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PidTagAddressType Canonical Property

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Contains the messaging user's e-mail address type, such as SMTP.

Associated properties:




Data type:





These properties are examples of the base address properties common to all messaging users. It specifies which messaging system MAPI uses to handle a given message.

This property also determines the format of the address string in the PR_EMAIL_ADRESS (PidTagEmailAddress). The string it provides can contain only the uppercase alphabetic characters from A through Z and the numbers from 0 through 9.

Valid examples for the string include:


Protocol Specifications

    Provides references to related Exchange Server protocol specifications.

    Specifies the properties and operations for lists of users, contacts, groups, and resources.

    Converts from Internet standard e-mail conventions to message objects.

  • [MS-NSPI]
    Handles a client's communications with a Name Service Provider Interface (NSPI) server.

    Defines the basic data structures that are used in remote operations.

    Handles the order and flow for data transfers between a client and server.

    Converts between IETF RFC2445, RFC2446, and RFC2447, and appointment and meeting objects.

    Handles message and attachment objects.

    Specifies permissible operations for the core message store objects.

    Specifies the properties and operations that are permissible for address book templates.

    Specifies the properties and operations that are permissible for e-mail message objects.

    Manipulates incoming e-mail messages on a server.

    Specifies the properties and operations for manipulating a search folder list configuration.

Header Files

  • Mapidefs.h
    Provides data type definitions.

  • Mapitags.h
    Contains definitions of properties listed as associated properties.

See Also


MAPI Properties

MAPI Canonical Properties

Mapping Canonical Property Names to MAPI Names

Mapping MAPI Names to Canonical Property Names

MAPI Address Types