PowerShell-Skriptbeispiele der Serverbuild-DVD
Gilt für: Exchange Server 2007 SP3, Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP1
Letztes Änderungsdatum des Themas: 2008-07-23
Dieses Thema stellt Microsoft Windows PowerShell-Beispielkripts vor, die als Ausgangspunkt zum Erstellen der Skripts verwendet werden können, die zum Erstellen einer Build-DVD erforderlich sind, um den Serverbuildvorgang zu optimieren. Sie können die folgenden Verfahren ändern, um die für Ihre Organisation erforderlichen PowerShell-Skripts zu erstellen.
Die folgenden Beispielskripts müssen wie in den Skriptanmerkungen beschrieben geändert werden, damit sie in Ihrer individuellen Umgebung funktionieren. Dieses Skript unterstützt Sie bei der Automatisierung zahlreicher Schritte, die für die Bereitstellung eines Servercomputers mit Exchange in Ihrer Umgebung erforderlich sind.
Diese Skripts sind Beispiele, die zeigen, wie Automatisierungsschritte implementiert werden können. Sie müssen die Skripts so ändern, dass sie für Ihre Umgebung geeignet sind. Sie müssen alle Skripts in einer Testumgebung testen, bevor Sie versuchen, sie in der Produktionsumgebung zu verwenden.
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Damit Sie die folgenden Verfahren ausführen können, muss das verwendete Konto Mitglied in der lokalen Gruppe Administratoren sein.
Weitere Informationen zu Berechtigungen, zum Delegieren von Rollen und zu den Rechten, die für die Verwaltung von Exchange 2007 erforderlich sind, finden Sie unter Überlegungen zu Berechtigungen.
Verwenden von Editor, um ein PowerShell-Skript zum Implementieren von im Vorfeld erforderlichen Registrierungsänderungen an einem Servercomputer mit Exchange 2007 zu erstellen
Öffnen Sie Editor oder einen anderen Texteditor.
Kopieren Sie den folgenden Code in eine Datei, und speichern Sie die Datei unter einem beschreibenden Namen und mit der Erweiterung PS1. Es wird empfohlen, die Datei set-registry.ps1 zu nennen.
#"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!! THIS IS NOT A MICROSOFT SUPPORTED SCRIPT. !!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!! TEST IN A LAB FOR DESIRED OUTCOME !!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" #" " #======================================= #Set-Registry.ps1 #THIS CODE AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY #KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE #IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A #PARTICULAR PURPOSE. #Description: Script to configure HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry settings on local or remote servers. #Based on Original Work By: Christian Schindler (NTx BOCG) #This Script Written by: Ross Smith IV (Microsoft) #Version: 1.0 #Last Updated: 4/16/2007 #======================================= # To get help, just add the \"-help\" paramter #======================================= # Parameter definition #======================================= Param( [string] $Server, [string] $RegKey, [string] $RegValue, [string] $RegData, [string] $RegType ) #======================================= # Function that validates the script parameters #======================================= function ValidateParams { $validInputs = $true $errorString = "" if ($Server -eq "") { $validInputs = $false $errorString += "`n`nMissing Parameter: The -Server parameter is required. Please pass in the name of a valid Server." + "`n" } if ($RegKey -eq "") { $validInputs = $false $errorString += "`n`nMissing Parameter: The -RegKey parameter is required. Please pass in the name of a registry key." + "`n" } if ($RegValue -eq "") { $validInputs = $false $errorString += "`n`nMissing Parameter: The -RegValue parameter is required. Please pass in the name of a registry value." + "`n" } if ($RegData -eq "") { $validInputs = $false $errorString += "`n`nMissing Parameter: The -RegData parameter is required. Please pass in the registry value's data." + "`n" } $RegType = $RegType.ToUpper() switch ($RegType) { STRING {return $validInputs} EXPANDSTRING {return $validInputs} MULTISTRING {return $validInputs} DWORD {return $validInputs} QWORD {return $validInputs} BINARY {return $validInputs} default { if ($RegType -eq "") { $validInputs = $false $errorString += "`n`nMissing Parameter: The -RegType parameter is required. Please pass in the registry value's type." + "`n" } else { $validInputs = $false $errorString += "`n`nIncorrect Parameter: The value specified for the -RegType parameter is incorrect. Please pass in the registry value's type." + "`n" } } } if (!$validInputs) { Write-error "$errorString" } return $validInputs } #======================================= # Function that returns true if the incoming argument is a help request #======================================= function IsHelpRequest { param($argument) return ($argument -eq "-?" -or $argument -eq "-help"); } #======================================= # Function that displays the help related to this script following # the same format provided by get-help or <cmdletcall> -? #======================================= function Usage { @" NAME: Set-Registry.ps1 SYNOPSIS: Configures local or remote server's HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry settings. SYNTAX: Set-Registry.ps1 `t[-Server <CASServerName>] `t[-RegKey <KeyPath>] `t[-RegValue <ValueName>] `t[-RegData <ValueData>] `t[-RegType <ValueType>] PARAMETERS: -Server (required) The server to operate against. -RegKey (required) Specifies the registry key. -RegValue (required) Specifies the registry value within the key. -RegData (required) Specifies the registry value's data. -RegType (required) Specifies the registry value's data type. -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 -------------------------- .\Set-Registry.ps1 -Server CAS1 -RegKey "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchange OWA" -RegValue PrivateTimeout -RegData 24 -RegType dword "@ } #======================================= # Check for Usage Statement Request #======================================= $args | foreach { if (IsHelpRequest $_) { Usage; exit; } } #======================================= # Validate the parameters and Execute the functions #======================================= $ifValidParams = ValidateParams; if (!$ifValidParams) { exit; } #======================================= # Determine if Server is Local Machine #======================================= $server = $server.ToUpper() $LocalServerName = hostname if ($LocalServerName -eq $server) {$IsLocal = "True"} else {$IsLocal = "False"} #======================================= # Configure Registry Function #======================================= function ConfigureRegistry { Write-Host "Configuring Registry Settings..." if ($IsLocal -eq "True") { set-ItemProperty "HKLM:$RegKey" -name "$RegValue" -value "$RegData" -type $RegType } else { $rootkey=[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey("LOCALMACHINE",$server).OpenSubKey("$RegKey", [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKeyPermissionCheck]::ReadWriteSubTree) $SetRegValue=$rootkey $SetRegValue.SetValue("$RegValue", "$RegData", [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::$RegType) $rootkey.Flush() $rootkey.Close() } } #======================================= # Assign values to Variables #======================================= #======================================= # Execute functions #======================================= ConfigureRegistry;
Verwenden von Editor, um ein PowerShell-Skript zum Konfigurieren der AutoErmittlung auf Servercomputern mit Exchange 2007 zu erstellen, auf denen die Serverfunktion "ClientAccess" installiert ist
Öffnen Sie Editor oder einen anderen Texteditor.
Kopieren Sie den folgenden Code in eine Datei, und speichern Sie die Datei unter einem beschreibenden Namen und mit der Erweiterung PS1. Es wird empfohlen, die Datei configureautodiscover.ps1 zu nennen.
#"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!! THIS IS NOT A MICROSOFT SUPPORTED SCRIPT. !!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!! TEST IN A LAB FOR DESIRED OUTCOME !!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" #" " #========================================================================== #ConfigureAutoDiscover.ps1 #THIS CODE AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY #KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE #IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A #PARTICULAR PURPOSE. #Description: Script to configure AutoDiscover on a CAS server. #Based on Original Work By: Christian Schindler (NTx BOCG) #This Script Written By: Ross Smith IV (Microsoft) #Version: 1.4 #Last Updated: 2/26/2007 #========================================================================== # To get help, just add the \"-help\" paramter #======================================= # Parameter definition #======================================= Param( [string] $InternalName, [string] $ExternalName, [string] $Server, [string] $SiteAffinity, [switch] $OutlookAnywhereAuthNTLM, [switch] $InternetUsage, [switch] $SiteAffinityEnabled ) #============================================== # Function that validates the script parameters #============================================== function ValidateParams { $validInputs = $true $errorString = "" if ($Server -eq "") { $validInputs = $false $errorString += "`n`nMissing Parameter: The -Server parameter is required. Please pass in the name of a valid CAS Server." + "`n" } if ($InternetUsage) { if ($ExternalName -eq "") { $validInputs = $false $errorString += "`nMissing Parameter: The -ExternalName parameter is required. Please pass in the desired FQDN." } } if ($InternalName -eq "") { $validInputs = $false $errorString += "`nMissing Parameter: The -InternalName parameter is required. Please pass in the desired FQDN." } if ($SiteAffinity -ne "") { _In $SiteAffinityEnabled = $true } if (!$validInputs) { Write-error "$errorString" } return $validInputs } #========================================================================== # Function that returns true if the incoming argument is a help request #========================================================================== function IsHelpRequest { param($argument) return ($argument -eq "-?" -or $argument -eq "-help"); } #=================================================================== # Function that displays the help related to this script following # the same format provided by get-help or <cmdletcall> -? #=================================================================== function Usage { @" NAME: ConfigureAutoDiscover.ps1 SYNOPSIS: Configures AutoDiscover and the Exchange Services on an Exchange 2007 CAS Server for usage by Internet and Internal clients. Virtual Directories covered are: Exchange ActiveSync, RPC, OAB, UM, EWS SYNTAX: ConfigureAutoDiscover.ps1 `t[-Server <CASServerName>] `t[-InternalName <InternalFQDN>] `t[-SiteAffinity <Active Directory Site>] `t[-InternetUsage] `t[-ExternalName <ExternalFQDN>] `t[-OutlookAnywhereAuthNTLM] PARAMETERS: -Server (required) The server to operate against. Must be an Exchange 2007 CAS server. -InternalName (required) The internal FQDN under which the services will be accessible. -SiteAffinity (optional) If set, the script will configure site affinity for the Autodiscover service on the CAS server. -InternetUsage (optional) If set, the script will also configure the OAB, RPC, EAS, and EWS virtual directories for AutoDiscover Internet usage. -ExternalName (required with -InternetUsage) The external FQDN under which the services will be accessible. -OutlookAnywhereAuthNTLM (optional) If set, the script will configure the authentication mechanism for Outlook Anywhere Clients to use NTLM instead of Basic. -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 -------------------------- .\ConfigureAutoDiscover.ps1 -Server CAS1 -InternalName CAS01.ad.contoso.com -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 -------------------------- .\ConfigureAutoDiscover.ps1 -Server CAS1 -InternalName CAS01.ad.contoso.com -ExternalName mail.contoso.com -InternetUsage -------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 -------------------------- .\ConfigureAutoDiscover.ps1 -Server CAS1 -InternalName CAS01.ad.contoso.com -ExternalName mail.contoso.com -InternetUsage -SiteAffinity Redmond-AD-Site -OutlookAnywhereAuthNTLM "@ } #======================================= # Check for Usage Statement Request #======================================= $args | foreach { if (IsHelpRequest $_) { Usage; exit; } } #===================================================== # Validate the parameters and Execute the functions #===================================================== $ifValidParams = ValidateParams; if (!$ifValidParams) { exit; } #=================================================== # Configure Internal AutoDiscover Settings Function #=================================================== function ConfigureInternalAutoDiscover { Write-Host "Configuring AutoDiscover Internal Settings..." if ($SiteAffinityEnabled = $true) {Set-ClientAccessServer -Identity $server -AutodiscoverServiceInternalURI https://$InternalName/$ad -AutodiscoverSiteScope $SiteAffinity} else {Set-ClientAccessServer -Identity $server -AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri https://$InternalName/$ad} } #=================================================== # Configure Internet AutoDiscover Settings Function #=================================================== function ConfigureInternetUsage { Write-Host "Configuring AutoDiscover related Internet Settings..." if ($OutlookAnywhereAuthNTLM) {Enable-OutlookAnywhere -Server $server -ExternalHostname $ExternalName -DefaultAuthenticationMethod "NTLM" -SSLOffloading:$False} else {Enable-OutlookAnywhere -Server $server -ExternalHostname $ExternalName -DefaultAuthenticationMethod "Basic" -SSLOffloading:$False} Set-OABVirtualDirectory -identity $oabvdir -externalurl https://$ExternalName/$OAB Set-UMVirtualDirectory -identity $umvdir -externalurl https://$ExternalName/$um Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -identity $ewsvdir -externalurl https://$ExternalName/$ews Set-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -Identity $easvdir -ExternalURL "https://$ExternalName" } #======================================= # Assign values to Variables #======================================= $easvdir = "$server\Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync (Default Web Site)" $ewsvdir = "$Server\EWS (Default Web Site)" $oabvdir = "$Server\OAB (Default Web Site)" $umvdir = "$Server\UnifiedMessaging (Default Web Site)" $eas = "Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync" $ad = "autodiscover/autodiscover.xml" $oab = "oab" $owa = "owa" $um = "UnifiedMessaging/Service.asmx" $ews = "ews/exchange.asmx" #======================================= # Execute functions #======================================= if ($InternetUsage) {ConfigureInternalAutoDiscover; ConfigureInternetUsage;} else {ConfigureInternalAutoDiscover;}
Verwenden von Editor, um ein PowerShell-Skript zum Konfigurieren der Webverteilung des Offlineadressbuchs auf Servercomputern mit Exchange 2007 zu erstellen, auf denen die Serverfunktion "ClientAccess" installiert ist
Öffnen Sie Editor oder einen anderen Texteditor.
Kopieren Sie den folgenden Code in eine Datei, und speichern Sie die Datei unter einem beschreibenden Namen und mit der Erweiterung PS1. Es wird empfohlen, die Datei configureoab.ps1 zu nennen.
#"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!! THIS IS NOT A MICROSOFT SUPPORTED SCRIPT. !!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!! TEST IN A LAB FOR DESIRED OUTCOME !!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" #" " #================================================================================= #ConfigureOAB.ps1 #THIS CODE AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY #KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE #IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A #PARTICULAR PURPOSE. #Description: Configures Offline Address Book Web Distribution on an Exchange 2007 # CAS Server for usage by Internet and Internal clients. #Based on Original Work By: Christian Schindler (NTx BOCG) #This Script Written By: Ross Smith IV (Microsoft) #Version: 1.6 #Last Updated: 12/4/2007 #================================================================================= # To get help, just add the \"-help\" paramter #======================================= # Parameter definition #======================================= Param( [string] $ExternalName, [string] $Server, [string] $OABName, [switch] $RequireOABSSL ) #============================================== # Function that validates the script parameters #============================================== function ValidateParams { $validInputs = $true $errorString = "" if ($Server -eq "") { $validInputs = $false $errorString += "`n`nMissing Parameter: The -Server parameter is required. Please pass in the name of a valid CAS Server." + "`n" } if ($OABName -eq "") { $validInputs = $false $errorString += "`n`nMissing Parameter: The -OABName parameter is required. Please pass in the name of a valid offline address book name." + "`n" } if ($ExternalName -eq "") { $validInputs = $false $errorString += "`nMissing Parameter: The -ExternalName parameter is required. Please pass in the desired FQDN." } if (!$validInputs) { Write-error "$errorString" } return $validInputs } #========================================================================== # Function that returns true if the incoming argument is a help request #========================================================================== function IsHelpRequest { param($argument) return ($argument -eq "-?" -or $argument -eq "-help"); } #=================================================================== # Function that displays the help related to this script following # the same format provided by get-help or <cmdletcall> -? #=================================================================== function Usage { @" NAME: ConfigureOAB.ps1 SYNOPSIS: Configures Offline Adress Book Web Distribution on an Exchange 2007 CAS Server for usage by Internet and Internal clients. SYNTAX: ConfigureOAB.ps1 `t[-Server <CASServerName>] `t[-ExternalName <ExternalFQDN>] `t[-OABName <OABName>] `t[-RequireOABSSL] PARAMETERS: -Server (required) The server to operate against. Must be an Exchange 2007 CAS server. -ExternalName (required) The external FQDN under which the services will be accessible. -OABName (required) The name of the offline address book that will be configured for web distribution. -RequireOABSSL (optional) If set, the script will require SSL for clients to access the OAB virtual directory. By default clients do not have to use SSL because BITS cannot be used when the CAS certificate is self-signed. -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 -------------------------- .\ConfigureOAB.ps1 -Server CAS1 -ExternalName mail.contoso.com -OABName "Default Offline Address Book" -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 -------------------------- .\ConfigureOAB.ps1 -Server CAS1 -ExternalName mail.contoso.com -OABName "Default Offline Address Book" -RequireOABSSL "@ } #======================================= # Check for Usage Statement Request #======================================= $args | foreach { if (IsHelpRequest $_) { Usage; exit; } } #===================================================== # Validate the parameters and Execute the functions #===================================================== $ifValidParams = ValidateParams; if (!$ifValidParams) { exit; } #============================================== # Determine if Server is Local Machine Function #============================================== $server = $server.ToUpper() $LocalServerName = hostname if ($LocalServerName -eq $server) {$IsLocal = "True"} else {$IsLocal = "False"} #======================================= # Enable OAB Web Distribution Function #======================================= function ConfigureOABDistribution { # Get Exchange Organization Distinguished Name $rootdom = "LDAP://rootDSE" $RootDomain = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry] $rootdom $ConfigurationNC = $RootDomain.Get("configurationNamingContext") $OrgContainer = "cn=Microsoft Exchange,cn=services,$ConfigurationNC" $OrgSearch = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher $OrgSearch.SearchRoot = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry] "LDAP://$orgContainer" $OrgSearch.Filter = '(objectCategory=msExchOrganizationContainer)' $OrgResult = $OrgSearch.FindOne() if ($OrgResult -eq $NULL) { Write-Host "Could not find a valid Exchange Organization!" exit; } else { $OrgDN = $OrgResult.Properties.distinguishedname } # Build OAB Vdir DN $OABVDirDN = "CN=OAB (Default Web Site),CN=HTTP,CN=Protocols,CN=$server,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,$OrgDN" # get existing OAB v-dirs that may be set $GetOABVDirs = get-OfflineAddressBook $oabname $GetOABVDirs.VirtualDirectories += $OABVDirDN #Set new OAB Vdir Write-Host "Configuring OAB for Web Distribution..." Set-oabvirtualdirectory -identity $oabvdir -ExternalURL https://$ExternalName/$OAB Set-OfflineAddressBook $oabname -VirtualDirectories $GetOABVDirs.VirtualDirectories } #======================================= # Enable OAB V-Dir SSL #======================================= function ConfigureOABSSL { Write-Host "Configuring OAB Virtual Directory to Require SSL..." Set-OABVirtualDirectory -identity $oabvdir -RequireSSL } #======================================= # Reset IIS on the server #======================================= function ResetIIS { if ($isLocal -eq "True") {Write-Host "Restarting IIS Services..." iisreset /noforce} else {Write-Host "Please restart the IIS services on $server by executing the command iisreset /noforce."} } #======================================= # Assign values to Variables #======================================= $oabvdir = "$Server\OAB (Default Web Site)" $oab = "oab" #======================================= # Execute functions #======================================= if ($EnableOABSSL) {ConfigureOABDistribution; ConfigureOABSSL; ResetIIS;} else {ConfigureOABDistribution; ResetIIS;}
Verwenden von Editor, um ein PowerShell-Skript zum Konfigurieren von Outlook Anywhere auf Servercomputern mit Exchange 2007 zu erstellen, auf denen die Serverfunktion "ClientAccess" installiert ist
Öffnen Sie Editor oder einen anderen Texteditor.
Kopieren Sie den folgenden Code in eine Datei, und speichern Sie die Datei unter einem beschreibenden Namen und mit der Erweiterung PS1. Es wird empfohlen, die Datei configureolanywhere.ps1 zu nennen.
#"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!! THIS IS NOT A MICROSOFT SUPPORTED SCRIPT. !!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!! TEST IN A LAB FOR DESIRED OUTCOME !!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" #" " #========================================================================== #ConfigureOLAnywhere.ps1 #THIS CODE AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY #KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE #IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A #PARTICULAR PURPOSE. #Description: Configures Outlook Anywhere on an Exchange 2007 # CAS Server for usage by Internet and Internal clients. #Based on Original Work By: Christian Schindler (NTx BOCG) #This Script Written By: Ross Smith IV (Microsoft) #Version: 1.5 #Last Updated: 3/5/2008 #========================================================================== # To get help, just add the \"-help\" paramter #======================================= # Parameter definition #======================================= Param( [string] $ExternalName, [string] $Server, [switch] $OutlookAnywhereAuthNTLM ) #============================================== # Function that validates the script parameters #============================================== function ValidateParams { $validInputs = $true $errorString = "" if ($Server -eq "") { $validInputs = $false $errorString += "`n`nMissing Parameter: The -Server parameter is required. Please pass in the name of a valid CAS Server." + "`n" } if ($ExternalName -eq "") { $validInputs = $false $errorString += "`nMissing Parameter: The -ExternalName parameter is required. Please pass in the desired FQDN." } if (!$validInputs) { Write-error "$errorString" } return $validInputs } #========================================================================== # Function that returns true if the incoming argument is a help request #========================================================================== function IsHelpRequest { param($argument) return ($argument -eq "-?" -or $argument -eq "-help"); } #=================================================================== # Function that displays the help related to this script following # the same format provided by get-help or <cmdletcall> -? #=================================================================== function Usage { @" NAME: ConfigureOLAnywhere.ps1 SYNOPSIS: Configures Offline Adress Book Web Distribution on an Exchange 2007 CAS Server for usage by Internet and Internal clients. SYNTAX: ConfigureOLAnywhere.ps1 `t[-Server <CASServerName>] `t[-ExternalName <ExternalFQDN>] `t[-OutlookAnywhereAuthNTLM] PARAMETERS: -Server (required) The server to operate against. Must be an Exchange 2007 CAS server. -ExternalName (required) The external FQDN under which the services will be accessible. -OutlookAnywhereAuthNTLM (optional) If set, the script will configure the authentication mechanism for Outlook Anywhere Clients to use NTLM instead of Basic. -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 -------------------------- .\ConfigureOLAnywhere.ps1 -Server CAS1 -ExternalName mail.contoso.com -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 -------------------------- .\ConfigureOLAnywhere.ps1 -Server CAS1 -ExternalName mail.contoso.com -OutlookAnywhereAuthNTLM "@ } #======================================= # Check for Usage Statement Request #======================================= $args | foreach { if (IsHelpRequest $_) { Usage; exit; } } #===================================================== # Validate the parameters and Execute the functions #===================================================== $ifValidParams = ValidateParams; if (!$ifValidParams) { exit; } #======================================= # Determine if Server is Local Machine Function #======================================= $server = $server.ToUpper() $LocalServerName = hostname if ($LocalServerName -eq $server) {$IsLocal = "True"} else {$IsLocal = "False"} #======================================= # Configure Outlook Anywhere Function #======================================= function ConfigureOLAnywhere { $OAenabled = Get-OutlookAnywhere -Server $Server if ($OAenabled -eq $Null) { Write-Host "Enabling Outlook Anywhere..."; if ($OutlookAnywhereAuthNTLM) {Enable-OutlookAnywhere -Server $server -ExternalHostname $ExternalName -DefaultAuthenticationMethod "NTLM" -SSLOffloading:$False} else {Enable-OutlookAnywhere -Server $server -ExternalHostname $ExternalName -DefaultAuthenticationMethod "Basic" -SSLOffloading:$False} } else {Write-Host "Outlook Anywhere is already enabled"} } #======================================= # Reset IIS on the server #======================================= function ResetIIS { if ($isLocal -eq "True") {Write-Host "Restarting IIS Services..." iisreset /noforce} else {Write-Host "Please restart the IIS services on $server by executing the command iisreset /noforce."} } #======================================= # Assign values to Variables #======================================= #======================================= # Execute functions #======================================= ConfigureOLAnywhere; ResetIIS;
Verwenden von Editor, um ein PowerShell-Skript zum Konfigurieren von Outlook Web Access auf Servercomputern mit Exchange 2007 zu erstellen, auf denen die Serverfunktion "ClientAccess" installiert ist
Öffnen Sie Editor oder einen anderen Texteditor.
Kopieren Sie den folgenden Code in eine Datei, und speichern Sie die Datei unter einem beschreibenden Namen und mit der Erweiterung PS1. Es wird empfohlen, die Datei configureowa.ps1 zu nennen.
#"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!! THIS IS NOT A MICROSOFT SUPPORTED SCRIPT. !!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!! TEST IN A LAB FOR DESIRED OUTCOME !!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!" #"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" #" " #======================================= #ConfigureOWA.ps1 #THIS CODE AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY #KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE #IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A #PARTICULAR PURPOSE. #Description: Script to configure OWA settings on a CAS server. #Based on Original Work By: Christian Schindler (NTx BOCG) #This Script Written by: Ross Smith IV (Microsoft) #Version: 1.5 #Last Updated: 3/16/2007 #======================================= # To get help, just add the \"-help\" paramter #======================================= # Parameter definition #======================================= Param( [string] $ExternalName, [string] $Server, [string] $PublicTO, [string] $PrivateTO, [switch] $EnableGZipHigh, [switch] $EnableFBA, [switch] $EnableIntAuth, [switch] $ForcePublicWebReady, [switch] $DisablePublicWSSAccess, [switch] $DisablePrivateWSSAccess, [switch] $DisablePublicUNCAccess, [switch] $DisablePrivateUNCAccess, [switch] $EnableRedirection, [switch] $SetLegacyVDirs ) #======================================= # Function that validates the script parameters #======================================= function ValidateParams { $validInputs = $true $errorString = "" if ($Server -eq "") { $validInputs = $false $errorString += "`n`nMissing Parameter: The -Server parameter is required. Please pass in the name of a valid CAS Server." + "`n" } if ($EnableRedirection) { if ($ExternalName -eq "") { $validInputs = $false $errorString += "`nMissing Parameter: The -ExternalName parameter is required. Please pass in the desired FQDN." } } if (!$validInputs) { Write-error "$errorString" } return $validInputs } #======================================= # Function that returns true if the incoming argument is a help request #======================================= function IsHelpRequest { param($argument) return ($argument -eq "-?" -or $argument -eq "-help"); } #======================================= # Function that displays the help related to this script following # the same format provided by get-help or <cmdletcall> -? #======================================= function Usage { @" NAME: ConfigureOWA.ps1 SYNOPSIS: Configures Outlook Web Access settings on an Exchange 2007 CAS Server. IIS services will be restarted after configuration. SYNTAX: ConfigureOWA.ps1 `t[-Server <CASServerName>] `t[-EnableFBA] `t[-EnableIntAuth] `t[-EnableRedirection] `t[-ExternalName <FQDN>] `t[-PublicTO <Timeout Value>] `t[-PrivateTO <Timeout Value>] `t[-EnableGZipHigh] `t[-ForcePublicWebReady] `t[-DisablePublicWSSAccess] `t[-DisablePublicUNCAccess] `t[-DisablePrivateWSSAccess] `t[-DisablePrivateUNCAccess] `t[-SetLegacyVDirs] PARAMETERS: -Server (required) The server to operate against. Must be an Exchange 2007 CAS server. -EnableFBA (optional) Configures the server use Forms-Based Authentication (enabled by default during CAS installation). -EnableIntAuth (optional) Configures the server use Windows Integrated Authentication. -EnableRedirection (optional) Configures the server to redirect the user to the appropriate CAS server. -ExternalName (Required with EnableRedirection) The external FQDN under which the services will be accessible. -PublicTO (Optional) The public timeout value in minutes for Forms-Based Authentication. -PrivateTO (Optional) The public timeout value in minutes for Forms-Based Authentication -EnableGZipHigh (Optional) OWA is configured to use GZip Low GZip compression. This option will enable High compresssion. -ForcePublicWebReady (Optional) This parameter forces certain attachments to be viewed via a web interface when clients connect via the Public Computer FBA option. -DisablePublicWSSAccess (Optional) This parameter will disable SharePoint Document Library access via the Public Computer FBA access option. -DisablePublicUNCAccess (Optional) This parameter will disable File Share access via the Public Computer FBA access option. -DisablePrivateWSSAccess (Optional) This parameter will disable SharePoint Document Library access via the Private Computer FBA access option. -DisablePrivateUNCAccess (Optional) This parameter will disable File Share access via the Private FBA access option. -SetLegacyVDirs (Optional) This parameter sets the same options on /exchange, /public, and /exchweb that are used on /owa. -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 -------------------------- .\ConfigureOWA.ps1 -Server CAS1 -EnableFBA -EnableGZipHigh -ForcePublicWebReady -DisablePublicWSSAccess -DisablePublicUNCAccess -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 -------------------------- .\ConfigureOWA.ps1 -Server CAS1 -EnableIntAuth -SetLegacyVDirs -DisablePrivateWSSAccess -DisablePrivateUNCAccess -PrivateTO 360 -PublicTO 60 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 -------------------------- .\ConfigureOWA.ps1 -Server CAS1 -EnableRedirection -ExternalName mail.contoso.com "@ } #======================================= # Check for Usage Statement Request #======================================= $args | foreach { if (IsHelpRequest $_) { Usage; exit; } } #======================================= # Validate the parameters and Execute the functions #======================================= $ifValidParams = ValidateParams; if (!$ifValidParams) { exit; } #======================================= # Determine if Server is Local Machine #======================================= $server = $server.ToUpper() $LocalServerName = hostname if ($LocalServerName -eq $server) {$IsLocal = "True"} else {$IsLocal = "False"} #======================================= # Determine if Timeout is enabled #======================================= $TimeoutEnabled = "False" if ($PublicTO -ne $NULL) {$TimeoutEnabled = "True"} if ($PrivateTO -ne $NULL) {$TimeoutEnabled = "True"} #======================================= # Configure OWA V-Dir Function #======================================= function ConfigureOWA { Write-Host "Configuring Outlook Web Access Settings..." if ($EnableFBA) {Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity $owavdir -FormsAuthentication:$true} if ($EnableIntAuth) {Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity $owavdir -WindowsAuthentication:$true} if ($EnableGZipHigh) {Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity $owavdir -GzipLevel High} if ($Timeoutenabled -eq "True") { if ($IsLocal -eq "True") { if ($PrivateTO) {set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchange OWA" -name PrivateTimeout -value $PrivateTO -type dword} if ($PublicTO) {set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchange OWA" -name PublicTimeout -value $PublicTO -type dword} } else { $rootkey=[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey("LOCALMACHINE",$server).OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchange OWA", [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKeyPermissionCheck]::ReadWriteSubTree) if ($PrivateTO) {$PrivateTOValue=$rootkey $PrivateTOValue.SetValue("PrivateTimeout", "$PrivateTO", [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::DWord)} if ($PublicTO) {$PublicTOValue=$rootkey $PublicTOValue.SetValue("PublicTimeout", "$PublicTO", [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::DWord)} $rootkey.Flush() $rootkey.Close() } } if ($ForcePublicWebReady) {Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity $owavdir -ForceWebReadyDocumentViewingFirstOnPublicComputers $true} if ($DisablePublicWSSAccess) {Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity $owavdir -WSSAccessOnPublicComputersEnabled $true} if ($DisablePrivateWSSAccess) {Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity $owavdir -WSSAccessOnPrivateComputersEnabled $true} if ($DisablePublicUNCAccess) {Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity $owavdir -UNCAccessOnPublicComputersEnabled $true} if ($DisablePrivateUNCAccess) {Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity $owavdir -UNCAccessOnPrivateComputersEnabled $true} if ($EnableRedirection) {Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -identity $owavdir -ExternalURL https://$ExternalName/$owa} } #======================================= # Configure Legacy Virtual Directories Function #======================================= function ConfigureLegacyVDirs { Write-Host "Configuring Legacy Outlook Web Access Settings..." if ($EnableFBA) {Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity $exchangevdir -FormsAuthentication:$true Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity $exchwebvdir -FormsAuthentication:$true Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity $Publicvdir -FormsAuthentication:$true} if ($EnableIntAuth) {Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity $exchangevdir -WindowsAuthentication:$true Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity $exchwebvdir -WindowsAuthentication:$true Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity $Publicvdir -WindowsAuthentication:$true} if ($EnableGZipHigh) {Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity $exchangevdir -GzipLevel High Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity $exchwebvdir -GzipLevel High Set-owavirtualdirectory -identity $Publicvdir -GzipLevel High} } #======================================= # Reset IIS on the server #======================================= function ResetIIS { if ($IsLocal -eq "True") {Write-Host "Restarting IIS Services..." iisreset /noforce} else {Write-Host "Please restart the IIS services on $server by executing the command iisreset /noforce."} } #======================================= # Assign values to Variables #======================================= $owavdir = "$server\OWA (Default Web Site)" $exchwebvdir = "$server\exchweb (Default Web Site)" $Publicvdir = "$server\public (Default Web Site)" $exchangevdir = "$server\exchange (Default Web Site)" $owa = "owa" $exchange = "exchange" $Public = "public" $exchweb = "exchweb" #======================================= # Execute functions #======================================= if ($SetLegacyVDirs) {ConfigureOWA; ConfigureLegacyVDirs; ResetIIS;} else {ConfigureOWA; ResetIIS;}
Weitere Informationen
Weitere Informationen zum Dokumentieren und Automatisieren des Exchange-Serverbuildvorgangs finden Sie unter Handbücher für die Serverinstallation und -automatisierung.