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Legt beim Überschreiben in einer abgeleiteten Klasse die SerializationInfo mit Informationen über die Ausnahme fest.

Namespace: System
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)


Public Overridable Sub GetObjectData ( _
    info As SerializationInfo, _
    context As StreamingContext _
Dim instance As Exception
Dim info As SerializationInfo
Dim context As StreamingContext

instance.GetObjectData(info, context)
public virtual void GetObjectData (
    SerializationInfo info,
    StreamingContext context
virtual void GetObjectData (
    SerializationInfo^ info, 
    StreamingContext context
public void GetObjectData (
    SerializationInfo info, 
    StreamingContext context
public function GetObjectData (
    info : SerializationInfo, 
    context : StreamingContext


  • info
    Die SerializationInfo, die die serialisierten Objektdaten für die ausgelöste Ausnahme enthält.
  • context
    Der StreamingContext, der die Kontextinformationen über die Quelle oder das Ziel enthält.


Ausnahmetyp Bedingung


Der info-Parameter ist ein NULL-Verweis (Nothing in Visual Basic).


GetObjectData legt die SerializationInfo mit allen Daten für das Ausnahmeobjekt fest, das für die Serialisierung vorgesehen ist. Während der Deserialisierung wird die Ausnahme aus der über den Stream übertragenen SerializationInfo wiederhergestellt.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird eine abgeleitete serialisierbare Exception-Klasse definiert, die GetObjectData implementiert und kleine Änderungen an zwei Eigenschaften vornimmt. Anschließend ruft sie für die Serialisierung die Basisklasse auf. Im Beispiel wird ein Fehler für die Division durch 0 erzwungen und dann eine Instanz der abgeleiteten Ausnahme erstellt. Im Code wird die Instanz in eine Datei serialisiert, die Datei in eine neue Ausnahme deserialisiert sowie die Ausnahme ausgelöst und abgefangen. Anschließend werden die Daten der Ausnahme angezeigt.

' Example for the Exception( SerializationInfo, StreamingContext )
' constructor and the Exception.GetObjectData( SerializationInfo, 
' StreamingContext ) method.
' If compiling with the Visual Basic compiler (VBC) from the command 
' prompt, be sure to add the following switch:
'    /reference:System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll 
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Security.Permissions

Namespace NDP_UE_VB

    ' Define a serializable derived exception class.
    <Serializable()>  _
    Class SecondLevelException
        Inherits Exception
        ' This public constructor is used by class instantiators.
        Public Sub New( message As String, inner As Exception )
            MyBase.New( message, inner )

            HelpLink = ""
            Source = "Exception_Class_Samples"
        End Sub ' New
        ' This protected constructor is used for deserialization.
        Protected Sub New( info As SerializationInfo, _
            context As StreamingContext )
                MyBase.New( info, context )
        End Sub ' New
        ' GetObjectData performs a custom serialization.
        <SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, _
                                     SerializationFormatter:=True)> _
        Overrides Sub GetObjectData( info As SerializationInfo, _
            context As StreamingContext) 

            ' Change the case of two properties, and then use the 
            ' method of the base class.
            HelpLink = HelpLink.ToLower()
            Source = Source.ToUpper()
            MyBase.GetObjectData(info, context)

        End Sub ' ISerializable.GetObjectData
    End Class ' SecondLevelException

    Module SerializationDemo
        Sub Main()
            Console.WriteLine( _
                "This example of the Exception constructor " & _
                "and Exception.GetObjectData " & vbCrLf & _
                "with SerializationInfo and StreamingContext " & _
                "parameters generates " & vbCrLf & _
                "the following output." & vbCrLf )

            ' This code forces a division by 0 and catches the 
            ' resulting exception.
                    Dim zero As Integer = 0
                    Dim ecks As Integer = 1 \ zero

                ' Create a new exception to throw again.
                Catch ex As Exception
                    Dim newExcept As New SecondLevelException( _
                        "Forced a division by 0 and threw " & _
                        "another exception.", ex )
                    Console.WriteLine( _
                        "Forced a division by 0, caught the " & _
                        "resulting exception, " & vbCrLf & _
                        "and created a derived exception:" & vbCrLf )
                    Console.WriteLine( "HelpLink: {0}", _
                        newExcept.HelpLink )
                    Console.WriteLine( "Source:   {0}", _
                        newExcept.Source )
                    ' This FileStream is used for the serialization.
                    Dim stream As New FileStream( _
                        "NewException.dat", FileMode.Create )
                    ' Serialize the derived exception.
                        Dim formatter As New SoapFormatter( Nothing, _
                            New StreamingContext( _
                                StreamingContextStates.File ) )
                        formatter.Serialize( stream, newExcept )
                        ' Rewind the stream and deserialize the 
                        ' exception.
                        stream.Position = 0
                        Dim deserExcept As SecondLevelException = _
                            CType( formatter.Deserialize( stream ), _
                                SecondLevelException )
                        Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
                            "Serialized the exception, and then " & _
                            "deserialized the resulting stream " & _
                            "into a " & vbCrLf & "new exception. " & _
                            "The deserialization changed the case " & _
                            "of certain properties:" & vbCrLf )
                        ' Throw the deserialized exception again.
                        Throw deserExcept

                    Catch se As SerializationException
                        Console.WriteLine( "Failed to serialize: {0}", _
                            se.ToString( ) )

                        stream.Close( )
                    End Try
                End Try

            Catch ex As Exception
                Console.WriteLine( "HelpLink: {0}", ex.HelpLink )
                Console.WriteLine( "Source:   {0}", ex.Source )

                Console.WriteLine( )
                Console.WriteLine( ex.ToString( ) )
            End Try
        End Sub ' Main

    End Module ' SerializationDemo
End Namespace ' NDP_UE_VB

' This example of the Exception constructor and Exception.GetObjectData
' with SerializationInfo and StreamingContext parameters generates
' the following output.
' Forced a division by 0, caught the resulting exception,
' and created a derived exception:
' HelpLink:
' Source:   Exception_Class_Samples
' Serialized the exception, and then deserialized the resulting stream into a
' new exception. The deserialization changed the case of certain properties:
' HelpLink:
' NDP_UE_VB.SecondLevelException: Forced a division by 0 and threw another exce
' ption. ---> System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero.
'    at NDP_UE_VB.SerializationDemo.Main()
'    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
'    at NDP_UE_VB.SerializationDemo.Main()
// Example for the Exception( SerializationInfo, StreamingContext )
// constructor and the Exception.GetObjectData( SerializationInfo, 
// StreamingContext ) method.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap;
using System.Security.Permissions;

namespace NDP_UE_CS
    // Define a serializable derived exception class.
    class SecondLevelException : Exception, ISerializable
        // This public constructor is used by class instantiators.
        public SecondLevelException( string message, Exception inner ) :
            base( message, inner )
            HelpLink = "";
            Source = "Exception_Class_Samples";

        // This protected constructor is used for deserialization.
        protected SecondLevelException( SerializationInfo info, 
            StreamingContext context ) :
                base( info, context )
        { }

        // GetObjectData performs a custom serialization.
        public override void GetObjectData( SerializationInfo info, 
            StreamingContext context ) 
            // Change the case of two properties, and then use the 
            // method of the base class.
            HelpLink = HelpLink.ToLower( );
            Source = Source.ToUpper( );

            base.GetObjectData( info, context );

    class SerializationDemo 
        public static void Main() 
                "This example of the Exception constructor " +
                "and Exception.GetObjectData\nwith Serialization" +
                "Info and StreamingContext parameters " +
                "generates \nthe following output.\n" );

                // This code forces a division by 0 and catches the 
                // resulting exception.
                    int  zero = 0;
                    int  ecks = 1 / zero;
                catch( Exception ex )
                    // Create a new exception to throw again.
                    SecondLevelException newExcept =
                        new SecondLevelException( 
                            "Forced a division by 0 and threw " +
                            "another exception.", ex );

                        "Forced a division by 0, caught the " +
                        "resulting exception, \n" +
                        "and created a derived exception:\n" );
                    Console.WriteLine( "HelpLink: {0}", 
                        newExcept.HelpLink );
                    Console.WriteLine( "Source:   {0}", 
                        newExcept.Source );

                    // This FileStream is used for the serialization.
                    FileStream stream = 
                        new FileStream( "NewException.dat", 
                            FileMode.Create );

                        // Serialize the derived exception.
                        SoapFormatter formatter = 
                            new SoapFormatter( null,
                                new StreamingContext( 
                                    StreamingContextStates.File ) );
                        formatter.Serialize( stream, newExcept );

                        // Rewind the stream and deserialize the 
                        // exception.
                        stream.Position = 0;
                        SecondLevelException deserExcept = 
                                formatter.Deserialize( stream );

                            "\nSerialized the exception, and then " +
                            "deserialized the resulting stream " +
                            "into a \nnew exception. " +
                            "The deserialization changed the case " +
                            "of certain properties:\n" );
                        // Throw the deserialized exception again.
                        throw deserExcept;
                    catch( SerializationException se )
                        Console.WriteLine( "Failed to serialize: {0}", 
                            se.ToString( ) );
                        stream.Close( );
            catch( Exception ex )
                Console.WriteLine( "HelpLink: {0}", ex.HelpLink );
                Console.WriteLine( "Source:   {0}", ex.Source );

                Console.WriteLine( );
                Console.WriteLine( ex.ToString( ) );

This example of the Exception constructor and Exception.GetObjectData
with SerializationInfo and StreamingContext parameters generates
the following output.

Forced a division by 0, caught the resulting exception,
and created a derived exception:

Source:   Exception_Class_Samples

Serialized the exception, and then deserialized the resulting stream into a
new exception. The deserialization changed the case of certain properties:


NDP_UE_CS.SecondLevelException: Forced a division by 0 and threw another except
ion. ---> System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero.
   at NDP_UE_CS.SerializationDemo.Main()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at NDP_UE_CS.SerializationDemo.Main()
// Example for the Exception( SerializationInfo, StreamingContext )
// constructor and the Exception.GetObjectData( SerializationInfo, 
// StreamingContext ) method.
#using <System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization::Formatters::Soap;

// Define a serializable derived exception class.

ref class SecondLevelException: public Exception, public ISerializable

   // This public constructor is used by class instantiators.
   SecondLevelException( String^ message, Exception^ inner )
      : Exception( message, inner )
      HelpLink = "";
      Source = "Exception_Class_Samples";


   // This protected constructor is used for deserialization.
   SecondLevelException( SerializationInfo^ info, StreamingContext context )
      : Exception( info, context )


   // GetObjectData performs a custom serialization.
   virtual void GetObjectData( SerializationInfo^ info, StreamingContext context ) override
      // Change the case of two properties, and then use the 
      // method of the base class.
      HelpLink = HelpLink->ToLower();
      Source = Source->ToUpper();
      Exception::GetObjectData( info, context );


int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Exception constructor "
   "and Exception.GetObjectData\nwith Serialization"
   "Info and StreamingContext parameters "
   "generates \nthe following output.\n" );
      // This code forces a division by 0 and catches the 
      // resulting exception.
         int zero = 0;
         int ecks = 1 / zero;
      catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
         // Create a new exception to throw again.
         SecondLevelException^ newExcept = gcnew SecondLevelException( "Forced a division by 0 and threw "
         "another exception.",ex );
         Console::WriteLine( "Forced a division by 0, caught the "
         "resulting exception, \n"
         "and created a derived exception:\n" );
         Console::WriteLine( "HelpLink: {0}", newExcept->HelpLink );
         Console::WriteLine( "Source:   {0}", newExcept->Source );
         // This FileStream is used for the serialization.
         FileStream^ stream = gcnew FileStream( "NewException.dat",FileMode::Create );
            // Serialize the derived exception.
            SoapFormatter^ formatter = gcnew SoapFormatter( nullptr,StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates::File) );
            formatter->Serialize( stream, newExcept );
            // Rewind the stream and deserialize the 
            // exception.
            stream->Position = 0;
            SecondLevelException^ deserExcept = dynamic_cast<SecondLevelException^>(formatter->Deserialize( stream ));
            Console::WriteLine( "\nSerialized the exception, and then "
            "deserialized the resulting stream "
            "into a \nnew exception. "
            "The deserialization changed the case "
            "of certain properties:\n" );
            // Throw the deserialized exception again.
            throw deserExcept;
         catch ( SerializationException^ se ) 
            Console::WriteLine( "Failed to serialize: {0}", se->ToString() );


   catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "HelpLink: {0}", ex->HelpLink );
      Console::WriteLine( "Source:   {0}", ex->Source );
      Console::WriteLine( ex->ToString() );


This example of the Exception constructor and Exception.GetObjectData
with SerializationInfo and StreamingContext parameters generates
the following output.

Forced a division by 0, caught the resulting exception,
and created a derived exception:

Source:   Exception_Class_Samples

Serialized the exception, and then deserialized the resulting stream into a
new exception. The deserialization changed the case of certain properties:


SecondLevelException: Forced a division by 0 and threw another exception. ---> S
ystem.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero.
   at main()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at main()


.NET Framework-Sicherheit


Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework unterstützt nicht alle Versionen sämtlicher Plattformen. Eine Liste der unterstützten Versionen finden Sie unter Systemanforderungen.


.NET Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

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