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  Klasse Beschreibung
Öffentliche Klasse AbsoluteAnchorSize Absolute Anchor Shape Size.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:absSizeAnchor.
Öffentliche Klasse BlipFill Picture Fill.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:blipFill.
Öffentliche Klasse ConnectionShape Connection Shape.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:cxnSp.
Öffentliche Klasse Extent Shape Extent.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:ext.
Öffentliche Klasse FromAnchor Starting Anchor Point.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:from.
Öffentliche Klasse GraphicFrame Graphic Frame.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:graphicFrame.
Öffentliche Klasse GroupShape Group Shape.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:grpSp.
Öffentliche Klasse GroupShapeProperties Group Shape Properties.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:grpSpPr.
Öffentliche Klasse MarkerType Defines the MarkerType class.
Öffentliche Klasse NonVisualConnectionShapeProperties Non-Visual Connection Shape Drawing Properties.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:cNvCxnSpPr.
Öffentliche Klasse NonVisualConnectorShapeDrawingProperties Connector Non Visual Properties.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:nvCxnSpPr.
Öffentliche Klasse NonVisualDrawingProperties Chart Non Visual Properties.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:cNvPr.
Öffentliche Klasse NonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties Non-Visual Graphic Frame Drawing Properties.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:cNvGraphicFramePr.
Öffentliche Klasse NonVisualGraphicFrameProperties Non-Visual Graphic Frame Properties.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:nvGraphicFramePr.
Öffentliche Klasse NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties Non-Visual Group Shape Drawing Properties.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:cNvGrpSpPr.
Öffentliche Klasse NonVisualGroupShapeProperties Non-Visual Group Shape Properties.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:nvGrpSpPr.
Öffentliche Klasse NonVisualPictureDrawingProperties Non-Visual Picture Drawing Properties.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:cNvPicPr.
Öffentliche Klasse NonVisualPictureProperties Non-Visual Picture Properties.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:nvPicPr.
Öffentliche Klasse NonVisualShapeDrawingProperties Non-Visual Shape Drawing Properties.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:cNvSpPr.
Öffentliche Klasse NonVisualShapeProperties Non-Visual Shape Properties.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:nvSpPr.
Öffentliche Klasse Picture Defines the Picture Class.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:pic.
Öffentliche Klasse RelativeAnchorSize Relative Anchor Shape Size.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:relSizeAnchor.
Öffentliche Klasse Shape Shape Definition.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:sp.
Öffentliche Klasse ShapeProperties Shape Properties.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:spPr.
Öffentliche Klasse Style Shape Style.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:style.
Öffentliche Klasse TextBody Shape Text Body.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:txBody.
Öffentliche Klasse ToAnchor Ending Anchor Point.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:to.
Öffentliche Klasse Transform Graphic Frame Transform.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:xfrm.
Öffentliche Klasse XPosition Relative X Coordinate.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:x.
Öffentliche Klasse YPosition Relative Y Coordinate.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is cdr:y.