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QA Properties

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Public Properties Description
AcceptRejectThreshold Gets or sets the recognition confidence level at or below which an accept confirmation is rejected.
AccessKey Inherited from WebControl.
AllowCommands Gets or sets whether Command controls can be activated while the QA control is active.
Answers Specifies a collection of Answer controls that bind data elements spoken in response to the prompt.
Attributes Inherited from WebControl.
BackColor Inherited from WebControl.
BorderColor Inherited from WebControl.
BorderStyle Inherited from WebControl.
BorderWidth Inherited from WebControl.
ClientActivationFunction Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that determines if the QA control can be activated.
ClientID Inherited from Control.
ConfirmByOmission Gets or sets whether user silence is treated as confirmation of multiple items.
ConfirmIfEqual Gets or sets whether a user correction that matches the current value of the SemanticItem control is confirmed automatically.
Confirms Specifies a collection of Answer controls that bind confirmed data elements.
ControlStyle Inherited from WebControl.
ControlStyleCreated Inherited from WebControl.
Controls Inherited from Control.
CssClass Inherited from WebControl.
CurrentCall Gets the current active CallInfo object or null if no call is active. Declared by SpeechControl.
DenyRejectThreshold Gets or sets the recognition confidence level at or below which a deny confirmation is rejected.
Dtmf Provides for the collection of data through the telephone keypad.
EnableViewState Inherited from Control.
Enabled Inherited from WebControl.
ExtraAnswers Specifies a collection of Answer controls that bind extra data elements spoken in response to the prompt.
FirstInitialTimeout Gets or sets the initial time-out for this QA control when count has a value of 1.
Font Inherited from WebControl.
ForeColor Inherited from WebControl.
Height Inherited from WebControl.
NamingContainer Inherited from Control.
OnClientActive Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when the QA control is activated, before it begins to execute.
OnClientBargeIn Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when the client onbargein event is detected.
OnClientComplete Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when execution of the QA control is complete.
OnClientDisconnected Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when the current call is disconnected.
OnClientListening Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called after a successful start of the Reco control.
Page Inherited from Control.
Parent Inherited from Control.
PlayOnce Gets or sets whether a QA control can be activated more than once per page.
Prompt Prompts the user with a prerecorded or synthesized message.
Reco Specifies speech input resources and features, and provides management of cases when valid recognition results are not returned.
Settings Gets or sets the ID of a SpeechControlSettingsItem that initializes property values of the control.
Site Inherited from Control.
SpeechIndex Gets or sets the activation order of the control, relative to other Speech Controls on the page. Declared by IndexedSpeechControl.
Style Inherited from WebControl.
TabIndex Inherited from WebControl.
TemplateSourceDirectory Inherited from Control.
ToolTip Inherited from WebControl.
UniqueID Inherited from Control.
Visible Inherited from Control.
Width Inherited from WebControl.
XPathAcceptConfirms Gets or sets the path in the SML recognition results indicating that the confirm items were accepted.
XPathDenyConfirms Gets or sets the path in the SML recognition results indicating that the confirm items were denied.
Protected Properties Description
ChildControlsCreated Inherited from Control.
Context Inherited from Control.
Events Inherited from Control.
HasChildViewState Inherited from Control.
IsTrackingViewState Inherited from Control.
TagKey Inherited from WebControl.
TagName Inherited from WebControl.
ViewState Inherited from Control.
ViewStateIgnoresCase Inherited from Control.

See Also

QA Class | QA Constructor | QA Client Object | QA Members | QA Methods | QA Events | QA Remarks