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Mixed, Pure, and Verifiable Feature Comparison (C++/CLI)


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The latest version of this topic can be found at Mixed, Pure, and Verifiable Feature Comparison (C++/CLI).

This topic compares features among the different /clr compilation modes. For more information, see /clr (Common Language Runtime Compilation).

Feature Comparison

Feature Mixed (/clr) Pure (/clr:pure) Safe (/clr:safe) Related Information
CRT library supported supported Run-Time Routines by Category
MFC/ATL supported MFC Desktop Applications | Class Overview
Unmanaged Functions supported Mixed (Native and Managed) Assemblies
Unmanaged Data supported supported Pure and Verifiable Code (C++/CLI)
Callable from Unmanaged Functions supported How to: Migrate to /clr:pure (C++/CLI)
Supports calling unmanaged Functions supported C-style functions only P/Invoke only Using C++ Interop (Implicit PInvoke)
Supports Reflection DLLs only supported supported Reflection (C++/CLI)

See Also

Pure and Verifiable Code (C++/CLI)