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C/AL Reserved Words

C/AL has several reserved words that you cannot use as variable, constant, or function names in your application. Reserved words include the following types:

  • Data types

  • Keywords

  • Functions

  • Operators

  • Properties

  • System variable names

  • Triggers

    In some cases, you can use reserved words as variable names if you enclose the variable name in quotation marks. However, we do not recommend this practice.

    If you write code on client report definition (RDLC) report layouts, then verify that your code does not use Visual Studio Report Designer reserved words. For more information, see Using Expressions in a Report (Visual Studio Report Designer) and its subtopics.

List of Reserved Words

The following table lists all of the C/AL reserved words.

Reserved word Type
Abs Function
Action Data type
Activate Function
Active Function
ActiveControlOnOpen Property
Addlink Function
Addtext Function
AltSearchField Property
And Operator
Applicationpath Function
Array Functions
ArrayLen Function
Ascending Function
AssertError Keyword
AssistEdit Property
AutoCalcField Property
AutoEnter Property
AutoFormatExpr Property
AutoFormatType Property
AutoIncrement Property
Automation Data type
AutoPosition Property
AutoRepeat Property
AutoReplace Property
AutoSave Property
AutoSplitKey Property
AutoUpdate Property
BackColor Property
BackTransparent Property
BackupKey Property
Beep Function
Begin Keyword
BigInteger Data type
BigText Data type
Binary Data type
Bitmap Property
BitmapList Property
BitmapPos Property
BlankNumbers Property
BlankZero Property
BLOB Data type
Boolean Data type
Border Property
BorderColor Property
BorderStyle Property
BorderWidth Property
BottomMargin Property
Break Function
CalcDate Function
CalcField Function
CalcFields Function, Property
CalcFormula Property
CalcSum Function
CalcSums Function
CallFieldValidate Property
Cancel Property
Caption Function, Property
CaptionBar Property
CaptionClass Property
CaptionML Property
CardPageID Property
Case Keyword
ChangeCompany Function
Char Data type
CharAllowed Property
ChartPartID Property
CheckLicenseFile Function
Class Function
Clear Function
ClearAll Function
ClearLastError Function
ClearMarks Function
ClearOnLookup Property
ClientType Function
Close Function
ClosingDate Function
ClosingDates Property
Clustered Property
Code Data type
CodeCoverageLog Function
Codeunit Data type
CommandLine Function
Commit Function
CompanyName Function
CompressArray Function
Compressed Property
Confirm Function
Consistent Function
ContainerType Property
ContextURL Function
ControlAddin Property
ControlType Property
ConvertStr Function
Copy Function
CopyArray Function
CopyFilter Function
CopyFilters Function
CopyLinks Function
CopyStr Function
CopyStream Function
Count Function
CountApprox Function
Create Function
CreateDateTime Function
CreateGUID Function
CreateInstream Function
CreateOutstream Function
CreateTempFile Function
CurrentClientType Function
CurrentDateTime Function
CurrentExecutionMode Function
CurrentKey Function
CurrentKeyIndex Function
CurrentTransactionType Function
CurrPage System Variable
CurrReport System Variable
Database Function
DataCaptionExpr Property
DataCaptionFields Property
DataItemIndent Property
DataItemLink Property
DataItemLinkReference Property
DataItemSeparator Property
DataItemTable Property
DataItemTableView Property
DataLength Property
DataPerCompany Property
Date Data type
Date2DMY Function
Date2DWY Function
DateFormula Data type, Property
DateTime Data type
DaTi2Variant Function
Debugger Function
Decimal Data type
DecimalPlaces Property
DecimalPlacesMax Function
DecimalPlacesMin Function
Default Property
DefaultClientType Function
DefaultFieldsValidation Property
DelayedInsert Property
DelChr Function
Delete Function
DeleteAll Function
DeleteAllowed Property
DeleteLink Function
DeleteLinks Function
DelStr Function
Description Property
DeviceFontName Property
Dialog Data type
Dimensions Property
Direction Property
Div Operator
Divisor Property
DMY2Date Function
Do Keyword
Download Function
DownloadFromStream Function
DownTo Keyword
DrillDown Property
DrillDownPageID Property
DropDown Property
DT2Date Function
DT2Time Function
Duplicate Function
Duration Data type
DWY2Date Function
Editable Function, Property
Ellipsis Property
Else Keyword
Enabled Function, Property
EnabledIfError Property
EnabledIfInsertion Property
EnabledIfSelection Property
Encoding Property
End Keyword
Environ Function
EOS Function
Erase Function
Error Function
Evaluate Function
Event Keyword
Exists Function
Exit Keyword
Export Function
ExportObjects Function
ExtendedDataType Property
False Keyword
Field Function
Field No. Property
FieldActive Function
FieldCaption Function
FieldClass Property
FieldCount Function
FieldEndDelimiter Property
FieldError Function
FieldExist Function
FieldIndex Function
FieldName Function
FieldNo Function
FieldRef Data type
FieldSeparator Property
FieldStartDelimiter Property
FieldValidate Property
File Data type
FileFormat Property
FileName Function, Property
FilterGroup Function
Find Function
FindFirst Function
FindLast Function
FindSet Function
Focusable Property
FocusOnClick Property
FontBold Property
FontItalic Property
FontName Property
FontSize Property
FontStrikethru Property
FontUnderline Property
For Keyword
ForeColor Property
Format Function, Property
FreezeColumnID Property
FunctionType Property
Get Function
GetFilter Function
GetFilters Function
GetLastErrorText Function
GetPosition Function
GetRangeMax Function
GetRangeMin Function
GetRecord Function
GetStamp Function
GetSubtext Function
GetTable Function
GetURL Function
GetView Function
GlobalLanguage Function
GroupTotalFields Property
GroupType Property
GUIAllowed Function
GUID Data type
HandlerFunctions Property
HasFilter Function
HasLinks Function
HasValue Function
HeadingHeight Property
Height Function, Property
HideValue Property
HorzAlign Property
HorzGlue Property
HorzGrid Property
Hyperlink Function
ID Property
If Keyword
Image Property
Import Function, Property
Importance Property
ImportObjects Function
In Operator
IncludeInDataSet Property
InColumn Property
InColumnHeading Property
IncStr Function
Indent Property
Indentation Property
IndentationColumnName Property
IndentationControls Property
InFooterBar Property
InFrame Property
Init Function
InitValue Property
InlineEditing Function, Property
InMatrix Property
InMatrixHeading Property
InPage Property
Input Function
Insert Function
InsertAllowed Property
InsStr Function
InStream Data type
InstructionalTextML Property
Integer Data type
InvalidActionAppearance Property
IsAction Function
IsAutomation Function
IsBinary Function
IsBoolean Function
IsChar Function
IsClear Function
IsCode Function
IsCodeunit Function
IsDate Function
IsDateFormula Function
IsDecimal Function
IsEmpty Function
IsFile Function
IsInstream Function
IsInteger Function
IsNullGUID Function
IsOption Function
IsOutstream Function
IsRecord Function
IsText Function
IsTime Function
IsTransactionType Function
KeepWithNext Property
Key Property
KeyCount Function
KeyGroupDisable Function
KeyGroupEnable Function
KeyGroupEnabled Function
KeyGroups Property
KeyIndex Function
KeyRef Data type
Language Function
LeaderDots Property
LeftMargin Property
Len Function
Length Function
LinkedInTransaction Property
LinkedObject Property
LinkFields Property
LinksAllowed Property
LinkTable Property
LinkTableForceInsert Property
Local Keyword
LockTable Function
LockTimeout Function
LogHeight Function, Property
LogWidth Function, Property
Lookup Property
LookupPageID Property
LookupMode Function, Property
Lowercase Function
MaintainSIFTIndex Property
MaintainSQLIndex Property
Mark Function
MarkedOnly Function
MatrixColumnWidth Property
MatrixSourceTable Property
Maximizable Property
MaximizedOnOpen Function, Property
MaxIteration Property
MaxLength Property
MaxOccurs Property
MaxStrLen Function
MaxValue Property
MenuItemType Property
MenuLevel Property
Message Function
Minimizable Property
MinimizedOnOpen Function, Property
MinOccurs Property
MinValue Property
Mod Operator
Modify Function
ModifyAll Function
ModifyAllowed Property
MultiLine Property
MultipleNewLines Property
Name Function, Property
Namespaces Property
NamespacePrefix Property
NewPagePerGroup Property
Next Function
NextControl Property
NodeName Property
NodeType Property
NormalDate Function
Not Operator
NotBlank Property
Number Function
Numeric Property
ObjectType Function
Occurrence Property
OCX Data type
Of Keyword
OnAction Trigger
OnActivate Trigger
OnAfterAssignField Trigger
OnAfterAssignVariable Trigger
OnAfterExportRecord Trigger
OnAfterFormatField Trigger
OnAfterGetField Trigger
OnAfterGetRecord Trigger
OnAfterImportRecord Trigger
OnAfterInitRecord Trigger
OnAfterInput Trigger
OnAfterInsertRecord Trigger
OnAfterModifyRecord Trigger
OnAfterTestRun Trigger
OnAfterValidate Trigger
OnAssistEdit Trigger
OnBeforeEvaluateField Trigger
OnBeforeExportRecord Trigger
OnBeforeImportRecord Trigger
OnBeforeInput Trigger
OnBeforeInsertRecord Trigger
OnBeforeModifyRecord Trigger
OnBeforePassField Trigger
OnBeforePassVariable Trigger
OnBeforePutRecord Trigger
OnBeforeTestRun Trigger
OnClosePage Trigger
OnControlAddin Trigger
OnDeactivate Trigger
OnDelete Trigger
OnDeleteRecord Trigger
OnDrillDown Trigger
OnFindRecord Trigger
OnFormat Trigger
OnInit Trigger
OnInitReport Trigger
OnInitXMLport Trigger
OnInputChange Trigger
OnInsert Trigger
OnInsertRecord Trigger
OnLookup Trigger
OnModify Trigger
OnModifyRecord Trigger
OnNewRecord Trigger
OnNextRecord Trigger
OnOpenPage Trigger
OnPostDataItem Trigger
OnPostReport Trigger
OnPostSection Trigger
OnPostXMLport Trigger
OnPreDataItem Trigger
OnPreReport Trigger
OnPreSection Trigger
OnPreXMLItem Trigger
OnPreXMLport Trigger
OnPush Trigger
OnQueryClosePage Trigger
OnQueryClosePage Trigger
OnRename Trigger
OnTimer Trigger
OnValidate Trigger
Open Function
Option Data type
OptionCaption Function, Property
OptionCaptionML Property
OptionString Function, Property
OptionValue Property
Or Operator
Orientation Property
OSVersion Function
OutStream Data type
PadChar Property
PadStr Function
Page Data type
PageNames Property
PageNamesML Property
PAGENO Function
PagePartID Property
PageType Property
PaperSize Property
PaperSourceDefaultPage Property
PaperSourceFirstPage Property
PaperSourceLastPage Property
PaperSourceOtherPages Property
ParentControl Property
PartType Property
PasswordText Property
PasteIsValid Property
Percentage Property
PermanentAssist Property
Permissions Property
PlaceInBottom Property
PopulateAllFields Property
Pos Function
Power Function
Preview Function
PrintOnEveryPage Property
PrintOnlyIfDetail Function, Property
ProcessingOnly Property
Promoted Property
PromotedCategory Property
PromotedIsBig Property
ProviderID Property
PushAction Property
Query Object
QueryReplace Function
Quit Function
Random Function
Randomize Function
Read Function
ReadConsistency Function
ReadPermission Function
ReadText Function
Rec System Variable
Record Data type
RecordID Data type, Function
RecordLevelLocking Function
RecordRef Data type
RecordSeparator Property
Relation Function
Rename Function
Repeat Keyword
Report Data type
ReqFilterFields Property
ReqFilterHeading Property
ReqFilterHeadingML Property
RequestOptionsPage System Variable
Reset Function
RightMargin Property
Round Function
RoundDateTime Function
RowHeight Property
Run Function
RunCommand Property
RunPageLink Property
RunPageOnRec Property
RunPageView Property
RunModal Function
RunObject Property
SaveAsExcel Function
SaveAsHTML Function
SaveAsPDF Function
SaveAsXML Function
SaveColumnWidths Property
SaveControlInfo Property
SavePosAndSize Property
SaveRecord Function
SaveValues Property
SectionHeight Property
SectionWidth Property
Seek Function
SelectLatestVersion Function
SelectStr Function
SerialNumber Function
SetAutoCalcFields Function
SetCurrentKey Function
SetFilter Function
SetPermissionFilter Function
SetPosition Function
SetRange Function
SetRecFilter Function
SetRecord Function
SetSelectionFilter Function
SetStamp Function
SetTable Function
SetTableView Function
SetView Function
ShapeStyle Property
Shell Function
ShortCutKey Property
ShowAsTree Property
ShowCaption Property
ShowPrintStatus Property
ShowStatus Property
SID Function
SignDisplacement Property
SingleInstance Property
Sizable Property
Skip Function
Sleep Function
SourceExpr Property
SourceField Property
SourceTable Property
SourceTablePlacement Property
SourceTableRecord Property
SourceTableTemporary Property
SourceTableView Property
SourceType Property
SQL Data Type Property
SQLIndex Property
StartPos Property
StrCheckSum Function
StrLen Function
StrMenu Function
StrPos Function
StrSubstNo Function
Style Property
StyleExpr Property
SubPageLink Property
SubPageView Property
SubType Property
SumIndexFields Property
SynchronizeAllLogins Function
SynchronizeSingleLogin Function
System Data type
SystemPartID Property
TableBoxID Property
TableCaption Function
TableFilter Data type
TableIDExpr Property
TableName Function
TableNo Function, Property
TableRelation Property
Temporary Property
TemporaryPath Function
TestField Function
TestTableRelation Property
Text Data type
TextEncoding Function
TextMode Function
TextPos Function
TextType Property
Then Keyword
Time Data type
TimerInterval Property
Title Property
To Keyword
Today Function
ToolTip Property
ToolTipML Property
TopLineOnly Property
TopMargin Property
TotalFields Property
TransactionType Data type, Property
TransferFields Function
True Keyword
Trunc Function
Type Function
Until Keyword
Update Function
UpdateControls Function
UpdateEditable Function
UpdateFontBold Function
UpdateForeColor Function
UpdateIndent Function
UpdateOnAction Property
UpdateOnActivate Property
UpdateSelected Function
Upload Function
UploadIntoStream Function
Uppercase Function
UseRequestPage Property
UserID Function
UseSystemPrinter Property
Validate Function
ValidateTableRelation Property
Value Function
ValuesAllowed Property
Var Keyword
VariableActive Function
VariableName Property
Variant Data type
Variant2Date Function
Variant2Time Function
VertAlign Property
VertGlue Property
VertGrid Property
Visible Function, Property
While Keyword
Width Function, Property
WindowsLanguage Function
With Keyword
WithEvents Property
WordDate Function
Write Function
WriteMode Function
WritePermission Function
WriteText Function
XMLport Data type
XMLVersionNo Property
XOR Operator
XPos Function, Property
xRec System variable
Yield Function
YPos Function, Property