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Defines OpenXmlPackage - base class for strong typed Open XML document classes.

Vom OpenXmlPackage-Typ werden die folgenden Member offengelegt.


  Name Beschreibung
Geschützte Methode OpenXmlPackage Initializes a new instance of the OpenXmlPackage.

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  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Eigenschaft AutoSave Gets the flag indicating whether the parts should be saved on disposing.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft CompressionOption Get / Set the compression level for content of new part.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft DataPartReferenceRelationships Enumerates all DataPartReferenceRelationship relationships. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft DataParts Enumerates all the DataPart in the document package.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ExternalRelationships Enumerates all external relationships. Hyperlink relationships are not included, use HyperlinkRelationship property to enumerate hyperlink relationships. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FileOpenAccess Gets the FileAccess setting for the document. The current IO access setting: Read, Write, or ReadWrite.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft HyperlinkRelationships Enumerates all hyperlink relationships. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Eigenschaft MarkupCompatibilityProcessSettings Gets the markup compatibilty settings applied in loading time
Öffentliche Eigenschaft MaxCharactersInPart Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum allowable number of characters in an Open XML part. A zero (0) value means no limits on the size of the part. A non-zero value specifies the maximum size, in characters.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Package Gets the Package of the document.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft PackageProperties Gets the core properties (PackageProperties) of the Open XML document (package).
Öffentliche Eigenschaft PartExtensionProvider PartExtensionProvider which provide map from ContentType to part extension
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Parts Enumerates all parts which are relationship targets of this part. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)

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  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Methode AddAnnotation Adds an object to the annotation list of this PartContainer (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode AddExtendedPart(String, String, String) Adds an extended part ( Application specific part ) (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode AddExtendedPart(String, String, String, String) Adds an extended part ( Application specific part ) (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode AddExternalRelationship(String, Uri) Adds external relationship. Do not add hyperlink relationships through this method. Use AddHyperlinkRelationship() instead. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode AddExternalRelationship(String, Uri, String) Adds external relationship. Do not add hyperlink relationships through this method. Use AddHyperlinkRelationship() instead. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode AddHyperlinkRelationship(Uri, Boolean) Adds a new hyperlink relationship. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode AddHyperlinkRelationship(Uri, Boolean, String) Adds a new hyperlink relationship. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode AddNewPart<T>() Adds a new part of type T (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode AddNewPart<T>(String) Adds a new part of type T (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode AddNewPart<T>(String, String) Adds a new part of type T. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode AddPart<T>(T) Add the part to the document. Must use the returned part to opertate the part added to the doucment (Setzt OpenXmlPartContainer.AddPart<T>(T) außer Kraft.)
Öffentliche Methode AddPart<T>(T) Adds the part to the document. Must use the returned part to opertate the part added to the doucment (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode AddPart<T>(T, String) Adds the part to the document with a given relationship identifier (ID). Must use the returned part to opertate the part added to the doucment (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode Annotation(Type) Get the first annotation object of the specified type from this PartContainer (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode Annotation<T>() Get the first annotation object of the specified type from this PartContainer (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode Annotations(Type) Gets a collection of annotations of the specified type for this PartContainer (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode Annotations<T>() Gets a collection of annotations of the specified type for this PartContainer (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode ChangeIdOfPart Changes the relationship ID of the part. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode Close Saves and closes the OpenXml package plus all underlying part streams.
Öffentliche Methode CreateMediaDataPart(String) Creates a new MediaDataPart to the document package.
Öffentliche Methode CreateMediaDataPart(MediaDataPartType) Creates a new MediaDataPart to the document package.
Öffentliche Methode CreateMediaDataPart(String, String) Creates a new MediaDataPart to the document package.
Öffentliche Methode CreateRelationshipToPart(OpenXmlPart) Adds relationship for the specified part to this part. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode CreateRelationshipToPart(OpenXmlPart, String) Adds relationship for the specified part to this part. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode DeleteExternalRelationship(String) Deletes the sepcified ExternalRelationship. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode DeleteExternalRelationship(ExternalRelationship) Deletes the specified external relationship. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode DeletePart(String) Deletes the specified child part from this part. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode DeletePart(DataPart) Deletes the sepcified DataPart from the document package.
Öffentliche Methode DeletePart(OpenXmlPart) Deletes a specified part in the package root layer. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode DeleteParts<T> Deletes all the parts which in the passed in collection from the document. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode DeletePartsRecursivelyOfType<T> Delete all the parts which is the specified part type from package recursively.
Öffentliche Methode DeleteReferenceRelationship(String) Deletes the sepcified reference relationship. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode DeleteReferenceRelationship(ReferenceRelationship) Deletes the specified reference relationship. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode Dispose() Flushes and saves the content, closes the document, and releases all resources.
Geschützte Methode Dispose(Boolean) Flushes and saves the content, closes the document, and releases all resources.
Öffentliche Methode Equals (Geerbt von Object.)
Geschützte Methode Finalize (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode GetExternalRelationship Gets the sepcified ExternalRelationship. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode GetHashCode (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode GetIdOfPart Gets the relationship ID of the part. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode GetPartById Gets the child part through the relationship ID. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode GetPartsCountOfType<T> Gets the count of all parts in type T. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode GetPartsOfType<T>() Enumerates all the children parts of the specified type "T" of this part. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode GetPartsOfType<T>(ICollection<T>) Gets all the children parts of the specified type "T" into "partCollection" of this part. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode GetReferenceRelationship Gets the sepcified ReferenceRelationship. (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode GetType (Geerbt von Object.)
Geschützte Methode MemberwiseClone (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode RemoveAnnotations(Type) Removes the annotations of the specified type from this PartContainer (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Öffentliche Methode RemoveAnnotations<T>() Removes the annotations of the specified type from this PartContainer (Geerbt von OpenXmlPartContainer.)
Geschützte Methode ThrowIfObjectDisposed Throw if object is disposed. (Setzt OpenXmlPartContainer.ThrowIfObjectDisposed() außer Kraft.)
Öffentliche Methode ToString (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode Validate Veraltet. Validate the package ( do not validate the xml content in each part ).

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OpenXmlPackage Klasse
