Batch Element
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Provides batch processing of commands within HTTP protocol.
OnError = "Return" | "Continue"
ListVersion = ""
Version = ""
ViewName = "">
Attribute |
Description |
ListVersion |
Optional Integer. Specifies the version number of the list. |
OnError |
Optional. The following values are possible:
Version |
Optional String. Specifies the version number of Windows SharePoint Services that is running on the server. A version number consists of four integers in the format N.N.N.NNNN, which represent the major, minor, phase, and incremental versions of the product. |
ViewName |
Optional Guid. Specifies the GUID for the view. |
Child Elements
Parent Elements
None |
Minimum: 0 Maximum: 1 |
The Batch element must contain at least one Method element. The Batch element allows the client application to post more than one command to the server at a time.
The following code example, if contained within HTTP protocol, would return a list named "Documents" from the server.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ows:Batch Version="" OnError="Return">
<Method ID="0,ExportList">
<SetList Scope="Request">Documents</SetList>
<SetVar Name="Cmd">ExportList</SetVar>