Freigeben über


Beendet den Prozess und übergibt dem zugrunde liegenden Betriebssystem den angegebenen Exitcode.

Namespace: System
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)


Public Shared Sub Exit ( _
    exitCode As Integer _
Dim exitCode As Integer

public static void Exit (
    int exitCode
static void Exit (
    int exitCode
public static void Exit (
    int exitCode
public static function Exit (
    exitCode : int


  • exitCode
    Der dem Betriebssystem zu übergebende Exitcode.


Ausnahmetyp Bedingung


Der Aufrufer verfügt nicht über ausreichende Sicherheitsberechtigungen zum Ausführen dieser Funktion.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird die Verwendung der Exit-Methode veranschaulicht, um die Programmausführung zu beenden und einen Exitcode an das Betriebssystem zurückzugeben.

' Example for the Environment.Exit( Integer ) method.
Imports System

Module ExitTest
    Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "If this program is invoked with [{0}] " & _
            "from the command prompt,", _
        Dim args As String() = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
        ' args[0] is the program name, and args[1] is the first argument.
        ' Test for a command-line argument.
        If args.Length > 1 Then

            ' Parse the argument. If successful, exit with the parsed code.
                Dim exitCode As Integer = Integer.Parse(args(1))
                Console.WriteLine("it exits with code: 0x{0:X8}.", exitCode)

            ' If the parse fails, you fall out of the program.
            End Try
        End If
        Console.WriteLine("it exits by falling through.")
    End Sub 'Main
End Module 'ExitTest

' If this program is invoked with [EnvExit -2147480000] from the command prompt,
' it exits with code: 0x80000E40.
// Example for the Environment.Exit( int ) method.
using System;

class ExitTest
    public static void Main( ) 
            "If this program is invoked with [{0}] " +
            "from the command prompt,", 
            Environment.CommandLine );

        String[ ]   args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs( );

        // args[0] is the program name and, args[1] is the first argument.
        // Test for a command-line argument.
        if( args.Length > 1 )

            // Parse the argument. If successful, exit with the parsed code.
                int     exitCode = int.Parse( args[1] );

                Console.WriteLine( "it exits with code: 0x{0:X8}.", exitCode );
                Environment.Exit( exitCode );
            // If the parse fails, you fall out of the program.
            { }
        Console.WriteLine( "it exits by falling through." );

If this program is invoked with [EnvExit -2147480000] from the command prompt,
it exits with code: 0x80000E40.
// Example for the Environment::Exit( int ) method.
using namespace System;
int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "If this program is invoked with [{0}] "
   "from the command prompt,", Environment::CommandLine );
   array<String^>^args = Environment::GetCommandLineArgs();
   // args[0] is the program name, and args[1] is the first argument.
   // Test for a command-line argument.
   if ( args->Length > 1 )
      // Parse the argument. If successful, exit with the parsed code.
         int exitCode = Int32::Parse( args[ 1 ] );
         Console::WriteLine( "it exits with code: 0x{0:X8}.", exitCode );
         Environment::Exit( exitCode );
      // If the parse fails, you fall out of the program.
      catch ( Exception^ e ) 


   Console::WriteLine( "it exits by falling through." );

If this program is invoked with [EnvExit -2147480000] from the command prompt,
it exits with code: 0x80000E40.
// Example for the Environment.Exit(int) method.
import System.* ;

class ExitTest
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("If this program is invoked with [{0}] " +
            "from the command prompt,", Environment.get_CommandLine());
        String args1[] = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();

        // args[0] is the program name and, args[1] is the first argument.
        // Test for a command-line argument.
        if (args1.length > 1) {
            // Parse the argument. If successful, exit with the parsed code.
            try {
                int exitCode = Integer.parseInt(args1[1]);
                Console.WriteLine("it exits with code: 0x{0:X8}.",
                    ((System.Int32)(exitCode)).ToString("X8") );
            // If the parse fails, you fall out of the program.
            catch(System.Exception exp) {
        Console.WriteLine("it exits by falling through.");
    } //main
} //ExitTest

If this program is invoked with [EnvExit -2147480000] from the command prompt,
it exits with code: 0x80000E40.

.NET Framework-Sicherheit


Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework unterstützt nicht alle Versionen sämtlicher Plattformen. Eine Liste der unterstützten Versionen finden Sie unter Systemanforderungen.


.NET Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

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