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_strlwr, _wcslwr, _mbslwr, _strlwr_l, _wcslwr_l, _mbslwr_l


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The latest version of this topic can be found at _strlwr, _wcslwr, _mbslwr, _strlwr_l, _wcslwr_l, _mbslwr_l.

Converts a string to lowercase. More secure versions of these functions are available; see _strlwr_s, _strlwr_s_l, _mbslwr_s, _mbslwr_s_l, _wcslwr_s, _wcslwr_s_l.


_mbslwr and _mbslwr_l cannot be used in applications that execute in the Windows Runtime. For more information, see CRT functions not supported with /ZW.


char *_strlwr(  
   char * str  
wchar_t *_wcslwr(  
   wchar_t * str  
unsigned char *_mbslwr(  
   unsigned char * str  
char *_strlwr_l(  
   char * str,  
   _locale_t locale  
wchar_t *_wcslwr_l(  
   wchar_t * str,  
   _locale_t locale  
unsigned char *_mbslwr_l(  
   unsigned char * str,  
   _locale_t locale   
template <size_t size>  
char *_strlwr(  
   char (&str)[size]  
); // C++ only  
template <size_t size>  
wchar_t *_wcslwr(  
   wchar_t (&str)[size]  
); // C++ only  
template <size_t size>  
unsigned char *_mbslwr(  
   unsigned char (&str)[size]  
); // C++ only  
template <size_t size>  
char *_strlwr_l(  
   char (&str)[size],  
   _locale_t locale  
); // C++ only  
template <size_t size>  
wchar_t *_wcslwr_l(  
   wchar_t (&str)[size],  
   _locale_t locale  
); // C++ only  
template <size_t size>  
unsigned char *_mbslwr_l(  
   unsigned char (&str)[size],  
   _locale_t locale   
); // C++ only  


Null-terminated string to convert to lowercase.

The locale to use.

Return Value

Each of these functions returns a pointer to the converted string. Because the modification is done in place, the pointer returned is the same as the pointer passed as the input argument. No return value is reserved to indicate an error.


The _strlwr function converts any uppercase letters in str to lowercase as determined by the LC_CTYPE category setting of the locale. Other characters are not affected. For more information on LC_CTYPE, see setlocale. The versions of these functions without the_l suffix use the current locale for their locale-dependent behavior; the versions with the _l suffix are identical except that they use the locale passed in instead. For more information, see Locale.

The _wcslwr and _mbslwr functions are wide-character and multibyte-character versions of _strlwr. The argument and return value of _wcslwr are wide-character strings; those of _mbslwr are multibyte-character strings. These three functions behave identically otherwise.

If str is a NULL pointer, the invalid parameter handler is invoked, as described in Parameter Validation . If execution is allowed to continue, these functions return the original string and set errno to EINVAL.

In C++, these functions have template overloads that invoke the newer, secure counterparts of these functions. For more information, see Secure Template Overloads.

Generic-Text Routine Mappings

TCHAR.H routine _UNICODE & _MBCS not defined _MBCS defined _UNICODE defined
_tcslwr _strlwr _mbslwr _wcslwr
_tcslwr_l _strlwr_l _mbslwr_l _wcslwr_l


Routine Required header
_strlwr, _strlwr_l <string.h>
_wcslwr, _wcslwr_l <string.h> or <wchar.h>
_mbslwr, _mbslwr_l <mbstring.h>

For additional compatibility information, see Compatibility.


// crt_strlwr.c  
// compile with: /W3  
// This program uses _strlwr and _strupr to create  
// uppercase and lowercase copies of a mixed-case string.  
#include <string.h>  
#include <stdio.h>  
int main( void )  
   char string[100] = "The String to End All Strings!";  
   char * copy1 = _strdup( string ); // make two copies  
   char * copy2 = _strdup( string );  
   _strlwr( copy1 ); // C4996  
   // Note: _strlwr is deprecated; consider using _strlwr_s instead  
   _strupr( copy2 ); // C4996  
   // Note: _strupr is deprecated; consider using _strupr_s instead  
   printf( "Mixed: %s\n", string );  
   printf( "Lower: %s\n", copy1 );  
   printf( "Upper: %s\n", copy2 );  
   free( copy1 );  
   free( copy2 );  
Mixed: The String to End All Strings!  
Lower: the string to end all strings!  

.NET Framework Equivalent


See Also

String Manipulation
_strupr, _strupr_l, _mbsupr, _mbsupr_l, _wcsupr_l, _wcsupr