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Löst das DoubleClick-Ereignis aus.

Namespace: System.Windows.Forms
Assembly: System.Windows.Forms (in


Protected Overridable Sub OnDoubleClick ( _
    e As EventArgs _
Dim e As EventArgs

protected virtual void OnDoubleClick (
    EventArgs e
virtual void OnDoubleClick (
    EventArgs^ e
protected void OnDoubleClick (
    EventArgs e
protected function OnDoubleClick (
    e : EventArgs


  • e
    Eine Instanz von EventArgs, die die Ereignisdaten enthält.


Durch das Auslösen eines Ereignisses wird der Ereignishandler über einen Delegaten aufgerufen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Auslösen eines Ereignisses.

Die OnDoubleClick-Methode ermöglicht es auch abgeleiteten Klassen, das Ereignis ohne Anfügen eines Delegaten zu behandeln. Dies ist das bevorzugte Verfahren für die Behandlung des Ereignisses in einer abgeleiteten Klasse.

Hinweise für Erben Wenn Sie OnDoubleClick in einer abgeleiteten Klasse überschreiben, müssen Sie die OnDoubleClick-Methode der Basisklasse aufrufen, sodass registrierte Delegaten das Ereignis empfangen.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel werden mithilfe des DoubleClick-Ereignisses einer ListBox Textdateien, die in der ListBox angegeben sind, in ein TextBox-Steuerelement geladen.

' This example uses the DoubleClick event of a ListBox to load text files  
' listed in the ListBox into a TextBox control. This example
' assumes that the ListBox, named listBox1, contains a list of valid file 
' names with path and that this event handler method
' is connected to the DoublClick event of a ListBox control named listBox1.
' This example requires code access permission to access files.
Private Sub listBox1_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles listBox1.DoubleClick
    ' Get the name of the file to open from the ListBox.
    Dim file As [String] = listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()

        ' Determine if the file exists before loading.
        If System.IO.File.Exists(file) Then
            ' Open the file and use a TextReader to read the contents into the TextBox.
            Dim myFile As New System.IO.FileInfo(listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString())
            Dim myData As System.IO.TextReader = myFile.OpenText()

            textBox1.Text = myData.ReadToEnd()
        End If
        ' Exception is thrown by the OpenText method of the FileInfo class.
        MessageBox.Show("The file you specified does not exist.")
        ' Exception is thrown by the ReadToEnd method of the TextReader class.
     MessageBox.Show("There was a problem loading the file into the TextBox. Ensure that the file is a valid text file.")
    End Try
End Sub
// This example uses the DoubleClick event of a ListBox to load text files
// listed in the ListBox into a TextBox control. This example
// assumes that the ListBox, named listBox1, contains a list of valid file
// names with path and that this event handler method
// is connected to the DoublClick event of a ListBox control named listBox1.
// This example requires code access permission to access files.
private void listBox1_DoubleClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    // Get the name of the file to open from the ListBox.
    String file = listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString();

        // Determine if the file exists before loading.
        if (System.IO.File.Exists(file))
            // Open the file and use a TextReader to read the contents into the TextBox.
            System.IO.FileInfo myFile = new System.IO.FileInfo(listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString());
            System.IO.TextReader myData = myFile.OpenText();;

            textBox1.Text = myData.ReadToEnd();
        // Exception is thrown by the OpenText method of the FileInfo class.
        MessageBox.Show("The file you specified does not exist.");
        // Exception is thrown by the ReadToEnd method of the TextReader class.
        MessageBox.Show("There was a problem loading the file into the TextBox. Ensure that the file is a valid text file.");
   // This example uses the DoubleClick event of a ListBox to load text files
   // listed in the ListBox into a TextBox control. This example
   // assumes that the ListBox, named listBox1, contains a list of valid file
   // names with path and that this event handler method
   // is connected to the DoublClick event of a ListBox control named listBox1.
   // This example requires code access permission to access files.
   void listBox1_DoubleClick( Object^ /*sender*/, System::EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      // Get the name of the file to open from the ListBox.
      String^ file = listBox1->SelectedItem->ToString();
         // Determine if the file exists before loading.
         if ( System::IO::File::Exists( file ) )
            // Open the file and use a TextReader to read the contents into the TextBox.
            System::IO::FileInfo^ myFile = gcnew System::IO::FileInfo( listBox1->SelectedItem->ToString() );
            System::IO::TextReader^ myData = myFile->OpenText();
            textBox1->Text = myData->ReadToEnd();
      // Exception is thrown by the OpenText method of the FileInfo class.
      catch ( System::IO::FileNotFoundException^ ) 
         MessageBox::Show( "The file you specified does not exist." );
      // Exception is thrown by the ReadToEnd method of the TextReader class.
      catch ( System::IO::IOException^ ) 
         MessageBox::Show( "There was a problem loading the file into the TextBox. Ensure that the file is a valid text file." );
// This example uses the DoubleClick event of a ListBox to load text files
// listed in the ListBox into a TextBox control. This example
// assumes that the ListBox, named listBox1, contains a list of valid file
// names with path and that this event handler method
// is connected to the DoublClick event of a ListBox control named listBox1.
// This example requires code access permission to access files.
private void listBox1_DoubleClick(Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    // Get the name of the file to open from the ListBox.
    String file = listBox1.get_SelectedItem().ToString();
    try {
        // Determine if the file exists before loading.
        if (System.IO.File.Exists(file)) {
            // Open the file and use a TextReader to read the contents 
            // into the TextBox.
            System.IO.FileInfo myFile = new System.IO.FileInfo(listBox1.
            System.IO.TextReader myData = myFile.OpenText();
    // Exception is thrown by the OpenText method of the FileInfo class.
    catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException exp) {
        MessageBox.Show("The file you specified does not exist.");
    // Exception is thrown by the ReadToEnd method of the TextReader class.
    catch (System.IO.IOException exp) {
        MessageBox.Show("There was a problem loading the file into the "
            + "TextBox. Ensure that the file is a valid text file.");
} //listBox1_DoubleClick


Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows CE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Mobile für Pocket PC, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework unterstützt nicht alle Versionen sämtlicher Plattformen. Eine Liste der unterstützten Versionen finden Sie unter Systemanforderungen.


.NET Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

.NET Compact Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0

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