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Time Data Type

Denotes a time ranging from 00:00:00.000 to 23:59:59.999. An undefined or blank time is specified by 0T.

The displayed text format of the time is determined by your Regional and Language Options in Windows.

The following are examples of valid assignments of times to a Time variable MyTime.

MyTime := 0T;
MyTime := 1159T;
MyTime := 115934T;
MyTime := 115934.444T;
MyTime := 0300T;

The following shows what the message windows display on a computer with the regional format set to English (United States).

11:59:00 AM

11:59:34 AM

11:59:34.444 AM

3:00:00 AM

SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server stores information about both date and time in columns of the DATETIME type. Microsoft Dynamics NAV uses only the time part and inserts a constant value for the date: 01-01-1754.

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV undefined time is represented by the same value as an undefined date. The undefined date is represented by the earliest valid DATETIME in SQL Server, which is 01-01-1753 00:00:00:000.

See Also


TIME Function (Time)
VARIANT2TIME Function (Date, Variant)
CREATEDATETIME Function (DateTime)
DT2TIME Function (DateTime)