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Steuert die Rechte zum Herstellen oder Annehmen von Verbindungen über eine Transportadresse.

Namespace: System.Net
Assembly: System (in system.dll)


<SerializableAttribute> _
Public NotInheritable Class SocketPermission
    Inherits CodeAccessPermission
    Implements IUnrestrictedPermission
Dim instance As SocketPermission
public sealed class SocketPermission : CodeAccessPermission, IUnrestrictedPermission
public ref class SocketPermission sealed : public CodeAccessPermission, IUnrestrictedPermission
/** @attribute SerializableAttribute() */ 
public final class SocketPermission extends CodeAccessPermission implements IUnrestrictedPermission
public final class SocketPermission extends CodeAccessPermission implements IUnrestrictedPermission


SocketPermission-Instanzen steuern Berechtigungen zum Annehmen von Verbindungen oder initiieren Socket-Verbindungen. Eine Socket-Berechtigung kann für einen Hostnamen oder eine IP-Adresse, eine Anschlussnummer sowie ein Transportprotokoll eingerichtet werden.


Verwenden Sie zum Erstellen von Socketberechtigungen keine Hostnamen, da diese Namen in IP-Adressen aufgelöst werden müssen und hierdurch der Stapel blockiert werden kann.


Im folgenden Beispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie mit der SocketPermission-Klasse verschiedene Socketzugriffsbeschränkungen festgelegt, geändert und erzwungen werden.

   ' Creates a SocketPermission restricting access to and from all URIs.
   Dim mySocketPermission1 As New SocketPermission(PermissionState.None)
   ' The socket to which this permission will apply will allow connections from
   mySocketPermission1.AddPermission(NetworkAccess.Accept, TransportType.Tcp, "", 11000)
   ' Creates a SocketPermission which will allow the target Socket to connect with
   Dim mySocketPermission2 As New SocketPermission(NetworkAccess.Connect, TransportType.Tcp, "", 11002)
   ' Creates a SocketPermission from the union of two SocketPermissions.
   Dim mySocketPermissionUnion As SocketPermission = CType(mySocketPermission1.Union(mySocketPermission2), SocketPermission)
   ' Checks to see if the union was successfully created by using the IsSubsetOf method.
   If mySocketPermission1.IsSubsetOf(mySocketPermissionUnion) And mySocketPermission2.IsSubsetOf(mySocketPermissionUnion) Then
      Console.WriteLine("This union contains permissions from both mySocketPermission1 and mySocketPermission2")
      ' Prints the allowable accept URIs to the console.
      Console.WriteLine("This union accepts connections on :")
      Dim myEnumerator As IEnumerator = mySocketPermissionUnion.AcceptList
      While myEnumerator.MoveNext()
         Console.WriteLine(CType(myEnumerator.Current, EndpointPermission).ToString())
      End While
      Console.WriteLine("This union establishes connections on : ")
      ' Prints the allowable connect URIs to the console.
      Console.WriteLine("This union permits connections to :")
      myEnumerator = mySocketPermissionUnion.ConnectList
      While myEnumerator.MoveNext()
         Console.WriteLine(CType(myEnumerator.Current, EndpointPermission).ToString())
      End While
   End If 
   ' Creates a SocketPermission from the intersect of two SocketPermissions.
   Dim mySocketPermissionIntersect As SocketPermission = CType(mySocketPermission1.Intersect(mySocketPermissionUnion), SocketPermission)
   ' mySocketPermissionIntersect should now contain the permissions of mySocketPermission1.
   If mySocketPermission1.IsSubsetOf(mySocketPermissionIntersect) Then
      Console.WriteLine("This is expected")
   End If
   ' mySocketPermissionIntersect should not contain the permissios of mySocketPermission2.
   If mySocketPermission2.IsSubsetOf(mySocketPermissionIntersect) Then
      Console.WriteLine("This should not print")
   End If
   ' Creates a copy of the intersect SocketPermission.
   Dim mySocketPermissionIntersectCopy As SocketPermission = CType(mySocketPermissionIntersect.Copy(), SocketPermission)
   If mySocketPermissionIntersectCopy.Equals(mySocketPermissionIntersect) Then
      Console.WriteLine("Copy successfull")
   End If
   ' Converts a SocketPermission to XML format and then immediately converts it back to a SocketPermission.
   ' Checks to see if permission for this socket resource is unrestricted.  If it is, then there is no need to
   ' demand that permissions be enforced.
   If mySocketPermissionUnion.IsUnrestricted() Then
   'Do nothing.  There are no restrictions.
      ' Enforces the permissions found in mySocketPermissionUnion on any Socket Resources used below this statement. 
   End If
   Dim myIpHostEntry As IPHostEntry = Dns.Resolve("")
   Dim myLocalEndPoint As New IPEndPoint(myIpHostEntry.AddressList(0), 11000)
   Dim s As New Socket(myLocalEndPoint.Address.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)
   Catch e As Exception
      Console.WriteLine(("Exception Thrown: " + e.ToString()))
   End Try
   ' Perform all socket operations in here.
End Sub 'MySocketPermission
     // Creates a SocketPermission restricting access to and from all URIs.
     SocketPermission mySocketPermission1 = new SocketPermission(PermissionState.None);

     // The socket to which this permission will apply will allow connections from
     mySocketPermission1.AddPermission(NetworkAccess.Accept, TransportType.Tcp, "", 11000);

     // Creates a SocketPermission which will allow the target Socket to connect with
     SocketPermission mySocketPermission2 =
                                new SocketPermission(NetworkAccess.Connect, TransportType.Tcp, "", 11002);

     // Creates a SocketPermission from the union of two SocketPermissions.
     SocketPermission mySocketPermissionUnion = 

     // Checks to see if the union was successfully created by using the IsSubsetOf method.
     if (mySocketPermission1.IsSubsetOf(mySocketPermissionUnion) && 
          Console.WriteLine("This union contains permissions from both mySocketPermission1 and mySocketPermission2"); 

          // Prints the allowable accept URIs to the console.
          Console.WriteLine("This union accepts connections on :");

          IEnumerator myEnumerator = mySocketPermissionUnion.AcceptList;
       while (myEnumerator.MoveNext()) {

             // Prints the allowable connect URIs to the console.
          Console.WriteLine("This union permits connections to :");

          myEnumerator = mySocketPermissionUnion.ConnectList;
       while (myEnumerator.MoveNext()) {


     // Creates a SocketPermission from the intersect of two SocketPermissions.
     SocketPermission mySocketPermissionIntersect = 

     // mySocketPermissionIntersect should now contain the permissions of mySocketPermission1.
     if (mySocketPermission1.IsSubsetOf(mySocketPermissionIntersect)){
          Console.WriteLine("This is expected");
    // mySocketPermissionIntersect should not contain the permissios of mySocketPermission2.
     if (mySocketPermission2.IsSubsetOf(mySocketPermissionIntersect)){
          Console.WriteLine("This should not print");

// Creates a copy of the intersect SocketPermission.
     SocketPermission mySocketPermissionIntersectCopy = 

     if (mySocketPermissionIntersectCopy.Equals(mySocketPermissionIntersect)){
     Console.WriteLine("Copy successfull");

     // Converts a SocketPermission to XML format and then immediately converts it back to a SocketPermission.

     // Checks to see if permission for this socket resource is unrestricted.  If it is, then there is no need to
     // demand that permissions be enforced.
     if (mySocketPermissionUnion.IsUnrestricted()){
          //Do nothing.  There are no restrictions.

         // Enforces the permissions found in mySocketPermissionUnion on any Socket Resources used below this statement. 

    IPHostEntry myIpHostEntry = Dns.Resolve("");
    IPEndPoint myLocalEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(myIpHostEntry.AddressList[0], 11000);

       Socket s = new Socket(myLocalEndPoint.Address.AddressFamily,
       catch (Exception e){
            Console.WriteLine("Exception Thrown: " + e.ToString());

      // Perform all socket operations in here.
// Creates a SocketPermission restricting access to and from all URIs.
SocketPermission^ mySocketPermission1 = gcnew SocketPermission( PermissionState::None );

// The socket to which this permission will apply will allow connections from
mySocketPermission1->AddPermission( NetworkAccess::Accept, TransportType::Tcp,  "", 11000 );

// Creates a SocketPermission which will allow the target Socket to connect with
SocketPermission^ mySocketPermission2 = gcnew SocketPermission( NetworkAccess::Connect,TransportType::Tcp, "",11002 );

// Creates a SocketPermission from the union of two SocketPermissions.
SocketPermission^ mySocketPermissionUnion =
   (SocketPermission^)( mySocketPermission1->Union( mySocketPermission2 ) );

// Checks to see if the union was successfully created by using the IsSubsetOf method.
if ( mySocketPermission1->IsSubsetOf( mySocketPermissionUnion ) &&
   mySocketPermission2->IsSubsetOf( mySocketPermissionUnion ) )
   Console::WriteLine(  "This union contains permissions from both mySocketPermission1 and mySocketPermission2" );
   // Prints the allowable accept URIs to the console.
   Console::WriteLine(  "This union accepts connections on :" );

   IEnumerator^ myEnumerator = mySocketPermissionUnion->AcceptList;
   while ( myEnumerator->MoveNext() )
      Console::WriteLine( safe_cast<EndpointPermission^>( myEnumerator->Current )->ToString() );
   // Prints the allowable connect URIs to the console.
   Console::WriteLine(  "This union permits connections to :" );

   myEnumerator = mySocketPermissionUnion->ConnectList;
   while ( myEnumerator->MoveNext() )
      Console::WriteLine( safe_cast<EndpointPermission^>( myEnumerator->Current )->ToString() );

// Creates a SocketPermission from the intersect of two SocketPermissions.
SocketPermission^ mySocketPermissionIntersect =
   (SocketPermission^)( mySocketPermission1->Intersect( mySocketPermissionUnion ) );

// mySocketPermissionIntersect should now contain the permissions of mySocketPermission1.
if ( mySocketPermission1->IsSubsetOf( mySocketPermissionIntersect ) )
   Console::WriteLine(  "This is expected" );

// mySocketPermissionIntersect should not contain the permissios of mySocketPermission2.
if ( mySocketPermission2->IsSubsetOf( mySocketPermissionIntersect ) )
   Console::WriteLine(  "This should not print" );

// Creates a copy of the intersect SocketPermission.
SocketPermission^ mySocketPermissionIntersectCopy =
   (SocketPermission^)( mySocketPermissionIntersect->Copy() );
if ( mySocketPermissionIntersectCopy->Equals( mySocketPermissionIntersect ) )
   Console::WriteLine(  "Copy successfull" );

// Converts a SocketPermission to XML format and then immediately converts it back to a SocketPermission.
mySocketPermission1->FromXml( mySocketPermission1->ToXml() );

// Checks to see if permission for this socket resource is unrestricted.  If it is, then there is no need to
// demand that permissions be enforced.
if ( mySocketPermissionUnion->IsUnrestricted() )
   //Do nothing.  There are no restrictions.
   // Enforces the permissions found in mySocketPermissionUnion on any Socket Resources used below this statement. 

IPHostEntry^ myIpHostEntry = Dns::Resolve(  "" );
IPEndPoint^ myLocalEndPoint = gcnew IPEndPoint( myIpHostEntry->AddressList[ 0 ], 11000 );

Socket^ s = gcnew Socket( myLocalEndPoint->Address->AddressFamily,
   ProtocolType::Tcp );
   s->Connect( myLocalEndPoint );
catch ( Exception^ e ) 
   Console::Write(  "Exception Thrown: " );
   Console::WriteLine( e->ToString() );

// Perform all socket operations in here.
// Creates a SocketPermission restricting access to and from all URIs.
SocketPermission mySocketPermission1 
    = new SocketPermission(PermissionState.None);
// The socket to which this permission will apply will allow 
// connections from
    TransportType.Tcp, "", 11000);
// Creates a SocketPermission which will allow the target Socket to 
// connect with
SocketPermission mySocketPermission2 
    = new SocketPermission(NetworkAccess.Connect, 
    TransportType.Tcp, "", 11002);
// Creates a SocketPermission from the union of two SocketPermissions.
SocketPermission mySocketPermissionUnion 
    = (SocketPermission)mySocketPermission1.Union(mySocketPermission2);
// Checks to see if the union was successfully created by using the 
// IsSubsetOf method.
if (mySocketPermission1.IsSubsetOf(mySocketPermissionUnion) 
    && mySocketPermission2.IsSubsetOf(mySocketPermissionUnion)) {
    Console.WriteLine("This union contains permissions from both "                                 + "mySocketPermission1 and mySocketPermission2");
    // Prints the allowable accept URIs to the console.
    Console.WriteLine("This union accepts connections on :");

    IEnumerator myEnumerator = mySocketPermissionUnion.
    while (myEnumerator.MoveNext()) {
    // Prints the allowable connect URIs to the console.
    Console.WriteLine("This union permits connections to :");

    myEnumerator = mySocketPermissionUnion.get_ConnectList();
    while (myEnumerator.MoveNext()) {

// Creates a SocketPermission from the intersect of two 
// SocketPermissions.
SocketPermission mySocketPermissionIntersect 
    = (SocketPermission)mySocketPermission1.
// mySocketPermissionIntersect should now contain the permissions of                       // mySocketPermission1.
if (mySocketPermission1.IsSubsetOf(mySocketPermissionIntersect)) {
    Console.WriteLine("This is expected");
// mySocketPermissionIntersect should not contain the permissios of                        // mySocketPermission2.
if (mySocketPermission2.IsSubsetOf(mySocketPermissionIntersect)) {
    Console.WriteLine("This should not print");

// Creates a copy of the intersect SocketPermission.
SocketPermission mySocketPermissionIntersectCopy 
    = (SocketPermission)mySocketPermissionIntersect.Copy();

if (mySocketPermissionIntersectCopy.
    Equals(mySocketPermissionIntersect)) {
    Console.WriteLine("Copy successfull");

// Converts a SocketPermission to XML format and then immediately 
// converts it back to a SocketPermission.
// Checks to see if permission for this socket resource is 
// unrestricted.  If it is, then there is no need to
// demand that permissions be enforced.
if (mySocketPermissionUnion.IsUnrestricted()) {
    //Do nothing.  There are no restrictions.
else {
    // Enforces the permissions found in mySocketPermissionUnion on 
    // any Socket Resources used below this statement. 

IPHostEntry myIpHostEntry = Dns.Resolve("");
IPEndPoint myLocalEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(myIpHostEntry.
    get_AddressList()[0], 11000);

Socket s = new Socket(myLocalEndPoint.get_Address().
    get_AddressFamily(), SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
try {
catch (System.Exception e) {
    Console.WriteLine("Exception Thrown: " + e.ToString());
// Perform all socket operations in here.




Alle öffentlichen statischen (Shared in Visual Basic) Member dieses Typs sind threadsicher. Bei Instanzmembern ist die Threadsicherheit nicht gewährleistet.


Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework unterstützt nicht alle Versionen sämtlicher Plattformen. Eine Liste der unterstützten Versionen finden Sie unter Systemanforderungen.


.NET Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

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