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IMsoComponent::OnEnterState Method

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Notifies a component when the application enters or exits the state specified by the uStateID parameter.

void OnEnterState(
   ULONG uStateID,
   BOOL fEnter


  • uStateID [in]
    One of the Msocstate enumeration values.

  • fEnter [in]
    TRUE to indicate that the component is entering the state. FALSE to indicate that it is exiting the state.


The component should take action depending on the value of the uStateID parameter as specified in Msocstate enumeration.

If n calls are made with the fEnter parameter equal to TRUE, the component should consider the state to be in effect until n calls are made with the fEnter parameter equal to FALSE.

It is possible for this method to be called with the fEnter parameter equal to FALSE more times than it was called with TRUE. The counter should not be decremented for FALSE if it is already at 0.

See Also


IMsoComponent Interface