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Defines the OpenXmlElement - base class for all elements in Open XML document. Defines the OpenXmlElement - base class for all elements in Open XML document.

Vom OpenXmlElement-Typ werden die folgenden Member offengelegt.


  Name Beschreibung
Geschützte Methode OpenXmlElement() Initializes a new instance of the OpenXmlElement.
Geschützte Methode OpenXmlElement(String) Initializes a new instance of the OpenXmlElement.

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  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ChildElements Gets all the child nodes of this element.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft ExtendedAttributes Gets all extended attributes (attributes not defined in schema) of the element.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft FirstChild Gets the first child of the OpenXmlElement. If there is no such OpenXmlElement, a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) is returned.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft HasAttributes Gets a boolean value indicating whether the current element has any attributes.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft HasChildren Gets a value indicating whether this element has any child elements.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft InnerText Gets the concatenated values of the node and all its children.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft InnerXml Gets or sets the markup representing only the child nodes of this node.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft LastChild Gets the last child of the OpenXmlElement. If there is no such OpenXmlElement, a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) is returned.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft LocalName Gets the local name of the node.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft MCAttributes Markup Compatibility Attributes Set. Return null if there is no Markup Compatibility Attribute defined in this element.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft NamespaceDeclarations Gets all the namespace declarations defined in the current element. Return an empty enumerator if there is no namespace declaration.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft NamespaceUri Gets the namespace URI of this node.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft OpenXmlElementContext Gets the OpenXmlEementContext.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft OuterXml Gets the markup representing this element and all its child elements.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Parent Gets the parent of this element.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Prefix Gets the namespace prefix of this node.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft XmlQualifiedName Gets the qualified name of the node.

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  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Methode AddAnnotation Adds an object to the annotation list of this OpenXmlElement.
Öffentliche Methode AddNamespaceDeclaration Adds a namepace declaration to the current node.
Öffentliche Methode Ancestors() Enumerate all the ancestor nodes of this element.
Öffentliche Methode Ancestors<T>() Enumerate for specific type of elements in ancestor elements
Öffentliche Methode Annotation(Type) Get the first annotation object of the specified type from this OpenXmlElement.
Öffentliche Methode Annotation<T>() Get the first annotation object of the specified type from this OpenXmlElement.
Öffentliche Methode Annotations(Type) Gets a collection of annotations of the specified type for this OpenXmlElement.
Öffentliche Methode Annotations<T>() Gets a collection of annotations of the specified type for this OpenXmlElement.
Öffentliche Methode Append(array<OpenXmlElement[]) Adds the elements to the end of the list of child nodes, of this element.
Öffentliche Methode Append(IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement>) Adds the elements to the end of the list of child nodes, of this element.
Öffentliche Methode AppendChild<T> Adds the specified element to the end of the list of child nodes, of this element.
Öffentliche Methode ClearAllAttributes Clear all the attributes ( known attributes + extended attributes )
Öffentliche Methode Clone Creates a duplicate of this node.
Öffentliche Methode CloneNode When overridden in a derived class, creates a duplicate of the node.
Öffentliche Methode Descendants() Enumerate all the descendants elements of this element. Preorder traversering.
Öffentliche Methode Descendants<T>() Enumerate all the descendants elements (which type is T) of this element. Preorder traversering.
Öffentliche Methode Elements() Enumerate all the child nodes of this element.
Öffentliche Methode Elements<T>() Enumerate for specific type of elements in child elements
Öffentliche Methode ElementsAfter Enumerate all the sibling elements after this element in same parent.
Öffentliche Methode ElementsBefore Enumerate all the sibling elements before this element in same parent.
Öffentliche Methode Equals (Geerbt von Object.)
Geschützte Methode Finalize (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode GetAttribute Gets a Open XML attribute with the specifed tag name and namespace URI.
Öffentliche Methode GetAttributes Get a copy of all the attributes
Öffentliche Methode GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that iterates through the child collection.
Öffentliche Methode GetFirstChild<T> Find the first child element in type T
Öffentliche Methode GetHashCode (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode GetType (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode InsertAfter<T> Inserts the specified element immediately after the specified reference element.
Öffentliche Methode InsertAfterSelf<T> Inserts the specified element immediately after this element.
Öffentliche Methode InsertAt<T> Inserts the specified element at the specified index in children.
Öffentliche Methode InsertBefore<T> Inserts the specified element immediately before the specified reference element.
Öffentliche Methode InsertBeforeSelf<T> Inserts the specified element immediately before this element.
Öffentliche Methode IsAfter Determines if the current element appears after a specified element in document order.
Öffentliche Methode IsBefore Determines if the current element appears before a specified element in document order.
Öffentliche Methode LookupNamespace Resolve the namespace prefix in the context of current node
Öffentliche Methode LookupPrefix Finds the corresponding prefix for a namespace uri in the current element scope.
Geschützte Methode MemberwiseClone (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode NextSibling() Gets the OpenXmlElement immediately following this OpenXmlElement. If there is no next OpenXmlElement, a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) is returned.
Öffentliche Methode NextSibling<T>() Gets the specified type OpenXmlElement following this OpenXmlElement. If there is no such following OpenXmlElement, a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) is returned.
Öffentliche Methode PrependChild<T> Adds the specified element to the beginning of the list of child nodes for this element.
Öffentliche Methode PreviousSibling() Gets the OpenXmlElement immediately preceding this OpenXmlElement. If there is no such preceding OpenXmlElement, a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) is returned.
Öffentliche Methode PreviousSibling<T>() Gets the specified type OpenXmlElement preceding this OpenXmlElement. If there is no preceding OpenXmlElement, a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) is returned.
Öffentliche Methode Remove Removes this element from its parent.
Öffentliche Methode RemoveAllChildren() Remove all the child elements.
Öffentliche Methode RemoveAllChildren<T>() Remove all the child elements which type is T.
Öffentliche Methode RemoveAnnotations(Type) Removes the annotations of the specified type from this OpenXmlElement.
Öffentliche Methode RemoveAnnotations<T>() Removes the annotations of the specified type from this OpenXmlElement.
Öffentliche Methode RemoveAttribute Remove the attribute from the element.
Öffentliche Methode RemoveChild<T> Removes specified child element.
Öffentliche Methode RemoveNamespaceDeclaration Removes namespace declaration for a specific prefix. do nothing if the prefix is not existed.
Öffentliche Methode ReplaceChild<T> Replaces the child OpenXmlElement oldChild with newChild OpenXmlElement.
Öffentliche Methode SetAttribute Set an attribute to the element. If the attribute is a known attribute, the value of the attribute is set. If the attribute is an extended attribute, the 'openxmlAttribute' is added to the extended attributes list.
Öffentliche Methode SetAttributes Set a bunch of attributes to the element. If a attribute is a known attribute, the value of the attribute is set. If a attribute is an extended attribute, the 'openxmlAttribute' is added to the extended attributes list.
Öffentliche Methode ToString (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode WriteTo Saves the current node to the specified XmlWriter.

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Explizite Schnittstellenimplementierungen

  Name Beschreibung
Explizite SchnittstellenimplementierungPrivate Methode IEnumerable.GetEnumerator

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OpenXmlElement Klasse
