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Phonetic Guide Text.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is w:rt.



Namespace:  DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing
Assembly:  DocumentFormat.OpenXml (in DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll)


Public Class RubyContent _
    Inherits RubyContentType
Dim instance As RubyContent
public class RubyContent : RubyContentType


The following table lists the possible child types:

  • CustomXmlRuby <w:customXml>

  • SimpleFieldRuby <w:fldSimple>

  • HyperlinkRuby <w:hyperlink>

  • Run <w:r>

  • SdtRunRuby <w:sdt>

  • ProofError <w:proofErr>

  • PermStart <w:permStart>

  • PermEnd <w:permEnd>

  • BookmarkStart <w:bookmarkStart>

  • BookmarkEnd <w:bookmarkEnd>

  • CommentRangeStart <w:commentRangeStart>

  • CommentRangeEnd <w:commentRangeEnd>

  • MoveFromRangeStart <w:moveFromRangeStart>

  • MoveFromRangeEnd <w:moveFromRangeEnd>

  • MoveToRangeStart <w:moveToRangeStart>

  • MoveToRangeEnd <w:moveToRangeEnd>

  • CustomXmlInsRangeStart <w:customXmlInsRangeStart>

  • CustomXmlInsRangeEnd <w:customXmlInsRangeEnd>

  • CustomXmlDelRangeStart <w:customXmlDelRangeStart>

  • CustomXmlDelRangeEnd <w:customXmlDelRangeEnd>

  • CustomXmlMoveFromRangeStart <w:customXmlMoveFromRangeStart>

  • CustomXmlMoveFromRangeEnd <w:customXmlMoveFromRangeEnd>

  • CustomXmlMoveToRangeStart <w:customXmlMoveToRangeStart>

  • CustomXmlMoveToRangeEnd <w:customXmlMoveToRangeEnd>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Word.CustomXmlConflictInsertionRangeStart <w14:customXmlConflictInsRangeStart>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Word.CustomXmlConflictInsertionRangeEnd <w14:customXmlConflictInsRangeEnd>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Word.CustomXmlConflictDeletionRangeStart <w14:customXmlConflictDelRangeStart>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Word.CustomXmlConflictDeletionRangeEnd <w14:customXmlConflictDelRangeEnd>

  • InsertedRun <w:ins>

  • DeletedRun <w:del>

  • MoveFromRun <w:moveFrom>

  • MoveToRun <w:moveTo>

  • ContentPart <w:contentPart>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Word.RunConflictInsertion <w14:conflictIns>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Word.RunConflictDeletion <w14:conflictDel>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.Paragraph <m:oMathPara>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.OfficeMath <m:oMath>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.Accent <m:acc>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.Bar <m:bar>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.Box <m:box>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.BorderBox <m:borderBox>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.Delimiter <m:d>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.EquationArray <m:eqArr>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.Fraction <m:f>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.MathFunction <m:func>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.GroupChar <m:groupChr>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.LimitLower <m:limLow>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.LimitUpper <m:limUpp>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.Matrix <m:m>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.Nary <m:nary>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.Phantom <m:phant>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.Radical <m:rad>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.PreSubSuper <m:sPre>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.Subscript <m:sSub>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.SubSuperscript <m:sSubSup>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.Superscript <m:sSup>

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Math.Run <m:r>

[ISO/IEC 29500-1 1. Ausgabe] rt (Phonetic Guide Text)

This element specifies the presence of the guide text within a phonetic guide at the current location in the document.

The contents of the guide text run are specified in the child r element (§

[Example: Consider the following two runs, each containing a phonetic guide:


The guide text run would be specified using the following WordprocessingML:


The guide text is contained in a run within the rt element. end example]

Parent Elements

ruby (§

Child Elements


bookmarkEnd (Bookmark End)


bookmarkStart (Bookmark Start)


commentRangeEnd (Comment Anchor Range End)


commentRangeStart (Comment Anchor Range Start)


customXmlDelRangeEnd (Custom XML Markup Deletion End)


customXmlDelRangeStart (Custom XML Markup Deletion Start)


customXmlInsRangeEnd (Custom XML Markup Insertion End)


customXmlInsRangeStart (Custom XML Markup Insertion Start)


customXmlMoveFromRangeEnd (Custom XML Markup Move Source End)


customXmlMoveFromRangeStart (Custom XML Markup Move Source Start)


customXmlMoveToRangeEnd (Custom XML Markup Move Destination Location End)


customXmlMoveToRangeStart (Custom XML Markup Move Destination Location Start)


del (Deleted Run Content)


ins (Inserted Run Content)


moveFrom (Move Source Run Content)


moveFromRangeEnd (Move Source Location Container - End)


moveFromRangeStart (Move Source Location Container - Start)


moveTo (Move Destination Run Content)


moveToRangeEnd (Move Destination Location Container - End)


moveToRangeStart (Move Destination Location Container - Start)


oMath (Office Math)


oMathPara (Office Math Paragraph)


permEnd (Range Permission End)


permStart (Range Permission Start)


proofErr (Proofing Error Anchor)


r (Text Run)


[Note: The W3C XML Schema definition of this element's content model (CT_RubyContent) is located in §A.1. end note]

© ISO/IEC29500: 2008. Die oben aufgeführten Textauszüge wurden von Microsoft (und/oder den Microsoft-Vendoren) von Englisch nach Deutsch übersetzt, und im Rahmen von ISO wird keinerlei Verantwortung für diese Übersetzungen übernommen.


Alle öffentlichen static (Shared in Visual Basic) Member dieses Typs sind threadsicher. Bei Instanzmembern ist die Threadsicherheit nicht gewährleistet.

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