Document Browser" 
    End Sub
    <STAThread()> _
    Shared Sub Main()
        Application.Run(New FolderBrowserDialogExampleForm())
    End Sub

    ' Bring up a dialog to open a file.
    Private Sub openMenuItem_Click(sender As object, e As System.EventArgs) _
        Handles openMenuItem.Click
        ' If a file is not opened, then set the initial directory to the
        ' FolderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath value.
        If (not fileOpened) Then
            openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath 
            openFileDialog1.FileName = nothing 
        End If

        ' Display the openFile dialog.
        Dim result As DialogResult = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() 

        ' OK button was pressed.
        If (result = DialogResult.OK) Then
            openFileName = openFileDialog1.FileName 
                ' Output the requested file in richTextBox1.
                Dim s As Stream = openFileDialog1.OpenFile() 
                richTextBox1.LoadFile(s, RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText) 
                fileOpened = True 

            Catch exp As Exception
                MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while attempting to load the file. The error is:" _
                                + System.Environment.NewLine + exp.ToString() + System.Environment.NewLine) 
                fileOpened = False 
            End Try

            closeMenuItem.Enabled = fileOpened 

        ' Cancel button was pressed.
        ElseIf (result = DialogResult.Cancel) Then
        End If
    End Sub

    ' Close the current file.
    Private Sub closeMenuItem_Click(sender As object, e As System.EventArgs) _
        Handles closeMenuItem.Click
        richTextBox1.Text = "" 
        fileOpened = False 

        closeMenuItem.Enabled = False 
    End Sub

    ' Bring up a dialog to chose a folder path in which to open or save a file.
    Private Sub folderMenuItem_Click(sender As object, e As System.EventArgs) _
        Handles folderMenuItem.Click
        ' Show the FolderBrowserDialog.
        Dim result As DialogResult = folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog() 

        If ( result = DialogResult.OK ) Then
            folderName = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath 
            If (not fileOpened) Then
                ' No file is opened, bring up openFileDialog in selected path.
                openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = folderName 
                openFileDialog1.FileName = nothing
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

End Class
// The following example displays an application that provides the ability to 
// open rich text files (rtf) into the RichTextBox. The example demonstrates 
// using the FolderBrowserDialog to set the default directory for opening files.
// The OpenFileDialog class is used to open the file.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;

public class FolderBrowserDialogExampleForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form
    private FolderBrowserDialog folderBrowserDialog1;
    private OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1;
    private RichTextBox richTextBox1;

    private MainMenu mainMenu1;
    private MenuItem fileMenuItem, openMenuItem;
    private MenuItem folderMenuItem, closeMenuItem;
    private string openFileName, folderName;

    private bool fileOpened = false;

    // The main entry point for the application.
    static void Main() 
        Application.Run(new FolderBrowserDialogExampleForm());

    // Constructor.
    public FolderBrowserDialogExampleForm()
        this.mainMenu1 = new System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu();
        this.fileMenuItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
        this.openMenuItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
        this.folderMenuItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
        this.closeMenuItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();

        this.openFileDialog1 = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog();
        this.folderBrowserDialog1 = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog();
        this.richTextBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox();

                            new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[] {this.openMenuItem,
        this.fileMenuItem.Text = "File";

        this.openMenuItem.Text = "Open...";
        this.openMenuItem.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.openMenuItem_Click);

        this.folderMenuItem.Text = "Select Directory...";
        this.folderMenuItem.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.folderMenuItem_Click);

        this.closeMenuItem.Text = "Close";
        this.closeMenuItem.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.closeMenuItem_Click);
        this.closeMenuItem.Enabled = false;

        this.openFileDialog1.DefaultExt = "rtf";
        this.openFileDialog1.Filter = "rtf files (*.rtf)|*.rtf";

        // Set the help text description for the FolderBrowserDialog.
        this.folderBrowserDialog1.Description = 
            "Select the directory that you want to use as the default.";

        // Do not allow the user to create new files via the FolderBrowserDialog.
        this.folderBrowserDialog1.ShowNewFolderButton = false;

        // Default to the My Documents folder.
        this.folderBrowserDialog1.RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal;

        this.richTextBox1.AcceptsTab = true;
        this.richTextBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 8);
        this.richTextBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(280, 344);
        this.richTextBox1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | 
                                   AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right;

        this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(296, 360);
        this.Menu = this.mainMenu1;
        this.Text = "RTF Document Browser";

    // Bring up a dialog to open a file.
    private void openMenuItem_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        // If a file is not opened, then set the initial directory to the
        // FolderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath value.
        if (!fileOpened) {
            openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath;
            openFileDialog1.FileName = null;

        // Display the openFile dialog.
        DialogResult result = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog();

        // OK button was pressed.
        if(result == DialogResult.OK) 
            openFileName = openFileDialog1.FileName;
                // Output the requested file in richTextBox1.
                Stream s = openFileDialog1.OpenFile();
                richTextBox1.LoadFile(s, RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText);
                fileOpened = true;

            catch(Exception exp)
                MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while attempting to load the file. The error is:" 
                                + System.Environment.NewLine + exp.ToString() + System.Environment.NewLine);
                fileOpened = false;

            closeMenuItem.Enabled = fileOpened;

        // Cancel button was pressed.
        else if(result == DialogResult.Cancel) 

    // Close the current file.
    private void closeMenuItem_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        richTextBox1.Text = "";
        fileOpened = false;

        closeMenuItem.Enabled = false;

    // Bring up a dialog to chose a folder path in which to open or save a file.
    private void folderMenuItem_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        // Show the FolderBrowserDialog.
        DialogResult result = folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog();
        if( result == DialogResult.OK )
            folderName = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath;
                // No file is opened, bring up openFileDialog in selected path.
                openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = folderName;
                openFileDialog1.FileName = null;
// The following example displays an application that provides the ability to
// open rich text files (rtf) into the RichTextBox. The example demonstrates
// using the FolderBrowserDialog to set the default directory for opening files.
// The OpenFileDialog is used to open the file.
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::IO;
public ref class FolderBrowserDialogExampleForm: public System::Windows::Forms::Form
   FolderBrowserDialog^ folderBrowserDialog1;
   OpenFileDialog^ openFileDialog1;
   RichTextBox^ richTextBox1;
   MainMenu^ mainMenu1;
   MenuItem^ fileMenuItem;
   MenuItem^ openMenuItem;
   MenuItem^ folderMenuItem;
   MenuItem^ closeMenuItem;
   String^ openFileName;
   String^ folderName;
   bool fileOpened;


   // Constructor.
      fileOpened = false;
      this->mainMenu1 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::MainMenu;
      this->fileMenuItem = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::MenuItem;
      this->openMenuItem = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::MenuItem;
      this->folderMenuItem = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::MenuItem;
      this->closeMenuItem = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::MenuItem;
      this->openFileDialog1 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::OpenFileDialog;
      this->folderBrowserDialog1 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::FolderBrowserDialog;
      this->richTextBox1 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::RichTextBox;
      this->mainMenu1->MenuItems->Add( this->fileMenuItem );
      array<System::Windows::Forms::MenuItem^>^temp0 = {this->openMenuItem,this->closeMenuItem,this->folderMenuItem};
      this->fileMenuItem->MenuItems->AddRange( temp0 );
      this->fileMenuItem->Text = "File";
      this->openMenuItem->Text = "Open...";
      this->openMenuItem->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &FolderBrowserDialogExampleForm::openMenuItem_Click );
      this->folderMenuItem->Text = "Select Directory...";
      this->folderMenuItem->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &FolderBrowserDialogExampleForm::folderMenuItem_Click );
      this->closeMenuItem->Text = "Close";
      this->closeMenuItem->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &FolderBrowserDialogExampleForm::closeMenuItem_Click );
      this->closeMenuItem->Enabled = false;
      this->openFileDialog1->DefaultExt = "rtf";
      this->openFileDialog1->Filter = "rtf files (*.rtf)|*.rtf";
      // Set the help text description for the FolderBrowserDialog.
      this->folderBrowserDialog1->Description = "Select the directory that you want to use as the default.";
      // Do not allow the user to create new files via the FolderBrowserDialog.
      this->folderBrowserDialog1->ShowNewFolderButton = false;
      // Default to the My Documents folder.
      this->folderBrowserDialog1->RootFolder = Environment::SpecialFolder::Personal;
      this->richTextBox1->AcceptsTab = true;
      this->richTextBox1->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 8, 8 );
      this->richTextBox1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 280, 344 );
      this->richTextBox1->Anchor = static_cast<AnchorStyles>(AnchorStyles::Top | AnchorStyles::Left | AnchorStyles::Bottom | AnchorStyles::Right);
      this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size( 296, 360 );
      this->Controls->Add( this->richTextBox1 );
      this->Menu = this->mainMenu1;
      this->Text = "RTF Document Browser";


   // Bring up a dialog to open a file.
   void openMenuItem_Click( Object^ /*sender*/, System::EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      // If a file is not opened then set the initial directory to the
      // FolderBrowserDialog::SelectedPath value.
      if (  !fileOpened )
         openFileDialog1->InitialDirectory = folderBrowserDialog1->SelectedPath;
         openFileDialog1->FileName = nullptr;

      // Display the openFile Dialog.
      System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult result = openFileDialog1->ShowDialog();
      // OK button was pressed.
      if ( result == ::DialogResult::OK )
         openFileName = openFileDialog1->FileName;
            // Output the requested file in richTextBox1.
            Stream^ s = openFileDialog1->OpenFile();
            richTextBox1->LoadFile( s, RichTextBoxStreamType::RichText );
            fileOpened = true;
         catch ( Exception^ exp ) 
            MessageBox::Show( String::Concat( "An error occurred while attempting to load the file. The error is: ", System::Environment::NewLine, exp, System::Environment::NewLine ) );
            fileOpened = false;

         closeMenuItem->Enabled = fileOpened;
      // Cancel button was pressed.
      // Cancel button was pressed.
      if ( result == ::DialogResult::Cancel )

   // Close the current file.
   void closeMenuItem_Click( Object^ /*sender*/, System::EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      richTextBox1->Text = "";
      fileOpened = false;
      closeMenuItem->Enabled = false;

   // Bring up a dialog to chose a folder path in which to open/save a file.
   void folderMenuItem_Click( Object^ /*sender*/, System::EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      // Show the FolderBrowserDialog.
      System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult result = folderBrowserDialog1->ShowDialog();
      if ( result == ::DialogResult::OK )
         folderName = folderBrowserDialog1->SelectedPath;
         if (  !fileOpened )
            // No file is opened, bring up openFileDialog in selected path.
            openFileDialog1->InitialDirectory = folderName;
            openFileDialog1->FileName = nullptr;


// The main entry point for the application.
int main()
   Application::Run( gcnew FolderBrowserDialogExampleForm );
// The following example displays an application that provides the ability to 
// open rich text files (rtf) into the RichTextBox. The example demonstrates 
// using the FolderBrowserDialog to set the default directory for opening files.
// The OpenFileDialog class is used to open the file.
import System.*;
import System.Drawing.*;
import System.Windows.Forms.*;
import System.IO.*;

public class FolderBrowserDialogExampleForm extends System.Windows.Forms.Form
    private FolderBrowserDialog folderBrowserDialog1;
    private OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1;
    private RichTextBox richTextBox1;
    private MainMenu mainMenu1;
    private MenuItem fileMenuItem, openMenuItem;
    private MenuItem folderMenuItem, closeMenuItem;
    private String openFileName, folderName;
    private boolean fileOpened = false;

    // The main entry point for the application.
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Application.Run(new FolderBrowserDialogExampleForm());
    } //main

    // Constructor.
    public FolderBrowserDialogExampleForm()
        this.mainMenu1 = new System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu();
        this.fileMenuItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
        this.openMenuItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
        this.folderMenuItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
        this.closeMenuItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();

        this.openFileDialog1 = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog();
        this.folderBrowserDialog1 = 
            new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog();
        this.richTextBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox();

            new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[] { this.openMenuItem, 
            this.closeMenuItem, this.folderMenuItem });

        this.openMenuItem.add_Click(new System.EventHandler(

        this.folderMenuItem.set_Text("Select Directory...");
        this.folderMenuItem.add_Click(new System.EventHandler(

        this.closeMenuItem.add_Click(new System.EventHandler(

        this.openFileDialog1.set_Filter("rtf files (*.rtf)|*.rtf");
        // Set the help text description for the FolderBrowserDialog.
        this.folderBrowserDialog1.set_Description("Select the directory " 
            + "that you want to use as the default.");
        // Do not allow the user to create new files via the 
        // FolderBrowserDialog.
        // Default to the My Documents folder.

        this.richTextBox1.set_Location(new System.Drawing.Point(8, 8));
        this.richTextBox1.set_Size(new System.Drawing.Size(280, 344));
        this.richTextBox1.set_Anchor(AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left 
            | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right);

        this.set_ClientSize(new System.Drawing.Size(296, 360));
        this.set_Text("RTF Document Browser");
    } //FolderBrowserDialogExampleForm

    // Bring up a dialog to open a file.
    private void openMenuItem_Click(Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        // If a file is not opened, then set the initial directory to the
        // FolderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath value.
        if (!(fileOpened)) {
        // Display the openFile dialog.
        DialogResult result = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog();
        // OK button was pressed.
        if (result.Equals(get_DialogResult().OK)) {
            openFileName = openFileDialog1.get_FileName();
            try {
                // Output the requested file in richTextBox1.
                Stream s = openFileDialog1.OpenFile();
                richTextBox1.LoadFile(s, RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText);
                fileOpened = true;
            catch (System.Exception exp) {
                MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while attempting to " 
                    + "load the file. The error is:" 
                    + System.Environment.get_NewLine() 
                    + exp.ToString() + System.Environment.get_NewLine());
                fileOpened = false;
        // Cancel button was pressed.
        else {
            if (result.Equals(get_DialogResult().Cancel)) {
    } //openMenuItem_Click

    // Close the current file.
    private void closeMenuItem_Click(Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        fileOpened = false;
    } //closeMenuItem_Click

    // Bring up a dialog to chose a folder path in which to open or save a file.
    private void folderMenuItem_Click(Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        // Show the FolderBrowserDialog.
        DialogResult result = folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog();
        if (result.Equals(get_DialogResult().OK)) {
            folderName = folderBrowserDialog1.get_SelectedPath();
            if (!(fileOpened)) {
                // No file is opened, bring up openFileDialog in selected path.
    } //folderMenuItem_Click
} //FolderBrowserDialogExampleForm




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Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows CE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Mobile für Pocket PC, Windows Mobile für Smartphone, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework unterstützt nicht alle Versionen sämtlicher Plattformen. Eine Liste der unterstützten Versionen finden Sie unter Systemanforderungen.


.NET Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1

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