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Ruft das Präfix für URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) ab, die mit der Message-Eigenschaft authentifiziert werden können, oder legt dieses fest.

Namespace: System.Net
Assembly: System (in system.dll)


Public Property ProtectionRealm As String()
Dim instance As Authorization
Dim value As String()

value = instance.ProtectionRealm

instance.ProtectionRealm = value
public string[] ProtectionRealm { get; set; }
property array<String^>^ ProtectionRealm {
    array<String^>^ get ();
    void set (array<String^>^ value);
/** @property */
public String[] get_ProtectionRealm ()

/** @property */
public void set_ProtectionRealm (String[] value)
public function get ProtectionRealm () : String[]

public function set ProtectionRealm (value : String[])


Ein Zeichenfolgenarray, das URI-Präfixe enthält.


Die ProtectionRealm-Eigenschaft enthält eine Liste von URI-Präfixen, die mit der Message-Eigenschaft authentifiziert werden können. WebRequest und dessen Nachkommen vergleichen einen URI mit dieser Liste, um zu bestimmen, ob die Authorization für einen bestimmten URI gültig ist.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird das Präfix für URIs abgerufen oder festgelegt, die mit der Message-Eigenschaft authentifiziert werden können.

Function Authenticate(ByVal challenge As String, ByVal request As WebRequest, ByVal credentials As ICredentials) As Authorization Implements IAuthenticationModule.Authenticate
        Dim message As String
        ' Check if Challenge string was raised by a site which requires 'CloneBasic' authentication.
        If challenge Is Nothing Or Not challenge.StartsWith("CloneBasic") Then
            Return Nothing
        End If
        Dim myCredentials As NetworkCredential
        If TypeOf credentials Is CredentialCache Then
            myCredentials = credentials.GetCredential(request.RequestUri, "CloneBasic")
            If myCredentials Is Nothing Then
                Return Nothing
            End If
            myCredentials = CType(credentials, NetworkCredential)
        End If
        ' Message encryption scheme : 
        ' a)Concatenate username and password seperated by space
        ' b)Apply ASCII encoding to obtain a stream of bytes
        ' c)Apply Base64 Encoding to this array of bytes to obtain our encoded authorization message
        message = myCredentials.UserName + " " + myCredentials.Password
        ' Apply AsciiEncoding to 'message' string to obtain it as an array of bytes.
        Dim ascii As Encoding = Encoding.ASCII
        Dim byteArray(ascii.GetByteCount(message)) As Byte
        byteArray = ascii.GetBytes(message)

        ' Performing Base64 transformation.
        message = Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray)
        Dim myAuthorization As New Authorization("CloneBasic " + message, True)
        Dim protectionRealm() As String = {request.RequestUri.AbsolutePath}
        myAuthorization.ProtectionRealm = protectionRealm

        Return myAuthorization
    Catch e As Exception
        Console.WriteLine("The following exception was raised in Authenticate method:{0}", e.Message)
        Return Nothing
    End Try
End Function 'Authenticate
public Authorization Authenticate( string challenge,WebRequest request,ICredentials credentials)
        string message;
        // Check if Challenge string was raised by a site which requires 'CloneBasic' authentication.
        if ((challenge == null) || (!challenge.StartsWith("CloneBasic")))
            return null; 
        NetworkCredential myCredentials;
        if (credentials is CredentialCache)
            myCredentials = credentials.GetCredential(request.RequestUri,"CloneBasic");
            if (myCredentials == null)
                return null;
            myCredentials = (NetworkCredential)credentials;  
        // Message encryption scheme : 
        //   a)Concatenate username and password seperated by space;
        //   b)Apply ASCII encoding to obtain a stream of bytes;
        //   c)Apply Base64 Encoding to this array of bytes to obtain our encoded authorization message.
        message = myCredentials.UserName + " " + myCredentials.Password;
        // Apply AsciiEncoding to 'message' string to obtain it as an array of bytes.
        Encoding ascii = Encoding.ASCII;
        byte[] byteArray = new byte[ascii.GetByteCount(message)];
        byteArray = ascii.GetBytes(message);

        // Performing Base64 transformation.
        message = Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray);
        Authorization myAuthorization = new Authorization("CloneBasic " + message,true);
        string[] protectionRealm = new string[]{request.RequestUri.AbsolutePath};
        myAuthorization.ProtectionRealm = protectionRealm;

        return myAuthorization;
    catch(Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine("The following exception was raised in Authenticate method:{0}",e.Message);
        return null;
virtual Authorization^ Authenticate( String^ challenge, WebRequest^ request, ICredentials^ credentials )
      String^ message;

      // Check if Challenge String* was raised by a site which requires 'CloneBasic' authentication.
      if ( (challenge == nullptr) || ( !challenge->StartsWith( "CloneBasic" )) )
               return nullptr;
      NetworkCredential^ myCredentials;
      if ( dynamic_cast<CredentialCache^>(credentials) == nullptr )
         myCredentials = credentials->GetCredential( request->RequestUri, "CloneBasic" );
         if ( myCredentials == nullptr )
                     return nullptr;
               myCredentials = dynamic_cast<NetworkCredential^>(credentials);

      // Message encryption scheme :
      //   a)Concatenate username and password seperated by space;
      //   b)Apply ASCII encoding to obtain a stream of bytes;
      //   c)Apply Base64 Encoding to this array of bytes to obtain our encoded authorization message.
      message = String::Concat( myCredentials->UserName, " ", myCredentials->Password );

      // Apply AsciiEncoding to 'message' String* to obtain it as an array of bytes.
      Encoding^ ascii = Encoding::ASCII;
      array<Byte>^byteArray = gcnew array<Byte>(ascii->GetByteCount( message ));
      byteArray = ascii->GetBytes( message );

      // Performing Base64 transformation.
      message = Convert::ToBase64String( byteArray );
      Authorization^ myAuthorization = gcnew Authorization( String::Concat( "CloneBasic ", message, true ) );
      array<String^>^protectionRealm = gcnew array<String^>(1);
      protectionRealm[ 0 ] = request->RequestUri->AbsolutePath;
      myAuthorization->ProtectionRealm = protectionRealm;
      return myAuthorization;
   catch ( Exception^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "The following exception was raised in Authenticate method: {0}", e->Message );
      return nullptr;
public Authorization Authenticate(String challenge, WebRequest request, 
    ICredentials credentials)
    try {
        String message;

        // Check if Challenge string was raised by a site which requires 
        // 'CloneBasic' authentication.
        if (challenge == null || !(challenge.StartsWith("CloneBasic"))) {
            return null;

        NetworkCredential myCredentials;
        if (credentials instanceof CredentialCache) {
            myCredentials = credentials.GetCredential(
                request.get_RequestUri(), "CloneBasic");
            if (myCredentials == null) {
                return null;
        else {
            myCredentials = (NetworkCredential)credentials;
        //   Message encryption scheme : 
        //   a)Concatenate userName and password seperated by space;
        //   b)Apply ASCII encoding to obtain a stream of bytes;
        //   c)Apply Base64 Encoding to this array of bytes to obtain our 
        //     encoded authorization message.
        message = myCredentials.get_UserName() + " " 
            + myCredentials.get_Password();

        // Apply AsciiEncoding to 'message' string to obtain it as an array
        // of bytes.
        Encoding ascii = Encoding.get_ASCII();
        ubyte byteArray[] = new ubyte[ascii.GetByteCount(message)];
        byteArray = ascii.GetBytes(message);

        // Performing Base64 transformation.
        message = Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray);
        Authorization myAuthorization = new Authorization("CloneBasic " 
            + message, true);
        String protectionRealm[] = new String[] 
            { request.get_RequestUri().get_AbsolutePath() };
        return myAuthorization;
    catch (System.Exception e) {
        Console.WriteLine("The following exception was raised in "
            + "Authenticate method:{0}", e.get_Message());
        return null;
} //Authenticate


Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows CE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Mobile für Pocket PC, Windows Mobile für Smartphone, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework unterstützt nicht alle Versionen sämtlicher Plattformen. Eine Liste der unterstützten Versionen finden Sie unter Systemanforderungen.


.NET Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

.NET Compact Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.0

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