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DocumentFormat.OpenXml.AdditionalCharacteristics namespace

characteristic (Single Characteristic)

This element specifies a single characteristic. The type of characteristic is defined by the name attribute.

[Example: A producer can inform the consumer that the computations used to calculate the stored numbers in the formulas belong to a value space expressed by ranges of the binary mantissa and exponent. A consumer can optionally check those characteristics to determine whether, for example, the values should be recalculated. The XML for this would be:

  <characteristic name='precisionMantissa' relation='gt' 
  <characteristic name='precisionMantissa' relation='lt' 
  <characteristic name='precisionExponent' relation='ge' val='-1075'/>
  <characteristic name='precisionExponent' relation='le' val='970'/>

end example]

Parent Elements

additionalCharacteristics (§



name (Name of Characteristic)

Specifies the name of the characteristic. There are no constraints on the value of the name attribute, but each name shall be associated with a specific vocabulary via the vocabulary attribute. The values defined by this Standard shall be associated with a null vocabulary value, and are as follows:

Name ValueProperty Specified
numColumnsNumber of Columns supported by the spreadsheet producer.
numRowsNumber of Rows supported by the spreadsheet producer.
functionVersionVersion of the function specification used
precisionMantissaAllowed values of the mantissa of numbers within spreadsheet cells/formulas when expressed in base 2.
numWorkbookColorsNumber of Workbook colors
numConditionalFormatConditionsNumber of condition format conditions on a workbook cell
nummaxSortLevelsNumber of level of sorting on a range or table
numDisplayCellCharsNumber of characters that can display in a cell
numPrintCellCharsNumber of characters per cell that Excel can print
numUnqiueCellStylesNumber of unique cell styles in a workbook (combinations of all cell formatting)
numFormulaLengthCharsLength of formulas in characters
numFormulaNestingLevelNumber of levels of formula nesting
numFunctionArgumentsNumber of arguments to a function
numPivotTableRowsNumber of rows in a pivot table
numPivotTableColumnsNumber of columns in a pivot table
numUniquePivotFieldItemsNumber of unique items in a pivot field
numPivotTableMDXNameCharsNumber of characters in a MDX name for a pivot table item
numPivotTableRelationCharsString length for a relationship pivot table
numPivotTableFieldLabelCharsLength of field labels in PivotTable including caption length limitations
numPivotTableFieldsNumber of fields in a pivot table
numSheetXRefArrayFormulasThe number of array formulas in a worksheet that can refer to another (given) worksheet
The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema string datatype.

relation (Relationship of Value to Name)

Specifies how the contents of the value attribute should be interpreted in the context of this characteristic.

[Example: The following would specify that the application supports from 0 to 10,000 columns, and that column ranges should be interpreted accordingly:

  <characteristic name="numColumns" relation="le" val="10000"/>
  <characteristic name="numColumns" relation="ge" val="0"/>

end example]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Relation simple type (§

val (Characteristic Value)

Specifies the value of the characteristic.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema string datatype.

vocabulary (Characteristic Grammar)

Specifies a URI defining the characteristic grammar with which the name attribute value shall be interpreted.

If this attribute is omitted, then the default grammar (as defined above) shall be used.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema anyURI datatype.

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_Characteristic">
   <attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
   <attribute name="relation" type="ST_Relation" use="required"/>
   <attribute name="val" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
   <attribute name="vocabulary" type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional"/>


  Klasse Beschreibung
Öffentliche Klasse AdditionalCharacteristicsInfo Set of Additional Characteristics.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is ac:additionalCharacteristics. Defines AdditionalCharacteristics.
Öffentliche Klasse Characteristic Single Characteristic.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is ac:characteristic.


  Enumeration Beschreibung
Öffentliche Enumeration RelationValues Characteristic Relationship Types