Stellt eine nicht generische Auflistung von Schlüssel-Wert-Paaren dar.
Namespace: System.Collections
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)
<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
Public Interface IDictionary
Inherits ICollection, IEnumerable
Dim instance As IDictionary
public interface IDictionary : ICollection, IEnumerable
public interface class IDictionary : ICollection, IEnumerable
/** @attribute ComVisibleAttribute(true) */
public interface IDictionary extends ICollection, IEnumerable
public interface IDictionary extends ICollection, IEnumerable
Bei der IDictionary-Schnittstelle handelt es sich um die Basisschnittstelle für nicht generische Auflistungen von Schlüssel-Wert-Paaren. Die generische Version dieser Schnittstelle finden Sie unter System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary.
Jedes Element ist ein in einem DictionaryEntry-Objekt gespeichertes Schlüssel-Wert-Paar.
Jedes Paar muss einen eindeutigen Schlüssel besitzen. Implementierungen können sich dahingehend voneinander abweichen, ob Schlüssel NULL (Nothing in Visual Basic) sein dürfen. Der Wert kann NULL (Nothing in Visual Basic) sein und muss nicht eindeutig sein. Die IDictionary-Schnittstelle ermöglicht die Aufzählung der Schlüssel und Werte, gibt aber keine festgelegte Sortierreihenfolge vor.
IDictionary-Implementierungen werden in drei Kategorien unterteilt: schreibgeschützt, feste Größe und variable Größe. Ein schreibgeschütztes IDictionary-Objekt kann nicht geändert werden. Ein IDictionary-Objekt mit fester Größe lässt weder das Hinzufügen noch das Entfernen von Elementen zu. Das Ändern vorhandener Elemente ist jedoch möglich. Bei einem IDictionary-Objekt mit variabler Größe können Elemente hinzugefügt, entfernt und geändert werden.
Für die foreach-Anweisung in C# (for each in Visual Basic) ist der Typ jedes Elements in der Auflistung erforderlich. Da jedes Element des IDictionary-Objekts ein Schlüssel-Wert-Paar ist, ist der Elementtyp nicht der Typ des Schlüssels oder Werts. Stattdessen ist der Elementtyp DictionaryEntry. Beispiel:
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in myHashtable) {...}
For Each de As DictionaryEntry In myHashtable
Next myDE
Die foreach-Anweisung ist ein Wrapper um den Enumerator, der nur das Lesen aus der Auflistung, nicht jedoch das Schreiben in diese zulässt.
Hinweise für Implementierer Die implementierende Klasse muss über ein Mittel zum Vergleichen von Schlüsseln verfügen.
Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird die Definition einer einfachen Wörterbuchklasse veranschaulicht, die die IDictionary-Schnittstelle implementiert.
' This class implements a simple dictionary using an array of DictionaryEntry objects (key/value pairs).
Public Class SimpleDictionary
Implements IDictionary
' The array of items
Dim items() As DictionaryEntry
Dim ItemsInUse As Integer = 0
' Construct the SimpleDictionary with the desired number of items.
' The number of items cannot change for the life time of this SimpleDictionary.
Public Sub New(ByVal numItems As Integer)
items = New DictionaryEntry(numItems - 1) {}
End Sub
' IDictionary Members
Public ReadOnly Property IsReadOnly() As Boolean Implements IDictionary.IsReadOnly
Return False
End Get
End Property
Public Function Contains(ByVal key As Object) As Boolean Implements IDictionary.Contains
Dim index As Integer
Return TryGetIndexOfKey(key, index)
End Function
Public ReadOnly Property IsFixedSize() As Boolean Implements IDictionary.IsFixedSize
Return False
End Get
End Property
Public Sub Remove(ByVal key As Object) Implements IDictionary.Remove
If key = Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("key")
End If
' Try to find the key in the DictionaryEntry array
Dim index As Integer
If TryGetIndexOfKey(key, index) Then
' If the key is found, slide all the items up.
Array.Copy(items, index + 1, items, index, (ItemsInUse - index) - 1)
ItemsInUse = ItemsInUse - 1
' If the key is not in the dictionary, just return.
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Clear() Implements IDictionary.Clear
ItemsInUse = 0
End Sub
Public Sub Add(ByVal key As Object, ByVal value As Object) Implements IDictionary.Add
' Add the new key/value pair even if this key already exists in the dictionary.
If ItemsInUse = items.Length Then
Throw New InvalidOperationException("The dictionary cannot hold any more items.")
End If
items(ItemsInUse) = New DictionaryEntry(key, value)
ItemsInUse = ItemsInUse + 1
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property Keys() As ICollection Implements IDictionary.Keys
' Return an array where each item is a key.
Dim keyArray() As Object = New Object(ItemsInUse - 1) {}
Dim n As Integer
For n = 0 To ItemsInUse - 1
keyArray(n) = items(n).Key
Next n
Return keyArray
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Values() As ICollection Implements IDictionary.Values
' Return an array where each item is a value.
Dim valueArray() As Object = New Object(ItemsInUse - 1) {}
Dim n As Integer
For n = 0 To ItemsInUse - 1
valueArray(n) = items(n).Value
Next n
Return valueArray
End Get
End Property
Public Property Item(ByVal key As Object) As Object Implements IDictionary.Item
' If this key is in the dictionary, return its value.
Dim index As Integer
If TryGetIndexOfKey(key, index) Then
' The key was found return its value.
Return items(index).Value
' The key was not found return null.
Return Nothing
End If
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Object)
' If this key is in the dictionary, change its value.
Dim index As Integer
If TryGetIndexOfKey(key, index) Then
' The key was found change its value.
items(index).Value = value
' This key is not in the dictionary add this key/value pair.
Add(key, value)
End If
End Set
End Property
Private Function TryGetIndexOfKey(ByVal key As Object, ByRef index As Integer) As Boolean
For index = 0 To ItemsInUse - 1
' If the key is found, return true (the index is also returned).
If items(index).Key.Equals(key) Then
Return True
End If
Next index
' Key not found, return false (index should be ignored by the caller).
Return False
End Function
// This class implements a simple dictionary using an array of DictionaryEntry objects (key/value pairs).
public class SimpleDictionary : IDictionary
// The array of items
private DictionaryEntry[] items;
private Int32 ItemsInUse = 0;
// Construct the SimpleDictionary with the desired number of items.
// The number of items cannot change for the life time of this SimpleDictionary.
public SimpleDictionary(Int32 numItems)
items = new DictionaryEntry[numItems];
#region IDictionary Members
public bool IsReadOnly { get { return false; } }
public bool Contains(object key)
Int32 index;
return TryGetIndexOfKey(key, out index);
public bool IsFixedSize { get { return false; } }
public void Remove(object key)
if (key == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
// Try to find the key in the DictionaryEntry array
Int32 index;
if (TryGetIndexOfKey(key, out index))
// If the key is found, slide all the items up.
Array.Copy(items, index + 1, items, index, ItemsInUse - index - 1);
// If the key is not in the dictionary, just return.
public void Clear() { ItemsInUse = 0; }
public void Add(object key, object value)
// Add the new key/value pair even if this key already exists in the dictionary.
if (ItemsInUse == items.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The dictionary cannot hold any more items.");
items[ItemsInUse++] = new DictionaryEntry(key, value);
public ICollection Keys
// Return an array where each item is a key.
Object[] keys = new Object[ItemsInUse];
for (Int32 n = 0; n < ItemsInUse; n++)
keys[n] = items[n].Key;
return keys;
public ICollection Values
// Return an array where each item is a value.
Object[] values = new Object[ItemsInUse];
for (Int32 n = 0; n < ItemsInUse; n++)
values[n] = items[n].Value;
return values;
public object this[object key]
// If this key is in the dictionary, return its value.
Int32 index;
if (TryGetIndexOfKey(key, out index))
// The key was found; return its value.
return items[index].Value;
// The key was not found; return null.
return null;
// If this key is in the dictionary, change its value.
Int32 index;
if (TryGetIndexOfKey(key, out index))
// The key was found; change its value.
items[index].Value = value;
// This key is not in the dictionary; add this key/value pair.
Add(key, value);
private Boolean TryGetIndexOfKey(Object key, out Int32 index)
for (index = 0; index < ItemsInUse; index++)
// If the key is found, return true (the index is also returned).
if (items[index].Key.Equals(key)) return true;
// Key not found, return false (index should be ignored by the caller).
return false;
private class SimpleDictionaryEnumerator : IDictionaryEnumerator
// A copy of the SimpleDictionary object's key/value pairs.
DictionaryEntry[] items;
Int32 index = -1;
public SimpleDictionaryEnumerator(SimpleDictionary sd)
// Make a copy of the dictionary entries currently in the SimpleDictionary object.
items = new DictionaryEntry[sd.Count];
Array.Copy(sd.items, 0, items, 0, sd.Count);
// Return the current item.
public Object Current { get { ValidateIndex(); return items[index]; } }
// Return the current dictionary entry.
public DictionaryEntry Entry
get { return (DictionaryEntry) Current; }
// Return the key of the current item.
public Object Key { get { ValidateIndex(); return items[index].Key; } }
// Return the value of the current item.
public Object Value { get { ValidateIndex(); return items[index].Value; } }
// Advance to the next item.
public Boolean MoveNext()
if (index < items.Length - 1) { index++; return true; }
return false;
// Validate the enumeration index and throw an exception if the index is out of range.
private void ValidateIndex()
if (index < 0 || index >= items.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Enumerator is before or after the collection.");
// Reset the index to restart the enumeration.
public void Reset()
index = -1;
public IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator()
// Construct and return an enumerator.
return new SimpleDictionaryEnumerator(this);
#region ICollection Members
public bool IsSynchronized { get { return false; } }
public object SyncRoot { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public int Count { get { return ItemsInUse; } }
public void CopyTo(Array array, int index) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
#region IEnumerable Members
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
// Construct and return an enumerator.
return ((IDictionary)this).GetEnumerator();
// This class implements a simple dictionary using an array of
// DictionaryEntry objects (key/value pairs).
public ref class SimpleDictionary : public IDictionary
// The array of items
array<DictionaryEntry^>^ items;
int itemsInUse;
// Construct the SimpleDictionary with the desired number of
// items. The number of items cannot change for the life time of
// this SimpleDictionary.
SimpleDictionary(int size)
items = gcnew array<DictionaryEntry^>(size);
#pragma region IDictionary Members
property virtual bool IsReadOnly
bool get()
return false;
virtual bool Contains(Object^ key)
int index;
return TryGetIndexOfKey(key, &index);
virtual property bool IsFixedSize
bool get()
return false;
virtual void Remove(Object^ key)
if (key == nullptr)
throw gcnew ArgumentNullException("key");
// Try to find the key in the DictionaryEntry array
int index;
if (TryGetIndexOfKey(key, &index))
// If the key is found, slide all the items down.
Array::Copy(items, index + 1, items, index, itemsInUse -
index - 1);
// If the key is not in the dictionary, just return.
virtual void Clear()
itemsInUse = 0;
virtual void Add(Object^ key, Object^ value)
// Add the new key/value pair even if this key already exists
// in the dictionary.
if (itemsInUse == items->Length)
throw gcnew InvalidOperationException
("The dictionary cannot hold any more items.");
items[itemsInUse++] = gcnew DictionaryEntry(key, value);
virtual property ICollection^ Keys
ICollection^ get()
// Return an array where each item is a key.
array<Object^>^ keys = gcnew array<Object^>(itemsInUse);
for (int i = 0; i < itemsInUse; i++)
keys[i] = items[i]->Key;
return keys;
virtual property ICollection^ Values
ICollection^ get()
// Return an array where each item is a value.
array<Object^>^ values = gcnew array<Object^>(itemsInUse);
for (int i = 0; i < itemsInUse; i++)
values[i] = items[i]->Value;
return values;
virtual property Object^ default[Object^]
Object^ get(Object^ key)
// If this key is in the dictionary, return its value.
int index;
if (TryGetIndexOfKey(key, &index))
// The key was found; return its value.
return items[index]->Value;
// The key was not found; return null.
return nullptr;
void set(Object^ key, Object^ value)
// If this key is in the dictionary, change its value.
int index;
if (TryGetIndexOfKey(key, &index))
// The key was found; change its value.
items[index]->Value = value;
// This key is not in the dictionary; add this
// key/value pair.
Add(key, value);
bool TryGetIndexOfKey(Object^ key, int* index)
for (*index = 0; *index < itemsInUse; *index++)
// If the key is found, return true (the index is also
// returned).
if (items[*index]->Key->Equals(key))
return true;
// Key not found, return false (index should be ignored by
// the caller).
return false;
Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows CE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Mobile für Pocket PC, Windows Mobile für Smartphone, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition
.NET Framework unterstützt nicht alle Versionen sämtlicher Plattformen. Eine Liste der unterstützten Versionen finden Sie unter Systemanforderungen.
.NET Framework
Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0
.NET Compact Framework
Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.0
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